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Everything posted by N3ONⱣɄNƘ

    This looks really cool, I can't wait to play around with it. I have a ton of slot machine games for the android emulator nox. Great job and thanks for sharing!
  1. Thank you very much! That did the trick!
  2. Hello, I have a game for PC that I would like to add to my launchbox collection. This game is split into 5 chapters all with their own .exe and I prefer not to add each chapter as its own game. Does someone have any advice or ideas on how to add a title with 5 separate launchers?
  3. That worked! Thank you very much! 🥳
  4. Hello, I am having some issues when I launch a game using batch files through LaunchBox, the command window stays open. So far it is happening with OpenBor and Triforce platforms. The Triforce cmd window is blank while the OpenBor cmd window says "R:\LaunchBox\Emulators\OpenBOR>echo off 1 file(s) copied. (Example batch files and screenshots are below). Does anyone have a solution? OpenBor @echo off del R:\LaunchBox\Emulators\OpenBOR\Paks\* /Q copy %1 R:\LaunchBox\Emulators\OpenBOR\Paks\ OpenBOR.exe exit Sega Triforce @echo off rem start JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe start f1button.vbs "..\..\..\emulators\Dolphin Triforce\F-Zero AX\DolphinWX.exe" --exec=".\F-Zero AX.iso" --batch rem TASKKILL /F /IM JoyToKey.exe
  5. 727 downloads

    I made this custom Launchbox icon for personal use and wanted to share it with the community. I wish I had more to give but it's a small gesture to say thanks for all your help and making this the best frontend on the market. Also I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong section but I did not find an option for icons.
  6. Launchbox Icon View File I made this custom Launchbox icon for personal use and wanted to share it with the community. I wish I had more to give but it's a small gesture to say thanks for all your help and making this the best frontend on the market. Also I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong section but I did not find an option for icons. Submitter RebelResurrected Submitted 03/13/2021 Category LaunchBox Custom Badges  
  7. Thank you so much! That did the trick and was so much easier than my method lol.
  8. Hello, Long time visitor, first time poster. This forum has been a great help to get me started setting up my launchbox/big box (Thank you!) but I seem to be stuck and it's been days I've been searching for answers and have tried everything I found on the internet including this site. I set up some windows batch files to launch my Pinball FX3 directly into their tables. It worked fine but one small issue I am having is that the cmd window pops open in front of the game and stays open. I then either have to manually close the window or change tabs to get back to my game. My question is how can I make the cmd window open either behind the game, minimize after opening or close entirely? Below is an example of the codes I am using for one of the table. Please advise. "Pinball FX3.exe" -offline -class -table_Alien_Isolation Edit: The issue is only when using Big Box. I can execute the cmd and the window minimizes when opening through Launchbox and from my desktop.
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