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Everything posted by FR0NZ

  1. it works now. first i have looked which joystick driver my n64 controller use with the joystick test script. its on the ahk page: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/scripts/index.htm#JoystickTest they displayed joystick #2 finally my code: 2Joy8:: If GetKeyState("2Joy10") { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
  2. tryed it with my regular controller and it works.... looked the buttons in launchbox settings for my n64 controller...start = button 10 and Z = button 8. when i connect my n64 controller and disconnect all others, the script must be work...: Joy8:: If GetKeyState("Joy10") { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } but it wont work..maybe ahk handle the buttons with other numbers for my n64 controller? //EDIT: Finally it works 2Joy8:: If GetKeyState("2Joy10") { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} }
  3. dont work..
  4. hi, i need a script to exit n64 games for my N64 controller. he should have a different exit key as my regular controller in launchbox. tryed this, but didn't work: Joy7:: If GetKeyState("Joy8") { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} } so usually i want to hold the start button (Joy7) and press up on the digital pad. in this sctipt above i hold the start button and pres the z trigger. but it generally does not work...any tips? (im using Project64 as Emulator)
  5. Sooo, i have finally fixed it. Cause was the N64 video plugin „GlideN64“, loading Hi-Res textures. Glitch does not occur with the video Plugin Glide64_Final.
  6. Oh okay... GTX 1050 Ti
  7. @Jason Carr so i‘ve tryed it with startup screen off....the black bar appears anyway after exiting games and after 1 second the screen moves to the right where the black bar was and is normal again...
  8. Okay i wasn‘t sure if jason mean the render resolution. So, im starting N64 games in 1920x1080 like my display resolution.. I will try this later with startup Screen off. I didn‘t have a nahimic Service running.
  9. What do you mean exactly with changing resolutions? start up screens are on.
  10. I have a weird glitch after exiting games and tryed all possible solutions in this thread and i didnt have a nahimic service running. using the newest launchbox version 11.7
  11. Yes, its in all themes but with different glitches after exiting games. .NET Core is on 3.1.8 The glitch is on launchbox 11.2 too.
  12. So i tryed to fix it, but i dont have a nahimic Service running.. I have reinstalled my graphic drivers, updated to the newest Windows Version. The glitch still occures but the black Bar ist now Transparent and shows the Desktop. new launchbox install didnt fix it too
  13. Thanks, I will try this
  14. Okay the bug is on ALL themes. Reinstalled graphic drivers didn’t work
  15. When im exiting n64 games its show me a weird display bug: im using the colorful dark theme and configured bigbox as windows shell. how I fix this?
  16. It works with the cxbx-ldr.exe and the /load argument in the command line thanks!
  17. This ahk script: Sleep, 3000 Send !{enter} $Esc:: { Send {f6} Send !{f4} Return } doesnt work for me. It closes the emulation but the cxbx window is still there, so i must double click the exit key. Im using the newest launchbox version (11.6) any ideas?
  18. Okay, thank you
  19. Finally i configured my launchbox/bigbox with all emulators, roms and ahk scripts. I have a old version (7.1) and want to upgrade to the newest. Is there anything I need to consider before the upgrade (e.g. lose some settings?)
  20. Do you know a script to hide the emulator window and the mouse cursor?
  21. Yeah i mean the additional apps tab. Okay thank you i will try it
  22. it is possible to add a tool to all roms at once at startup? dont want to configure each rom separately. cant find a option
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