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Everything posted by asmeghead

  1. Any hints on were to find the roms and what emulator is needed? I can only find paid sets
  2. Sorry for the silly question but how is this diffrent to already inbuilt option for background music?
  3. I have launchbox on a external drive with everything working. Got a new pc which I connected to the external drive and the swanstation core and hbmame will not load the roms, as in the emulators/cores just shut down. I have installed directx and c++. As said it all works fine when I reconnect it back with the old pc.
  4. I managed to get the HBmame versions to show by downgrading launchbox to version "12.4" as this is before the mame fullset importer was updated and uses a sligthly diffrent way off importing mame roms. I then updated back to the current version iam on (13.0). The only issue was i had to delete the "InputBindings.xml" in the Data file within launchbox.
  5. Does anyone know or have a guide on how to launch java games from launchbox using KEmulator.
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