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Everything posted by johnprobe

  1. That is just great really great. It will let me customise the front end any way I like. Again many thanks - super feature and allows for so much
  2. Greetings. I plan on have a Platform called Top 50 Arcade Games. It'll basically be a subset of my Arcade Platform [my imported romset]. When I boot into Bigbox I want it nice and simple and just have the two options...the two Platforms This is not as easy as I hoped...not that I'm complaining as this post is just to highlight my way around this. I just created a second instance of MAME using a different romset version and imported these roms into my Top 50 Platform. I couldn't see a way using Playlists to create the second Platform in such a way that it left the two Platform options only. Anyway, I'm big into the Bigbox now.
  3. That worked for me as well - I also found I was able to remove practically all config menu options using the security options as well.
  4. It could be that the rom name is not matching the bezel file name. The system then thinks there is no bezel file and uses a default. Try checking the name of a problem rom against the bezel file names
  5. That did the trick - you are most wise. Thanks. I'll google this now and work out for my own understanding why it worked..but thanks. Noble mention and second place medal to Lordmonkus
  6. I have a nice set of 100 mame roms that run fine outside of Launchbox - inside Launchbox they do not run. It is an older version of Mame I'm using though - version is 0.120 . Is this the reasons it will not run in Launchbox. I understand I can import newer roms / versions and all that [and I will] but I was wondering why Launchbox won't run these.
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