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Rob_G last won the day on November 3 2022

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  1. More like emulation station gamecarousel, I've never used or worked with hyperspin. If that means logo rotation relative to wheel curve, then yes to that. I thought I might go back and update Unified Lives.... The wheel was something I was never happy with Rob
  2. Have there been any improvements to theming in general so that wheels can have a proper curve now? The last time I worked on a theme back with CTC2.5, it didn't seem possible - at that time. Rob
  3. Rob_G

    Unified Lives!

    Looking to hand future development over to someone else. I will not be working on this any more
  4. It's been a long while since I last worked on "Unified Lives!" and I just don't see myself going back to it (no interest). Rather than letting it go stale, if someone is willing to put in the effort to update and maybe even maintain it then I will hand over the source code (Community Theme Creator 2.55). Rob
  5. I think the 'IsCasino' boolean in the mame xml data is being used wrong, or some games have wrong metadata Megatouch XL is one example identified as a casino game when it's just another version of a Megatouch game. Rob
  6. I've changed my approach a bit now. Instead of deleting items, I just hide them by changing the hidden element in the platform or gamelist xml. I don't have anything written for launchbox (yet), but I did write something for batocera already.. Same principle though. This keeps everything in place like bios and device files which are needed, but hides them since they aren't actually games to play. Rob
  7. Ok, one thing I had not counted on was that device roms are not included with the game roms. So for example, Arkanoid won't launch if mame cannot find m68705p3.zip which is a processor device rom. The solution is going to be to not touch device (or bios) zip files now. I have updated the script to leave these alone. Also, I have added a backup option to move files to another location instead of just deleting them if that is what you want. I updated the script in the first post. Rob
  8. I wrote a powershell script to cleanup a full (merged) mame romset and remove the following junk: Non working Non arcade No disk dump CHD Missing Casino Mahjong Playchoice 10 Mechanical Non Runnabl Uses Software lists Clones Filtering mame xml is NOT bulletproof. There are no explicit tags for language or genre so some filtering is tedious and/or may produce undesired results. So it's best to err on the side of caution. There will be casino/mahjong games that slip by for example and this even happens with Launchbox mame import. Final tally is that this reduces a mame merged set from 15000+ files to less than 4000 files. function deletefile($file) { #Comment next line if you don't want backup #$backupfolder = "d:\backupfolder" if (($backupfolder -ne $null) -and (($backupfolder | test-path) -eq $false)) { md $backupfolder } if ((Get-ChildItem $file -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {return} if ($backupfolder -ne $null) { write-host "Moving $file.name to $backupfolder" #$file | move-item -Destination $backupfolder } else { write-host "Deleting $file" $file | Remove-Item -Force } } if ($xml -eq $null) { #Changed to wherever your mame.exe is [xml]$xml = D:\Launchbox\Emulators\Mame\mame.exe -listxml } #Change to wherever your roms are stored $dir = "Z:\roms\mame" $xml.mame.machine | ForEach-Object { $name = $_.name $romfile = $dir + "\" + $name + ".zip" #Is a bios if ($_.isbios -eq "yes") {return} #Is a device if ($_.isdevice -eq "yes") {return} # Delete rom if it has no associated input or coins is null if ($_.input -eq $null) { deletefile $romfile return } $checkforcoin = $null $checkforcoin = ($_ | select -ExpandProperty input).coins if ($checkforcoin -eq $null) { deletefile $romfile return } #Unplayable if ($_.driver.status -eq "preliminary") {deletefile $romfile;return} #No disk dump if ($_.disk.status -eq "nodump") {deletefile $romfile;return} #Missing CHD if ($_.disk.status -eq "good") { $chdname = $dir + "\" + $_.name + "\" + $_.disk.name + ".chd" $checkdir = $null $checkdir = Get-ChildItem $chdname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($checkdir -eq $null) {deletefile $romfile;return} } #Not runnbable if ($_.runnable -eq "no") {deletefile $romfile;return} #Mechanical if ($_.ismechanical -eq "yes") {deletefile $romfile;return} #Description keywords #Playchoice isn't necessary #I think most rhythm games are unplayable as well if ($_.description -match "playchoice|mahjong|percussion|rhythm|beatmania") {deletefile $romfile;return} #Slot machine if ($_.manufacturer -match "Videos A A|QPS|IGT - International Game Technology|Aristocrat|Igrosoft") {deletefile $romfile;return} if ($_.description -match "casino|gamble|slot|fruit|mazooma|gaminator|poker") {deletefile $romfile;return} if ($_.sourcefile -match "barcrest|goldstar.cpp") {deletefile $romfile;return} #A few junk stragglers if ($_.sourcefile -match "nes_clone.cpp|att3b2.cpp|telercas|tvgames|skeleton|aristocrat|casio|yamaha|famibox") {deletefile $romfile;return} #Uses softwarelist if ($_.softwarelist -ne $null) {deletefile $romfile;return} #Is a clone. Not sure we keep or not. Disabled next line for now #if ($_.cloneof -ne $null) {deletefile $romfile;return} }
  9. I almost regret including the recent games listbox in my theme since there's just no control over what it shows or how it activates. Rob
  10. Rob_G

    Unified Lives!

    That might be your issue right there. Rob
  11. Rob_G

    Unified Lives!

    Is the drive formatted NTFS? Rob
  12. I roughed up a proof of concept for exporting launchbox style media to a batocera installation. It's just something to play around with I guess. This POC copied video files, renamed them appropriately and generated a new game list xml. There are going to be limitations, but it certainly beats downloading gigs of data again through very slow scrapers. $imgsourcedir = "D:\Launchbox\Images\Sammy Atomiswave" $vidsourcedir = "D:\Launchbox\Videos\Sammy Atomiswave" $destdir = "Z:\roms\atomiswave" [xml]$xml = Get-Content $destdir\gamelist.xml $xml.gameList.game | ForEach-Object { $name = $_.name write-host "Game: " $name $videos = dir $vidsourcedir -Recurse $firstvid = $null $firstvid = $videos | Where-Object {$_.name -match $name} | select -first 1 if ($firstvid -ne $null) { write-host "Video Found: " $firstvid.name $startchar = "/" $endchar = "." $pattern = @" (?<=\$StartChar).+?(?=\$EndChar) "@ $newvidname = [regex]::Matches($_.path, $pattern).Value + "-video" + $firstvid.Extension $firstvid | Copy-Item -Destination ($destdir + "\videos\$newvidname") $newvideoelement = $_.AppendChild($xml.CreateElement("video")) $newvideoelement.AppendChild($xml.CreateTextNode('./videos/' + $newvidname)) | Out-Null } } $xml.save("$destdir\gamelist.xml")
  13. I'm not a python guy, but I do powershell and am in the process of testing out Batocera. Media download is just ugly though. Rather than re-downloading gigs of data, I'm going to write a PS script to migrate my stuff over. I may even do this with workflows... It may just all be a wasted effort, but it's fun to play around. Rob
  14. Rob_G

    Unified Lives!

    Check this thread, something similar:
  15. Rob_G

    Unified Lives!

    13.1 is fine. When you say you installed a fresh copy, do you mean in a new folder or over top an existing installation? Try a brand new folder if you have not already. Then try importing a single game or small group of games as a test. What kind of monitor do you have? What resolution are you running? Thank you for the kind feedback Rob
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