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Everything posted by Mortalis

  1. @faeran I was on v1. I upgraded to beta 1.1 to see if that helped but same issue. I don't have any custom images, just what my Windows LB downloaded automatically. I noticed checking my Windows images they have numbers appended, so the export is taking them exact as they are which is fine except it looks like my LB on Android wants them named exactly as the ROM is named.
  2. Hello, I am in the process of exporting games from my Windows LB setup. Games and videos transfer over fine but the images I noticed were getting downloaded instead of what was exported. I tracked it down to them being export with like Chrono Trigger-01.jpg, Secret of Mana-02.jpg. Once I removed the numbers and made it just Chrono Trigger.jpg it worked just fine, is there a way for it not to append numbers or have Android still reading it with numbers at the end? Removing the numbers manually on bigger collections would be a pain. Thank you.
  3. I have the same issue on my Note 20, I had it on Android 11 and 12.
  4. Where are you changing it to swanstation? I have it here, only place I could fine but it keeps opening in Duckstation, I verified I do have the swanstation core.
  5. I am talking about the Android version, I have it set up on Windows just fine.
  6. Yes and I understand that, on Windows I have just the m3u selected but the chd files are in the same directory. Is there a way to scan my directory for just the m3u files so I don't have to selected CD1 version, CD2 version because its adds all the chd or bin files. There should be a way to just filter the m3u or cue depending on what you use.
  7. Hello, I am adding my PS1 roms to the Nvidia Shield. It is adding my m3u and chd files, is there a way to restrict it to just the m3u files?
  8. Yes this is my last hurdle to get this setup. ResetCollection is able to mounted storage on the Shield so it is possible somehow. Thanks again.
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