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Everything posted by Bumblebee

  1. Hey All, I've been looking around for portable displays (such as EYOYO on amazon (12" Display) 4:3 AR https://www.amazon.com/Eyoyo-Monitor-1366x768-Portable-Display/dp/B01KJVERF8/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1XGB9NRO08NFD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.v7Xo_BmqmMAB9IfkDg0GePxK3WWo0NSldwY16w4W9DTZcLokV7VcyZYqtjDaZqdiSxQTmBmjYg4mcm6ENg9YbSfNtI2keiwegPaSyTGmw0kX5Cpdy5m-MPlYIpdXPKEgHv-8TBXLBO5MSOjU15HudkhNYX8C-x_vKGgya7fquyATx1mZItBWRA8BihWTZZuWDPIXGcoy7bgMQQM3XLGcpKbLHtLdH0_6Qrkp45Y7zbE.2PGPzoxb7ksZzhoh2AgQDIkaUdaYm2DLmQY4qHU8TgE&dib_tag=se&keywords=EYOYO%2BGaming%2BDisplay&qid=1727862773&sprefix=eyoyo%2Bgaming%2Bdisplay%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-5&th=1) for retro gaming. My ultimate question after finding a youtube video that the following aspect ratios are great for retro gaming: 4:3 8:7 3:2 Can someone tell me if there is a monitor that supports all of those? I am just looking for an all-in-one solution, so the games I play, whether through retroarch or a stand alone emultor will run them in their true glory if you know what I mean. No Pillow Bars (black bars), at the top or bottom of game that is running. If not, anything close in terms of a monitor? I don't really care what type of monitor it is, I am just looking around for now, but looking for an all in one meaning all those AR's can be changed on one screen. Meaning in the settings, I could choose 4:3 8:7 or 3:2 aspect ratio and play the game in that AR. BB
  2. Neil, Let me just confirm my issue since I am in front of my Nvidia shield tv at the moment with my Ubuntu laptop on with a local share (roms) already set. On my shield running: Android 11 Updated to 9.0.2( Security patch level February 5, 2022 I am using FX Plus trial file manager on my Nvidia shield tv and that does connect to my laptop share folder. When I open Launchbox, and try to import games, the only path is: /storage/emulated/0 I also tried moving the LaunchBox folder to my shared folder (from fx plus file manager) but no difference. ☹️ Any suggestions ❔
  3. Jason, Do you know how long it will be before this Nvidia issue will be fixed? Regards, Brian
  4. Thank you Burninator1983! I am using retroarch plus, but a big problem is I cannot use nas. I have a couple of rom collections on my laptop but cannot access them from my Nvidia shield tv. Retroarch Doesn't support shares? Is there a work around so I can access roms from my laptop? BB
  5. Hey, Just wanted to drop by to see if anyone knows when a new version is coming out for Android. Also regarding the Android version of Launchbox, do I have to purchase the application to support all the emulators? I have the latest version for android installed on my Nvidia Shield TV but I don't see all the platforms when adding games. Regards, BB
  6. Just to mention, I don't think it's required...I do think launchbox as is works flawless with the tests of NES, Sega, and N64 Games! I have also tried some atari games too, just to name a few consoles, but I would like just as much as the developers would like to see a completed Android Launchbox rig. That would really be fantastic! Keep going guys you can get it!
  7. I have 0.42 already installed on my nvidia shield tv, and it does work, but it doesn't support all the platforms that the windows version does. I don't use windows, but from ETA Primes youtube videos on launchbox, I see there are quite a lot of platforms included on Windows. Example: Dos or Scummvm games to just name a couple have not been implemented at this time. No rush, but I was thinking that I was doing something wrong, ex: I thought I had to download them before launching Launcbox. Regarding the Launchbox license, will the android Launchbox license support Big Box? I would like to use Launchbox mainly on my Shield TV, but I might also just get a windows license as well just because... But I want to get it fully working on my Shield TV first...Anyone else have any luck or more information regarding Nvidia Shield and Launchbox? BB
  8. Does anyone else have an updated answer to my question? I understand what thewhite said, but I am curious to know if launchbox for Nvidia Shield TV will be a stable version soon. By stable, I mean I have researched some articles regarding launchbox when it was short lived on android, but from what I understand, it was working quite well then. So are the developers going to have all the same emulators ported to the android version of the new launchbox? I never used Launchbox back then when it was available on Android, since I only had my Nvidia Shield TV for less than a year. Please give me some updates on Launchbox for Android because I want to go premium with launchbox very soon if all is well with everything from the emulators to the big box. Thanks guys! BB
  9. Thank you thewhite for the info! Happy New Year!
  10. Hey Guys, I am using LaunchBox 0.42 on the Nvidia Shield TV (the tube version of the nvidia shield - Older model)... When I try to add dos or scummvm games, those platforms don't exist, how can I load them into launchbox on my nvidia shield? Edit: Sorry if there is an answer for this question already, I am just starting with Launchbox, I am running linux on my pc, so I never used LaunchBox for Windows. Edit 2: From what I have read so far, it appears that 0.42 is a beta version. Am I correct that it's still being developed? My apologies if that is the case. Ps: Approx. When will the android version be stable version? Thanks guys! BB
  11. @pasteko Thanks pasteko, I will try that later. Copy/Paste game list. Brian
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