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Everything posted by jackhulk

  1. Hi C-Beats, where can I find your platform data and this plugin you mention please?
  2. Hello I'm trying to add 3 Mame roms... Conquest (conquest.zip) Marble Madness II (marblmd2.zip) Super tank attack (STANKATK.ZIP) Here are my settings, plus I've tried all over possible settings... Regardless of any settings I use, the "Ready to Import" is empty and therefore I cannot add these roms. Where am I going wrong please, and how can I add them? Thank you
  3. Hello Does the Auto-Populate allow for OR statements? For example can I use... Play Mode - Is Equal To - 2-Player Alternating OR 3-Player Alternating OR 3-Player Alternating If so what is the correct way to include OR statement please? I the tried above but it didn't work, so perhaps I need to use , or / or \ or something else in order for it to work? Or do I simply have to create an "equal to" for each separate condition? Thank you
  4. Many thanks, but I think it's just easier to create a duplicate in this instance... I'm a baller, I can afford the additional 400 bytes! 😁 Thanks for the reminder about symbolic links and that utility though! I came across symbolic links a number of years ago but never got around to investigating how to use them properly. I can definitely use such links in other scenarios. 👍
  5. The use case for this is to copy a playlist with many conditions where only a minor change needs applying, e.g. number of player. If you have many playlists with many conditions, it's much easier to simply copy/edit than to create from scratch, which could also be prone to errors. One of my use case is creating custom genre playlist for 1-4 player. My understanding is that it's not possible to create sub playlists (4 Players) linked to existing playlist (Genre), so I'm having to create a playlist for each and every number of players, e.g. "Racing 2-Player", "Racing 3-Player" so on and so forth. But perhaps I am mistaken and there is a more elegant way of doing this? 340 Undercillion... I like those odds 😄 I was more concerned with possible unknow affects other than duplications; if duplication is the only possible issue, then I have nothing to worry about. From testing, LB simply ignore a duplicate playlist so that it doesn't display within LB, and then actually deletes it from the Date/Playlist folders upon closing.
  6. Thank you, but the issue with this is that the newly created playlist is static, i,e, non auto-populating, and therefore I would have to create all the conditions from scratch again which defeats the purpose of what I am trying to achieve. I take it it's not possible to simply copy an existing playlist then, other than the way I described above? Is there any adverse affect from me manually creating the playlists GUID as described?
  7. Hello I have several similar playlists (2-Player Alternative, 2-Player Simultaneous) where I would like them to use the same playlist icon, i.e. "2 Player Games.png". Is it possible to set LB to use this single icon png, or is the only way possible to duplicate the icon and rename it accordingly, i.e. 2-Player Alternative.png, 2-Player Simultaneous.png? Thank you
  8. Hello I would like to copy several playlists, and the only way I've found to do this is by simply copy/paste a playlist within he Date/Playlist folder, then editing the <PlaylistId> to a unique number. Is this the correct way please, or is this likely to cause issues where I am creating a random playlistId? One thing I have noticed and not sure if it's related or normal behaviour, is that when I rename a playlist, be that one I've copied or one of the originals created by LB, a new image folder is created as detailed here, instead of simply renaming the original folder. This then leaves a load of old redundant folders present. Thank you
  9. Hello I noted within Images/Playlist folder, a new folder is created after renaming a playlist, and the old folder remains. Is this normal? I assumed the folder would simply be renamed instead of creating a new one as this could get very message with all the old folder remaining. Thank you
  10. I managed to fix this issue. Turns out that one of my rom metadata was the cause as it had "Platform: All". Once I updated this to the correct "Platform: Arcade", the duplicate "All" disappeared.
  11. Thank you, but unfortunately none of them were under additional apps. Strangely trying to import them again today without doing anything different (using the "Import all clones" option as before), and Super Off Road Trak Pak imported correctly, but Country Club still wouldn't, so I just added that as additional app to Lee Trevion's Golf. Thank you.
  12. Hello All of a sudden, today I have 2 "All" under platform... How can I fix this please so as only one displays?
  13. Hello There are two ROM that I am trying to import "Country Club" (countryc.zip) and "Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road Track-Pak" (offroadt.zip); LB states "successfully imported", and yet they are not imported, or at least I cannot find them anywhere. I have tried all options I know of including drag 'n' drop, Import > MAME Full Arcade Set and Import ROM Files (via folder and adding file), along with all the various importing options such as force duplicate etc, all options has LB stating successfully imported, but they haven't. Where am I going wrong please and how can I get these imported? It's as if there are some reduces still lurking in the database from previous imports/deleted ROMS, so if there is no other way for me to try and import, perhaps I can edit them out of the database manually? If so which file do I need to edit please and where to find it? Thank you
  14. Do you mean we the user can add a flag to ignore the mame folder, and if so how please?
  15. On first launching this beta I let it import, interesting to see what it would find as nothing has changed with no files being added, however the imported quickly found 1300+ roms to install, which I quickly stopped but not before it could import 250+ roms. What I found is that these roms are the ones I filtered out within the import full set wizard, such as games requiring CHD files. I think this will catch many people out who will end up importing vast amount of games they they original filtered out. I also noted some games that really should have been imported by the full set wizard, but wasn't. Here is my original import filter... The beta for example imported Badlands, which is a game that uses a wheel, so according to my above filter the full set wizard should have imported this but did not, and there are many other examples of this. Why would that be please?
  16. Ahh right, thank you! Although I see couldn't see the download link even now, it took me a find it! For any other newbs with blind spots like me, it's at the very top of the post... "View File".
  17. Thank you and not to worry. It's such a quick process that it would make sense for LB to do it automatically on start-up, although I guess most don't change images that often once all setup... unless you are me who spends more time tinkering LB making it look prettier than actually playing games! 😄
  18. Thank you, but whilst that works in part the idea was to keep the light reflection giving a sense of the plastic cover being present, so if anyone has the PSD template please, that would be great.
  19. Can anyone share the template of this silver ring please, but without the word "Arcade".... Thank you
  20. Hello I've found one set of clear logos for various Play Modes here, but are they any more style available for consideration please? I really like these ones... ...but ideally I need the logos to include both "Alternative" and "Simultaneous" from 2-6 players at least. Thank you
  21. Hello There are a number of missing MAME box - fronts missing where I would like to create my own, but I would like to do with with the same box style, which has a light reflection showing on top left of box. Is there a template of this box I can download, if not how can I recreate the same look please? Example... Thank you
  22. Options > Refresh All Images did the trick, thank you! Is this required every time there is an image change in the backend? Is it not possible to have Big Box do this automatically when launching?
  23. Thanks, but I understand what faeran is saying, my point and question is if there is a Emumovie list that matches the full name of the game to the truncated file name of said game, and if so where can I obtain this list please? I can then easily obtain all missing videos via EmuMovies FTP. Without such a list however I don't see how this is possible as the file names are truncated and therefore it's not always possible to match long tailed game names with shortened file names.
  24. Yeah that's the first thing I tried, plus tried via menu too, same results.
  25. Hello Due to many videos missing on import and on the advice of Retro808 as detailed here, I removed a MAME rom file (gahaha.zip), to re-import, but at the "Ready to Import" screen, the game do not appear so I cannot import it. I can confirm the platform is correct (Arcade) and I have tried "Force importing duplicate games" and various other options, but nothing works. Where am I going wrong please? Thank you
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