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Everything posted by jackhulk

  1. Many thanks, that at least makes sense, but to resolve this issue is it possible to obtain an Emumovie list which matches file names to the full name of game, and if so where and how please? I can then easily obtain all missing videos via EmuMovies FTP. Without such a list however I don't see how this is possible as the file names are truncated and therefore it's not always possible to match long tailed game names with shortened file names. Right now I am simply manually grabbing videos from YouTube, but with 200 videos to grab, this is time consuming and frustrating as I know many of these videos will be available via Emumovies, but I cannot match the game to file name in order to FTP them.
  2. Thank you, but I changed nothing when I imported. I used Tools > MAME Arcade Full Set and can confirm that it was set to "Arcade". I deleted and reimported WWF Superstars and video is now availalbe, even though nothing has actually changed. As said however, WWF Superstar was just one of many, I have 200 missing videos that I would imagine is on EmuMovies. Could it be a naming issue where as LB has a different name to that which is on EmuMovies, and if so how/where do I find a list of the names EmuMovies uses? For example "Big Bang" video is also missing, but this game is also know as "Thunder Dragon 2". Maybe EmuMovies has this listed as "Thunder Dragon 2" and therefore doesn't recognise it's related to "Big Bang" resulting in "Game was not found at EmuMovies" when LB tries to download?
  3. Anyone? WWF Superstars, along with many others video snaps I am missing is 100% on the Emu servers, however, LB reports "Game was not found at "EmuMovies". I found one old thread here suggesting it might be a naming issue, but then how would I find out the naming scheme EmuMovie uses for a particular title please? However, taken WWF SuperStars for example, not really sure how differently this could be named.
  4. Hello I can confirm I have a full Emu account and am able to sync via Launchbox to download the majority of videos, however, there are many videos often missing that I know are present on EMU FTP server, so I must be going wrong somewhere? For example, I'm adding MAME videos, but have 201 missing videos, some of which are not random obscure titles, example no video for WWF Superstars, despite this being available on the Emu FTP server. The LB Media/Videos/EmuMovies tab states... "Game was not found at EmuMovies". Where am I going wrong please, or how do I fix LB so as it sees/downloads all available videos? Thank you
  5. I'd like to know this too please as I cannot get bezels to display either.
  6. Hello I have created playlists and all but one displays correct. For whatever reason the 2-Player Co-op shows with the NES logo, which I do not want. I've edited the playlist and removed the NES logo, however, it's still appearing within Big Box. Also, how do I get my clear logos to display in Big Box for playlists? I've edited playlist, added image, set as clear logo, pressed OK to save, but it still will not display within Big Box? Thank you
  7. Hello I've created player number specific playlists such as "2-Player Co-op", "4-Player Co-op" etc, and would like to add clear logo/icons for Big Box. Can anyone point me in the right direction where I can source these please? I've had a little look in the downloads and whilst I found "2-Player", "4-Player" etc clear logos, I've not found exactly what I'm looking for. Side note, do I NEED such playlists to filter like this in Big Box? I understand the auto playlist creator creates play lists such as Multiplayer and Co-op, but I want player number specific also, is wondering if what I'm doing is required, or is there a simple filter within Big Box? Thank you
  8. Hello Viewing peoples setups on YouTube, I notice they have a lot of playlists that are not included within the LB auto generated playlists, things like "2 Player", " Atari Classics" etc. Is it possible to download and import other peoples playlists which would include the spin wheel artwork etc, and if so where could I download such playlists please? Here's an example... Thank you
  9. Hello I've created the following playlists in LB... 2-Player 2-Player Co-op ...so on and so forth. I understand I can view these in Big Box via "View Platform Categories", however, I would like these playlists to display within each individual platforms. So for example, I select NES, and then "2-Player", "2-Player Co-op" appears, and on selecting one of these options it then returns only NES 2-Player (or 2-Player Co-op) games. Equally, if I select "Megadrive" and then "2-Player Co-op", it would then return only Megadrive 2-Player Co-op games, and so on and so forth of each individual console. How can I achieve this please? Thank you
  10. Update: I got it working now. Appears custom fields do not work/filter correctly until LB is closed and restarted; after which my custom fields are filtering correctly now.
  11. Hello I assume custom fields is used as a custom metadata, however, when I set name and value, whilst this now appears in the filters menu, when I select it, games that have true value do not filter. Example... Custom field name: HDR Value: Yes I select yes, but nothing is filtered, and full list of games are still showing. Where am I going wrong please? Thank you
  12. I was Googling this same topic again... and came across my own old post. I would like to achieve something like this... https://imgur.com/pDNqiYq ... as detailed in a 2016 post here, so it's clearly possible, but I cannot figure out how to create custom filters please? UPDATE: I figured it out now. Just edit game and simply type in desired filter. For example I want to filter by 2 Player Couch, so I simply type/add 2 Player Couch under the "Play Mode".
  13. Hello After a recent update there is now a game box showing in the game details windows. I would rather this not be there, so that the default view will be video or screenshot. How do I remove the game box from the game details window please? Thank you
  14. Ah sweet, thanks! Will definitely checkout that tool as find that rating screen at the start of most trailers annoying too. I do have EmuMovies paid account, but wasn't aware I could gain access to the FTP servers directly, so will check this out also, thank you. PC Windows games library on EmuMovies is lacking big time, yet the trailers do exist on YouTube which you, I and surely many others have downloaded to fill in the gaps, so I'm wondering if users are allowed to upload trailers, instead of just video snaps?
  15. Great idea thank you. For now I've just been downloading and using trailers from YouTube. Wrong forum I know, but is it possible to download/upload single videos on Emumovies? I usually download videos directly via LaunchBox, but would be great to share missing videos I've sourced with community on Emumovies, but I find the website somewhat confusing. It appears it's only possible to download videos in packs. If this is incorrect, can you advise please how I can download and upload single videos on there please?
  16. Hello I'm already a paid member of Emumovies, however I find that videos for windows games are sparse, particularly for older titles. YouTube is a good source for trailers, but I'd prefer short gameplay videos (all these are long plays on YT), so does anyone know where I can source these please? Thank you
  17. Thank you, happy to give 12.15 Beta a try, but where can I download this please? I've Googled, found the 12.15 Beta forum post, but cannot find link to download anywhere (I'm probably being blind ain't I!)? UPDATE: Found it! For any other newbies, you can update directly within Launchbox. Go to Options > General > Update and checkmark Update to Beta Releases.
  18. Hello I received the following error message when trying to import Epic games... This comes after I have entered code from authenticator app. I tried a few times to ensure code was correct, but issue persist. How can I fix this please? Thank you
  19. Hello For Steam games, or any games in fact that have online element, the multiplayer and co-op filter doesn't allow users to locate games that have local multiplayer/co-op specifically. These filter will returns games that might only have online multiplayer/co-op. Is there a way to filter for local multiplayer/co-op only please? Thank you
  20. Hello I've found I can create playlists from existing filters, but it is possible to create actual custom filters, so when I click on the filter menu, my custom filters are displayed there please? Thank you
  21. Hello I've turn "Auto Play Videos" on, but videos still do not play. I've also tried setting video playback to VLC, and back again, but issue persists. I can confirm that the videos exist. These videos were download via EmuMovies for my roms, and via Steam for my imported steam games. Where am I going wrong please? Also is there a shortcut key and or button to play videos manually please? The only button I see is the play icon button that links to YouTube video, but I'd like to play the downloaded videos. Thank you
  22. Many thanks. I've stuck with sourcing from just LaunchBoxGamesDB which I've found downloads pretty much all I need. The few items with missing images, I then re-scrape with EmuMovies.
  23. Cool thanks C-Beats. Would you say generally your content has everything needed? I don't need loads of fanart and tons of screenshots for example. I had remove duplicates selected, but the few games where media was downloaded from EmuMovie also, there were a lot of duplicate images. I would be interested in video clips and PDF manuals however and understand these become available once subscribed to both LB and EmuMovies. Once subscribed, will 'Videos' and 'PDF Manuals' options appear automatically when I re-scraping or something I would need to do please?
  24. Hello During the import wizard it ask 'Would you like to download images from your games', and then on the next screen 'Would you like to download media from Emumovies'. Both give you the option for all the different media types, and all are checked by default, however doesn't this just create a load of duplicate images? On first use after LB had finished downloading media, I then noticed it started downloading again from EmuMovies which I stopped as seemed strange to me. Sure enough, the games that it did manage to download media for there were lots of duplication images, screenshots etc. What is the purpose then of downloading from EmuMovies when you already have media downloaded from the first source? I understand that EmuMovies can provide videos for paid members, but besides that? Media types are the same, i.e. Box 3D, Box Back etc so seems like you would just duplicate everything. Thank you
  25. jackhulk

    Crackly sound

    Good to hear you got it fixed now. I've yet to setup Atari 2600, so would be good to hear if Stella works better for you.
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