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Everything posted by denhope

  1. Do you use RetroArch with PPSSPP or direct PPSSPP?
  2. I also don't have the "ALL GAMES" Banner. Maybe someone can upload the .jpg for us and we can add it by ourself? Thank you in advance 🙂
  3. Would be great if there would be some settings. For my usecase I use the wheelchair with details but the cover of the game blocks 40% of the video. Maybe in the future there will be some more options to customize the look of the theme 🙂 Thanks for the great work btw! LaunchBox on Android is awesome!
  4. I can agree with this post a lot. For me the most important infos for launchbox Android would be: Cover , Video or Screenshots, Number of Players, Releasedate, Genre , Description of the Game I think all this would fit in the theme of thewite posted above! Also a very very important information would be that I can see how many games I own for the specific consoles or even all filter categories. When I swipe through my consoles in banner mode on android it would be super awesome if there would be a number of games I own for the systems 🙂
  5. I set up my mame settings aswell the last few evenings and I've seen dozens of black screens. I think maybe you are missing some bios files or you just use the wrong emulator. I cleared 95% of my black screens by switching the emulator. FB Neo works the best for me in 90% of my games. When I use the "MAME CURRENT" Core on my PC I was able to play a lot of games. When I chose the Mame_libretro core on Android most of them didn't work and I had to use an other core like FB Neo or Mame Arcade Core.
  6. Im also looking for some nice banners to add. Android version is lacking in design
  7. For me the download is horrible slow. I get 80kb/s and have to download the 150mb .apk within 40min. Are there any issues with the download servers? I get fast download speeds on every other site so I just wanted to tell the team 🙂
  8. I know mate, but I just wanted to show my demand so the devs know that more users are waiting for it. No pressure and no front 🙂 Have a nice weekend!
  9. Hello everyone. I just purchased the Android + PC Launchbox Premium version and I realized that for Android the cool look of the PC version is not possible. I mean there are no preview videos so anyone who don't know the game can see what it is about. I really hope this feature will come to Android, whether via local video files or via youtube streaming. I really hope you guys will add this in your next update 🙂
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