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Everything posted by DemmyTree

  1. i was thinking the thought of kids who say 'Five more minutes' or if only have a limited time of playing games could use this as a way to make sure your not going over by having a warning that time is almost up and then can prepare or try find a save position. granted this is more likely for arcade games due to repeat play but can be applied to others
  2. got a suggestion for a command, something like a Timer, i dont know if could be applied but something like if you set Timer to 1H/30m/40s it will play the game, give 10 minute warning when its about to end and then quits when the timers up
  3. fair enough just to confirm, the update also has hidden the command prompt when running from macrodeck so thats lovely if only they had a batch program to compile buttons for stuff like streamdeck/macrodeck haha, thats always the downside
  4. love the updates rob, just a curiousity, is there a command to get back to the Platform View / Playlist view root menu's or lets say change to the game center view? i partly assume it may be a playlist style thing but im not certain what it would be
  5. Version 1.0.1


    Just made some custom spines for PS1 PAL as did not fit well with the default setting, i find that these work better with the box model set instead of jewel case, provided a screenshot of my setting for the option. the pack contains 1395 items The serial version has 1220 items
  6. if you could set it for every language id call it the "Sorry no read ______" collection
  7. Silly idea for one but have no clue would assume it would require tags for it. Dynamic playlist called 'The Forgotten ones' games that have not had an active franchise and has not had a remaster/remake for the series/games
  8. Is it possible to get a batch mode so when you select all games you can export the shortcuts to a location with it creating a file for each game rather than select them individually?
  9. I like using the automated playlist function and set it to show as a platform on the menu, i have over 500 steam games so it felt ridiculous seeing all those games when i've only got a couple of specific ones installed. I created a playlist only containing installed games as with games like arcade, and discs, the files do not count as being installed so would be ruled out from showing installed only entries. doing this i was able to show a limited number of games installed, and then by going into the playlist entries view i could see all the uninstalled games for any i wanted to add to the small listing.
  10. Mines a little cheeky as they have just announced it but Croc the Legend of the Gobbos 1 is getting a remake, id love to see Croc 2 as well, it would be fun to have background and history about development of the games to show what they planned/considered and maybe development versions to play alongside
  11. Personally a remaster to me is where they adapt ontop of the original content, it shouldnt be added on as its game is there as a it should be, it could do with a change of graphics and bug fixes but should never try to include stuff that was not held prior in the game, i will accept regional differences may be included to benefit the player for the game but further advancement than that. It is a nice approach to be able to flip the graphics back and forth but as we know the stability of the software should run well. I would also push that in classic mode it should be capped to the limit of the original hardware whilst the improved version could run with no limitation to honour the memory of the originals homage.
  12. Infogrames Collection, they did a lot of releases under their companys publishing like Bugs Bunny Lost in time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Infogrames_games
  13. Muppets Party Cruise (PS2) Mario Party 8 (Wii) Power Wash Simulator (Steam) Wii Play (Wii) Gang Beasts (Steam)
  14. Croc Legend of the gobbos. (PS1) Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap (GBA) Bugs Bunny Lost in Time (PS1) Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2) .Hack// Infection (PS2)
  15. what would you say has been the most impactful time with development of launchbox / bigbox in the 11 years and has it brought any insights?
  16. The .Hack// Collection is my preference although it may be a bit mediorce its a big memory of playing the first game in the series and grinding to the end, i never got to complete the other 3 in the quadrilogy and have managed to get them since, the downside of this reality however is they have already released the GU collection which was the sequel of games to the quadrilogy that was a trilogy of games, this has had a remaster on steam ps4 and xbox as well as switch but the first game has not. If there should be a rule with remakes/remasters the originals should be priority over later games.
  17. When i made this i had a thought about easy game control viewing for the pause screen for the game, if you put fake controls in IMAGES>Platform>Arcade Control Panel you could have any controls show up for the theme, I wasnt very good at it for having a go but i messed with the Starfox Adventures manual taking a screenshot the other ones below were were me trying out seeing how i prefered to show the pause screen before i settled on the themes version
  18. Cardagram V2 View File Cardagram Theme - Card/Fanart themed UI trying to give a clean interface to show off fanart for games, I reccomend if able not to use fanart that contains the games logo as the clear logo is included in the view. Horizonatal views & Vertical Views (For any view where fanart is missing a cover box will be shown) 1. Fanart Only 2. Wheel With Details 3. Fanart with Rotatable Box Platform Views 1 & 3 Fanart Only (Horizontal/Vertical) 2 & 4 Wheel view (Horizon tal/Vertical ) Wall Game View (Only 1 view a s did not feel format was comfortable for theme) This also includes a Startup Theme and a Pause theme where you can provide Arcade/Controler controller overlay to aid show what controls are required in clean format. Manual icon appears when a game manual is held as the wheel shows one button only to make sure that it is visible for the specific game. CTC Project Files Project files for the Community Theme Creator by y2guru Please note: This version requires CTC v3.2 as it uses the 'selection bar', Dave (y2guru) is doing an amazing job with supporting in helping themes be created please support him here https://www.patreon.com/COMMUNITYThemeCreator Submitter DemmyTree Submitted 06/09/2024 Category Custom Themes  
  19. Version 2.0


    Cardagram Theme - Card/Fanart themed UI trying to give a clean interface to show off fanart for games, I reccomend if able not to use fanart that contains the games logo as the clear logo is included in the view. Horizonatal views & Vertical Views (For any view where fanart is missing a cover box will be shown) 1. Fanart Only 2. Wheel With Details 3. Fanart with Rotatable Box Platform Views 1 & 3 Fanart Only (Horizontal/Vertical) 2 & 4 Wheel view (Horizon tal/Vertical ) Wall Game View (Only 1 view a s did not feel format was comfortable for theme) This also includes a Startup Theme and a Pause theme where you can provide Arcade/Controler controller overlay to aid show what controls are required in clean format. Manual icon appears when a game manual is held as the wheel shows one button only to make sure that it is visible for the specific game. CTC Project Files Project files for the Community Theme Creator by y2guru Please note: This version requires CTC v3.2 as it uses the 'selection bar', Dave (y2guru) is doing an amazing job with supporting in helping themes be created please support him here https://www.patreon.com/COMMUNITYThemeCreator
  20. ah i've been using command prompt for using it but it doesnt have a silent mode through that method, using something called MacroDeck as an alternative to Streamdeck, it does support AHK scripts but i'll have to try use that instead
  21. CLI is super but i notice that keep getting a brief command prompt pop up when using the function, i know theres @echo off for bat files, but is there a way this could be silent in the background somehow?
  22. Cardagram View File Not really much to say just tried to make a theme though may not be preferred, i have given it an option on each view i've used to hide the wheel option for the fanart, if no fanart is found it will have a blue background for the text. the CTC files are included alongside should you wish to modify and make a better version for yourself this may not be good but i was happy with the attempt. Submitter DemmyTree Submitted 03/30/2024 Category Custom Themes  
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Not really much to say just tried to make a theme though may not be preferred, i have given it an option on each view i've used to hide the wheel option for the fanart, if no fanart is found it will have a blue background for the text. the CTC files are included alongside should you wish to modify and make a better version for yourself this may not be good but i was happy with the attempt. Platform view 1: Horizontal with wheel Platform View 2: Horizonal without wheel Platform View 3: Vertical with Wheel Platform View 4, Vertical Without Wheel V Wheel 1, With Wheel V Wheel 2, Without Wheel H Wheel 1. With Wheel H Wheel 2. Without Wheel
  24. feels a little stupid commenting but what id rather have if something like that existed is for it to be through cheats. so you have to do something like the konami code or a certain set of inputs to make the hidden games visible
  25. DemmyTree


    In some instances with the emulator there are 2 files, the .Bin and .Cue file formats, some of the games do not work if they are using the .bin format disc so you would need to use the .cue option instead, Launchbox immediatly goes and detects the .bin file for PS2 games so those which do not work may need to be changed to .cue Example, Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of cortex can have this occur.
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