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Everything posted by DemmyTree

  1. Cocktail Table Example view View File I know this isnt very good as such but showing a potential style for the cocktail view that could be done, if anyone wants to use it for template please feel free, this may be useful for style. My hope with the glass segment was the idea that if it transitioned between menus it would open and close like a door opening to selected platform/view that could occur, this is a single view for Vertical Wheel 1 Submitter DemmyTree Submitted 12/26/2022 Category Custom Themes  
  2. Version 1.0.3


    I know this isnt very good as such but showing a potential style for the cocktail view that could be done, if anyone wants to use it for template please feel free, this may be useful for style. My hope with the glass segment was the idea that if it transitioned between menus it would open and close like a door opening to selected platform/view that could occur, this is a single view for Vertical Wheel 1
  3. Only if you accept this as an offering. Oh y2guru, oh y2guru Thy theme creator o'plenty oh y2guru oh y2guru thy wait release unbeary now bring to us the theme create so we can develop then procrastinate oh y2guru, oh y2guru release please to thine community
  4. Well one good thing is the animations will be a nice implement with this, as i was thinking with the wheel varient, the plan in my head was something like, when the menu item changed it would transition with one appearing from the top and one appearing from the bottom to create the idea that it was going through them as seperate lists, I'd have probably tried this with the vertical spin wheel so then it would have somewhat flung it both ways across each side of the screen.
  5. This will be great for cocktail cabinets, now all to think about a nice layout 😄
  6. No problem, theres a little work i've had a go at around that can be useful so long as not concerned about text lists however is not very friendly for transitioning, on the wheel creation, so long as you give a lot of space you should make the logo show twice upside down on one side and the other, i did try use the vertical wheel for this so it would show the 3d box's on the sides and then the main box up front however they'd have to be pictures in that mode, obviously not exacly friendly how it looks but these screenshots are without the 3d box option just going off vertical option only as an example how i tried mess.
  7. gave this ago and enjoying it a little, again it appears UI Capture is not included however unsure if this is permamently removed in relation to trying to make a cocktail style cabinet, is there any potential work around for the text list style user style source to make it show the name twice but potentially upside down to each other? Also in potentially 2.6 is there plan to implement animation for the wheel items or is that a little extreme sorry? i was very tempted to make a wheel icon but then have a delay to it where it would have a spinning disc behind the logo appear but no animation options appear to exist for this, it would have been static for non-selected but spinning for the selected cartridge.
  8. Definitly like the custom 3d box settings its definitly useful, what i would suggest though as well which im more than sure is already going to be involved when models come into play, have the option to set the box style by region or by overide, for example with PSX american box's appear to have bumps on their cases whilst the PAL variants have a flat case format, there is also the clear cases for the greatest hit variants
  9. I definitly would prefer full as an option however if that should occur however i think there would need to be a notice rule on the platforms perhaps for this to occur for scaling purpose. Much as the 3d box's are ok and probably can be modified as the beta suggests can occur, something like a DVD case compared to Nintendo 64 box should have rules applied as default perhaps unless added otherwise. I will enjoy seeing custom 3D views made and will probably have a go for fun should this end up being implemented into community theme creator futher down the line rather than the immediate future, kudos for the implementation.
  10. Although the bezel idea is nice I think i like the option to be included for more realistic/natural ones, i've had goes with the project before and some of these can be custom art (Granted get this is more due to other stuff than arcade) but I would appreciate the option if it was possible to give more natural bezels as an option on import, if this didnt work, perhaps a launchboxDB entry where original bezels could be provided?
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