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Posts posted by Fugus

  1. About to attempt something that will likely make me hate life attempting but want to try and dump the icon and background images directly form my Wii U collection, They appear to be in TGA format by default and I don't believe that Launchbox supports that.

    Would PNG or JPG be the better format for them? I am leaning more toward JPG given the color of some of them.

    Edit: Upon looking up, will go with PNG I guess.

  2. On 9/28/2022 at 2:41 PM, xevious1974 said:

    it was not marked for deletion from what I can see.

    So I have marked it. Let's wait to see.

    Anyway you can help moderating to speed up the process

    Was it approved on your end? Maybe they only delete entries once a week or something?

    Edit: And on the bright side, I think I might have either added all or near all of the missing US Wii U games to the database and added some missing cover art to a few others. That stuff gets tedious. Might not be the best quality artwork but low quality is still better than nothing at all.

  3. Much appreciated. I did it before and it was approved, guessing I messed up doing it somehow then.

    Been going through and trying to fill out any entries I see for games I have that aren't added yet. I might not be able to add all the good artwork, but just getting the name, data and hopefully the main image correct is at least a starting point that others can build off of and prevent the games from being marked as something else by accident as easily

    • Like 1
  4. Was going with that originally, but just seemed off seeing the same titles multiple times.

    Or cases where a system doesn't support a playlist and it is a multi-disc game, like Dreamcast. The games were rare but still seemed weird seeing the same title upwards of 4 times depending on the game/system. It's fine either way, was just hoping for a way to default to the option to choose the disc. Just put " (Multi-Disc) " in the title to indicate it was a multi-disc game with with C&C (Allies & Soviet Discs) and (Includes bonus disc) and so on and then going into the settings and naming the discs appropriately instead of just showing the file names.

    Was just thinking it would be cool to have a setting in big box when you selected the title, it would default to choosing the disc instead of having to go down further to select it.

  5. Ok, thank you.

    Might be a good feature to include in future updates so when it comes to games like Resident Evil, Command & Conquer or games where each disc is a self contained thing, you can just include it in the title and have the option to choose your launcher be defaulted to when you select those. Maybe as a check box you can select from Launchbox in the other apps tab of the game.


    Good to know though, thanks.

  6. Can definitely say this one seems like a pretty big upgrade.

    Much more responsive and, while launchbox can hit upwards of 3GB of RAM doing it all, when I tried out BigBox, it was hitting and staying around 400-600MB.

  7. Thank you, wasn't really thinking about it too much for the PS2 games which are already measured in GB anyways and takes a good deal to load, was thinking of it more like on the older stuff where the video isn't any better than the real thing in terms of loading times and resource usage.

    Was checking, Mesen even had the option to save recorded movies on it in an MMO format and recorded a 30 second video on it as a test and took 6k.

    But, if its not possible, its not possible.

    Just was thinking about it when I was comparing the loading times and size differences to them.

  8. Would it be possible for them to program a version of Launchbox where it could load up an emulator in a window within the frontend itself?
    Thinking about this because I was setting up a system at at 203 NES games it was only 17.4MB for the actual games but just the video snaps came to a whopping 1.11GB.

    It got me thinking and I compared it, loading the games goes as fast as loading the videos, so would it be possible that, instead of loading video snaps it could instead load the game itself and a savestate to function as the same thing?

    The load time would be near identical for the older systems while the size of the save state is trivial compared to the size of videos. Could quite literally configure games to load directly into that demo most of them play if you sit at the title screen too long or even a sequence of buttons to play with the game load.

    Would save a buttload of space while providing a better quality result of the video as it would be playing on the emulator itself with the settings you chose. And RAM wise, tested with Mesen-X, it used a whole 10MB more ram for the game than the media player itself did just for the video of the game.

  9. Toying with it now, I can set it up for a theme bezel or a system bezel but I noticed the System Bezel isn't a singular system bezel and instead it downloads a different one for each game with that title setup for it.

    Is it possible to download a single bezel in Launchbox per system and have it use that 1 bezel for every game launched from that system? Don't need 100+ NES Bezels all showing the game title and all, just a box around the game to fill the sides.  Quite literally would be happy with a bezel that is just Nintendo theme or an outline of a monitor.

  10. Also, slight update.

    I couldn't find "Background Opacity" as an option, asked in the noobs sections to be told it wasn't an option that you must have meant "Background Fade", I set that to zero but still didn't seem to impact it for me, so edited the xml files to remove it and worked fine.

    Still the best BigBox theme for my viewing style. Like my menus on the left hand side with clear and readable text and prefer just to have the Box Art and the movie playing because no body I really know bothers to read the descriptions of the games.

  11. 42 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    Yes, in the Tools menu there is an Audit option.

    The Audit gives me a lot of details about the games and the ability to look for duplicates, but doesn't allow me to sort by which has video snaps downloaded or which has clear logos and stuff like that that I have seen.

    Edit: Correction, I didn't see the scroll bar on the bottom of the screen, my mistake. Much bigger than I thought it would be. My apologizes

  12. Trying to figure out which titles are missing video snaps on them but will really suck having to manually check each title individually to see if they have it, trying to figure out a way to audit games for that.

    Especially in the future if I ever want to change my theme setup. Also because I have noticed that EmuMovies gets pretty picky on the game searches where you might have to change the title of a game to get the media to show up in the search. Much easier if I could just bring up a list of games that are missing that file and deal with them that way.

  13. Nice, theme, if you go for a rewrite, I would make a request in it if you don't mind. The option to remove the scanline filter on the videos. Can't find the option to do so and if I remove the scanline.png, it starts giving error messages.

    Edit: Nevermind, just found the option on this page, lol.  Thank you either way, good theme.

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