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Posts posted by Fugus

  1. When it came to Sega CD, I changed the startup to PicoDrive due to there being Sega CD games that also require 32x.

    Also, I have them in CHD format, runs without issue so far.

  2. For future users, I found a workaround.

    Since the emulator wants to add the drive letter to the front of whatever you put in the M3U file, just put the full path of the rvz file minus the drive letter in each entry and it works. For example.

    Baten Kaitos Origins is in the location:
    "F:\LaunchBox\Games\Nintendo GameCube\B\Baten Kaitos Origins (USA)"

    Even though the rvz files are in the same folder as the m3u, you put the entry down as:
    \LaunchBox\Games\Nintendo GameCube\B\Baten Kaitos Origins (USA)\Baten Kaitos Origins (USA) (Disc 1).rvz
    \LaunchBox\Games\Nintendo GameCube\B\Baten Kaitos Origins (USA)\Baten Kaitos Origins (USA) (Disc 2).rvz

    That way it adds the F: at the front anyways and the emulator loads it, and allows you to move it to any drive you want and it will boot so long as you put the Launchbox folder a top directory on that drive.

    • Like 1
  3. About everything else seems to work just fine but Dolphin games when it comes to M3U files just doesn't seem to work right when I launch it from Launchbox.

    If I load the M3U file directly from Dolphin it boots without an issue, but if I try and launch it from within Launchbox, it gives an error saying the files in the M3U aren't found and in the error shows the names except it has added the drive letter in front of the name where "Baten Kaitos Origins (USA) (Disc 1).rvz" is listed as "F:Baten Kaitos Origins (USA) (Disc 1).rvz"

    But only seems to do it when launching from within Launchbox.

  4. With the official release, I have noticed when downloading covers of multiple games, occasionally Launchbox will skip the covers from you guys and go straight to EmuMovies for it instead, noticed with Dreamcast games because each places covers look different.

  5. Yeah, the media download is really messed up right now. Got 682 NES roms. When I hit update telling it to only download a single box front and only from Launchbox while skipping emumovies for anything.

    It downloaded 699 covers and even skipped a few games. But all the game images started with the 02 suffix at the end and went up from there. Some images had 2 or more pictures with increasing numbers some had images with the same number with 1 in png format while the other jpg.

    Maybe the multithreads are both trying to pull art for the same game and so they each pulled a different image even if they weren't supposed to? No clue, but the art downloads are messed up at the moment.

    Edit: Also, it wants to detect the US NES Maniac Mansion as the Famicom version of it in the database but just have to reset it manually and it's good.
    Edit again: And it detects Earthbound Beginnings as Mother which would make sense except the database has an entry for Earthbound Beginnings.
    Edit yet again: Also, cleaning the directories doesn't remove the extra pictures either.

    Edit yet, yet again: If I download media on a single game at a time, it works right (But also downloads all of any type I choose) but the media does get the 01 suffix at the end.

    Tried the group downloader on 3 different systems, it didn't work correctly on any one of them. So yeah, the media scraper is messed up on the current beta. Will wait till the next release to retry downloading the images.

    As suggested on bitbucket, PLEASE change it where the media is named after the rom name without any suffix for the first media.

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  6. Been messing with the beta release.

    Tried to get the front box art from Gameboy Advance games using EmuMovies as the source, it is set to only download a single image of the type and it appears to ignore that limitation when downloading from them. Keeps downloading 2 front box images from them instead.

    Off topic but...

    Definitely love the faster downloads though but whoever uploaded a lot of the Launchbox images for GBA seems to have just taken the EmuMovies version of them and slightly stretched them with sometimes a slight color tweak and reuploaded them. Things look a little off when you look at them with people seeming to be fatter but not majorly noticeable except when you see them all laid out in front of you and the boxes have different sizes for them to be really noticeable when you download copies from the other server and compare them against. The Launchbox version does have more versions for games that emumovies misses or at least their server does though.

  7. You can got into the "Images" & "Videos" folder of Launchbox and delete the folders for the respective systems and that would clear them out for you. As far as a button to do it all for you, don't think they have one that works for EVERYTHING, just one for an individual game at a time.

  8. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/6696/feature-request-for-mame-the-ability-to

    Basically it is for you to be able to setup multiple controller configurations in Launchbox for mame, for example:

    You can setup a button setup for 2 button games, for 3-4 button games, and for 5-6 button games.
    Then when you load up a game in Mame, depending on the button setup for that game, it will load up the appropriate configuration. So you don't have to make 1,000+ game specific configuration files.

    Thought about this jumping between Virtual Fighter 2, Tekken, and Street Fighter testing stuff out and having to redo controller settings for each one and thinking about all the other games I would have to do that for.

    • Like 1
  9. Got a Playstation 5 controller today for Cemu, Cemu uses it just fine minus a few glitches but Launchbox seems to hate it. It doesn't seem to detect it for much. After I launch a game or even seem to lose focus on it, it stops detecting it at all. I tried to bind the Playstation logo to exit a game but won't work either.

    Xbox 1 controllers work just fine though but motion for the Wii or Wii U games.

    Edit: PC detects the PS5 controller just fine too except for 1 button on it, it detects it as a generic controller

  10. 27 minutes ago, Retro808 said:

    Edit one of the games. Delete the LB Database ID. Then type in part of the name like just Comman then the drop down box will list both of them and you can select the one you need.


    Screen Shot 2022-02-05 at 7.14.29 PM.png

    Will try again later when I get the chance, tried to type in the full name of "Commando" after deleting the ID, but it just kept pulling up that single one with no alternatives.

  11. Stand corrected, it booted from the mame.exe with those directories without issue, but won't boot from Launchbox that way. Oh well, back to experimenting.

    Really hated to do it and will annoy me thinking about it, but I just put the CHDs in the same directory with the roms and copied the samples to the mame samples folder. But all I can do for now since it doesn't want to honor any changes I make when I go through launchbox.

  12. Thank you for the help. I am one of those who are obsessed with being organized. So I wanted the Mame Executable with the Emulators directory while putting the games themselves in the games directory and separated by type.
    It also makes it easier for me to audit them later or find them if I forget exactly where I put them.

    I am also the guy who typically separated his roms into subfolders by letter and will still put a folder if there is only 1 rom going in it.


    6 hours and it is still downloading media, glad I didn't stay up and wait.

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