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Posts posted by maxforwardspeed

  1. On 3/30/2020 at 12:24 AM, Cal said:

    Annoyingly, you cannot start Windows Universal Apps without explorer.exe running.

    I did find a work around, using a .bat script I start explorer.exe, start my game, kill explorer.exe

    All you have to do now is run the .bat script with the game .lnk file as an argument. Also need to increase the start up time in launchbox/bigbox. I could have handled the timeouts better by looping and waiting for the process to have started. 

    echo off
    set app_lnk=%1
    start explorer.exe
    timeout 5
    timeout 5
    taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe


    I've just stumbled upon this while trying to overcome the exact same issue. I'm using BB as shell and have some games in the microsoft store that need explorer.exe running for them to launch it seems. I've tried numerous variations of this script but the problem for me is I can get the game to start properly, but something isn't working when explorer.exe closes. The game continues to play fine, but when I exit the game I've got a white screen and nothing else. I can't even get the task manager to pop up. If I Alt-Tab I can alternate between the game tab and the task manager but nothing actually happens and the blank white screen persists. If you've got any other workarounds on how to accomplish this let me know, thanks!

  2. Can't figure out a good way to do this, or if it's even possible. When online I've got not problems running my Epic Games through BigBox or Launchbox, but since I run my system offline I get these additional popups that become annoying on an arcade cabinet. I can get to the game offline by clicking through the popups, but it's not easy in BigBox with the mouse hidden.


    Steam games work fine offline, no additional popups, and if there are I've been able to find workarounds. But with Epic I'm not sure how to get rid of these and bypass directly to the game:


    Screenshot 2023-12-03 095526.png

  3. Did you ever get this sorted out? I just installed the game and I get no response from any source for the gas button, regardless of Xinput or Dinput settings in the TP interface. If I use Dinput I can get into the test menu but nothing is registering as a control input to calibrate. I've tried Xbox controllers too with Xinput and nothing. Not using any ahk script, just the control binding in the TP setup.

  4. Sorry for the late reply, been busy with work lately. As far as demulshooter goes it needs to have a target application and rom specified since it's usually run as a command line program. Just running the app without any arguments specified will likely not do anything at all. Most of the games that need demulshooter I will launch using an ahk because it seems a lot cleaner. Here's an example of my Sega Model 2 ahk for House of the Dead. I did some additional testing with the Transformers and Rambo games and they are working fine just using the border button, nothing extra needed. However, for some reason it's the Player 2 crosshairs that don't align properly, so I just created a separate lightgun.exe with the calibration adjustments for that game. Let me know if that helps at all, thanks for trying to get that service menu working! (It appears to not exist)

    • Game On 1
  5. 3 hours ago, latin625 said:

    Below are the AHK and XML for the game. Also, unclick the emulator in "Launching" as that is not needed. 

    I run Demul "before application" in Launchbox too.  Let me know how it works out. 

    Rambo.ahk 509 B · 2 downloads

    Rambo.xml 43.19 kB · 0 downloads

    Ah, OK I thought you ran demulshooter from the same ahk script as the game. What are the command line parameters you have for launching demulshooter so it hooks onto Rambo? 

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  6. I was just looking up the demulshooter setup scripts and saw this, that teknoparrot intergrates it's own raw input handling and demulshooter inputs are deprecated. Can you share your script that you are using for it? I appreciate it 


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  7. 39 minutes ago, latin625 said:

    Yeah, I also did not get anything from the service keys.  Dont remember having to use them for Rambo.

    OK thanks, I still haven't linked demulshooter to this yet but I'll do it soon and see what happens. 

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  8. 53 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    No, if you want it clean and crisp you have to increase the resolution.

    OK I've got that and makes sense, but it's the "internal upscaling " that you need to adjust? I'm just confused as to why he didn't need to change it on that video, and maybe used a higher resolution setting elsewhere, like in the main settings -> video section. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Knowcontrol said:

    I didn't realize it's been two years since this was published, but here is the latest video from ETA Prime:


    So I followed ERAPrime's setup and out of the box it didn't look anything like his video.  I have to turn the internal resolution upscale to 4x for it to look similar.  Is there some other way you are supposed to improve the resolution to get that look?

  10. 43 minutes ago, Knowcontrol said:

    I didn't realize it's been two years since this was published, but here is the latest video from ETA Prime:


    Cool thanks, I haven't tried the parallel core yet because I thought the mupen was more recent and improved.  I'll give it a try and see, thanks!

  11. I've looked through some older posts and found some info that may not necessarily be current anymore for optimal settings.  I'm using the Mupen64Plus-Next core with parallel set to both plugins. Vulcan video driver and all shaders and overlays off, using core provided resolution with 2x internal upscaling. I'm noticing stuttering (and almost like duplicate frames) in some games, like Sarge's Army men. I've got a new Ryzen 5 cpu with an Nvidia RTX 3060 gpu. Any suggestions on changes, or a different setting that's other than the default?

  12. 17 minutes ago, latin625 said:

    Oh!  one more thing!  I read that you are NOT using demulshooter.  I use it on my setup.  Try it with Demulshooter.  My crosshairs were going everywhere on Transformers and Rambo without it. 

    Also, check light glare or reflections too.

    Yeah I was trying to get into the in-game service menu for calibration. I'll see if Demulshooter helps since I'm not having any luck finding that menu. Using the resolution you mentioned too. Let me know what you find, thanks man!

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  13. 2 minutes ago, latin625 said:


    Awesome to hear!  Great game too!
    Mine were off too.  Had to manually adjust them in the Sinden Config app. This video should help explain it  (10:42 mark).  Let me know how it works out!



    Cool thanks.  Yeah my Sindens are accurate and calibrated with the actual mouse cursor like in the video. But the blue and red game crosshairs are off from where the actual mouse cursor is pointing in the Rambo game itself. Hopefully that makes sense, I'll see if I can get a screenshot later

  14. On 2/17/2023 at 5:10 PM, latin625 said:

    Update on what I have found.

    1. launch Reshade
    2. select the .exe file for the game.  TecknoParrot likes to use game.exe, so find the right one to the game you want to reshade.
    3. Pick rendering.  The list for each game is here: https://www.sindenwiki.org/wiki/Reshade
    4. Make sure that the filter you pick is  SweetFx. It will let you turn the border on.
    5. finish install
    6. When you launch the game, you will see a small overlay on the top left hand side of the screen.  Press HOME to open it up
    7. Select BORDERFX from the filters
    8. 10 pixels or so and a white color will give you what you need for sinden guns to work.
    9. Press home again to hide overlay


    -----Games in order as tested and confirmed working-  UPDATED AS OF 2.18.23 ----

    • Transformers Human Alliance : Only can play at 1280 x 720 . also onl works with reshade if you pick DirectX .  No opengl works
    • Too Spicy: Alt+B to get border  (No reshade needed)
    • Wartran Troopers: ALT + B  for Borders (No reshade needed)
    • Rambo: Demulshooter and Reshade Needed
    • Aliens Armageddon Demulshooter and Reshade Needed
    • Aliens Extermination Demulshooter and Reshade Needed
    • Terminator Salvation : Demulshooter and Reshade Needed
    • Action Deka: Reshade Only (Direct 9) Needed
    • FarCry Paradise Lost: ALT + B  for Borders (No reshade needed)
    • Dream Raiders : ALT + B  for Borders (No reshade needed)

    I just setup Rambo, but it's working fine with 2 players and no demulshooter. But,  I noticed the crosshairs are off and need calibrated. Are yours OK? I have the service and test keys set but they don't do anything to get into any service menu. I know it's not the sindens because the mouse cursor is dead on accurate, but the crosshairs are offset by a bit...

    • Game On 1
  15. 38 minutes ago, latin625 said:

    MAME is good to go. Thanks for helping out.   I have it all setup and working on most emulators, and have added the borders, but prefer the widescreen look (16:9  no side artwork). 

    I was looking for an elegant way of having the borders show up when the game is running using ahk and deactivating them when you exit.  Currently, you have to press the button on the sinden gun.  Any ideas?

    Ok, well assuming you are leaving your lightgun.exe instance running in the background, you could make a simple ahk to essentially automate the "Alt-B" command for you. First I'd use a launchbox playlist and put all of the lightgun games in it that you want to use with a 16:9 border. 

    Create two ahk files. For the first one, you can call it "border on" use this for your script:

    sleep, 5000
    Send !{b}


    For the second one, call it "border off" and use this script:

    Send !{b 2}


    Compile each script into their individual exe files.  Then use this bulk run before/after tool and select all of the games you added to your playlist. Use the newly created "border on" exe for the run before, and then use the tool again to do the same for the run after using the "border off" exe. 

    I added the "sleep" to the border on because as I was just testing it the additional delay time was helpful in preventing issues while the emulators were starting up.

    Hopefully that helps, or is what you were looking for. It seems to work well in terms of automation for the border. I think a lot of people prefer using reshade instead and attach it to an entirely separate copy of the emulator that you will use strictly for lightgun games. Personally I haven't gotten that far, and my free time seems to vanish between work and the kid's after-school activities! 

    • Unusual Gem 1
  16. Are you talking about MAME only? That you can do with the bezel pack on the Sindens wiki, no border activation required. They have them for other systems as well. In some cases you need to use reshade though. All of this could be automated using ahk files to launch your games, but personally I didn't do that because of the extra time involved. Do you run the lightgun.exe at startup and leave it running?

  17. On 8/25/2022 at 8:18 PM, Namcofanboy said:

    Nevermind, figured it out! For anyone else, edit the video_shader_enable line to "true" in retroarch.cfg in your RetroArch-Win64 directory.

    Good luck and happy gaming!

    Is this still an issue with the latest RA version? I can't get my shaders to save under the shader menu, but if I back out to the config override it will save to the core. Was hoping the actual shader save menu worked because I'm starting to have issues with these core config overrides.

  18. I got it working finally. For some reason my .dat was missing many of the roms that should have been included in each .zip. I created a new one and this time they were there. Now I'll see if these 4-way games play any better on my 8-way sticks with that enhancement in this RA core. Thanks @JoeViking245

    • Game On 1
  19. Posted on discord, but thought I'd see if anyone here knows how to help. I used the arcadeitalia's site to filter 4-way games and compile a .dat with the results from MAME 0.78, which is what it seems the mame2003plus reference set was based. I'm using this dat in Clrnamepro to try and rebuild the set by matching my source set as non-merged in the scanner. Even though the end result appears correct with the proper game names from my list, it always results in games with missing files that become unplayable (Pac-Man/puckman as an example). It doesn't seem to matter how I set the merge type for the destination either.  I thought this method would be the easiest way to get my new set of only 4-way games, but I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

  20. 18 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

    To be honest, I'm not sure how I got the System metadata in there for Sega Naomi 2.  (It was done quite a while ago) 

    I tried to reproduce it and the only way I could get it to work was to import the ROMs directly in LaunchBox into a new platform and setting the Scrape As value there.

    The plugin was set to assign the Scrape As value to Arcade for all 9 systems.  I have updated the plugin (v1.01) so it will now set the Scrape As value according to the system.  I figured this way it'll get the appropriate System metadata in there.  Then if later, anyone wanted to change to Arcade it'd be a lot easier as Arcade doesn't really have any metadata.   It goes something like this:

    System                     Scrape As
    ---------------------       -----------------
    Atomiswave            Sammy Atomiswave
    Cave3rd                   Arcade
    Gaelco PVR2           Arcade
    Hikaru                     Sega Hikaru
    Naomi Cart             Sega Naomi
    Naomi GDROM      Sega Naomi
    System SP               Sega Naomi
    Naomi Cart 2          Sega Naomi 2
    Naomi GDROM 2   Sega Naomi 2

    Thanks Joe! 

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