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Everything posted by GuyManDude

  1. Thank you. That is the problem. I found the files in MAME\artwork. Each game has it's own folder and the folder should have the exact same name as the rom file without the .rom extension. Now I need to find the source of the bezel art so I can download and fix just the games that need fixing.
  2. Somehow some of my rom bezels are associated with the default bezel. How can I update just a single game without having to download the entire set of bezels please?
  3. Thanks a lot neil9000. That is exactly what I wanted.
  4. Just found this plugin which is awesome but doesn't do quite what I want.
    I had hoped to use it just to be able to enter into Arcade mode instead of directly to a game but it's still awesome. I would like to default to my list of games and start from there.
  5. Thanks a lot. That's a definite improvement. Now to figure out how to enter into Arcade mode automatically...
  6. Not sure how to ask this question so a search didn't help. When BB starts it presents a list of consoles. I only have stuff in the Arcade console at this point so I would like BB to automatically enter the Arcade console area to minimize the amount of clicks it takes to play a game. Thanks for reading and any thoughts.
  7. Are there any BB themes that have less clicking to launch a game? You can launch games from Launchbox with one click but the few BB themes I have tried so far require you to drill down into the game profile before you can access the Play button etc. Thanks for your time and thoughts.
  8. The error I see with 13.1 is "Big Box was unable to contact the Launchbox servers. Please make sure you have an active Internet connection..." Of course I have an active internet connection. Interestingly Launchbox is also not downloading art because it cannot reach the download location images.launchbox-app.com. I suspect these problems are related. Editing this comment: I just realized my pihole was blocking that URL. It's working fine after all.
  9. Thanks for your feedback. That single statement means more than hours of reading long winded posts that leave out the important info.
  10. Thanks for your time. I setup Mame on my computer more than a decade ago and I recall spending countless hours trying to fix games that wouldn't work or crashed etc. I just installed it again and downloaded some roms and already I am finding similar issues. Most of the roms have problems or don't work properly etc. Has someone made the effort to curate a set great roms which just work and made them available for download by chance?
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