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Everything posted by Jasie_baby

  1. Ahh B*gger !! ... I did find this on Zen Studio's Website, but I guess I still need to get the game on there in the first instance, to use offline mode https://zenstudios.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/43000584930-pincab-offline-how-do-i-play-my-pinball-cabinet-offline-
  2. Hi Guys, sorry for the noob questions here, im still getting my head around the whole BigBox / LaunchBox thing .. I have a freestanding ardace cab, running on Windows that is not connected to the internet, because of its location, external network access isnt possible. However, I would like to install pinball tables that I have on my laptop (stream account) .. Is there a way of exporting them from stream to a USB and then importing them into Bigbox? (either export / import or copy file system ?) There is an FX2 system installed, butthe games im looking at specifically are on FX3 ?
  3. Brilliant, thankyou for the confirmation. I need to email details of the licenses, and maybe go down the route of getting my own forever license for the cab while im at it
  4. Thanks, Ill do that. Ill be honest, the cost of the licenses is not a show stopper anyway, so it may be easier in the long run, as I intend to develop and tweek the cab further to purchase my own forever license
  5. Hi Folks, I wonder if you can help me ? I have an arcade cab that is running a licensed version of Bigbox .. Ver11.8 on a system that was "purchased" from a vendor. I have discussed upgrading with them, but they have no plans to go through testing and to guaragtee the upgrades. I would like to upgrade to the latest version, but obviously donot want to loose anything that is currently installed, as the system is working great. is there a progressive upgrade path I should follow ? or should I just install the latest version ?
    Just found this .. OMG ! ... This is the best I have seen ! ... Going to add it to be Tron themed Cab
  6. Looks awesome ... Cannot wait to test it on my tron themed cabinet Update .. Installed ... WOW !!! ...
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