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Everything posted by Boofnuts

  1. Boofnuts


    Perfect! That worked. Thanks so much for the help.
  2. Boofnuts


    I thought of that but without project files I can't edit radiance in theme creator. Also I can't apply radiance to a single view, it can only be applied as my main theme. When I go to "manage themes" radiance does not have the "apply to" option.
  3. Boofnuts


    Love this theme! Would it be possible to change the main platform view to the original Tronyfran emulation station style? Or provide project files so I can do it in theme creator? I dont like the square image in the middle and would prefer the console logos in a horizontal strip the way emulationstation was. Otherwise its perfect, the large box art is awesome.
  4. I thought so. I've looked at the xaml file for platform view but I'm not sure what I'm looking for. There's a section titled <storyboards> or something like that which has a "time in" value for something to "collapse"... I think I'm on the right track but I'm still a bit lost.
  5. Is the default android theme bannerbox? I prefer how it instantly fades out platforms as you scroll through them as apposed to bannerbox on pc which only fades platforms if you hover on a platform for a few seconds. Is there a way I can set that on bannerbox pc theme?
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