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Everything posted by Opus132

  1. 13.18. Did it again, twice in a row while pasting some copied custom text in the metadata of my last imported game.
  2. I do actually. When i integraded eXo i made a backup of the parents file and renamed it .bak. Just took it out and so far it seems to hold. Switched view a bunch of times and parents didn't get wiped out this time. I hope this was it. Will report back if it does it again.
  3. I think i figured it out it happens when i change view. Not sure why it just wipes out the parents. Could be an effect of having integrated exoDos, exoScumm etc into my main Launchbox installation.
  4. Well, i did that, but now it did it again. Very odd too. I looked at Launchbox one last time, making sure everything was fine, then left my desk for several hours. Didn't touch anything, didn't restart, launchbox didn't crash, no errors, but when i came back the parents were gone once again. Just made a manual backup wanna see how long it's going to last this time.
  5. Not sure what happened all i did is change view and suddenly all playlists lost their parents. Anybody heard of something like this? No idea how to get them back without manually editing every single one.
  6. I'm having a problem with two of the archives, specifically (1-A) and (B). There is one video in each that won't extract anybody else?
  7. Fair enough, just bought the regular licence come next year or later if i see a sale for the lifetime licence i'll take that one too.
  8. I'm planning to get the regular license on the upcoming Black Friday sale to try out the full version. I wanted to get the lifetime version but sadly i need the money for something more urgent and i'm not gonna have much left. If i then decide to upgrade to the lifetime licence next year during another sale like this, would the discount apply then?
  9. Ok, seems like i figured it out. It seems i have to re-select CD audio every time i load the game, which is annoying since that resets the cfg file. This goes for both my main launcbox installation and the original eXoDOS one, so it had nothing to do with symlinks whatsoever, just some error in how the batch file is setup in eXoDOS itself. Bleh. [EDIT] Well, unlike what the batch file says, re-selecting CD audio doesn't actually erase the cfg file. So this whole thread is even more useless now.
  10. I know this isn't related to Launchbox but googling didn't help so i figured i might try asking here. Basically, what i did is merge all three eXo projects using symbolic links into my main launchbox installation in order to keep the original folders as untouched as i can. Everything seems to work fine but i found my first problem, namely, i tried running Blood (1997), which has an option to use CD audio but it doesn't work when i run my game from my merged launchbox platform but it does work when i launch it inside the original eXoDOS folder itself. Does it mean the batch file eXO is using doesn't actually see the symlinked folder as a true local folder? BTW, might be related but on my merged launchbox set up i can't get that pop up when you point the mouse over the box, the one with the option to mute or turn the music on, flip the front box etc.
  11. I see. That's too bad i liked the idea of having links to extras, documents, trailers and misc stuff like that right in the context menu like eXoDOS does. I can use the additional apps option but it's not as clean.
  12. I just installed eXoDOS and i noticed there are extra things added to the contet menu when you right click on the game. I tried googling but didn't find anybody talking about how to do this, but noticed other people have extended menus as well: How can add extra entires like that? I can add additional apps but that's about it.
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