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4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Fort what its worth... I do have Chrome remote access setup. I opened the "download a file" option that gave me an file manager window that allowed me to access my backup and restore. It may be time to find a better shutdown option than the red switch on the back...
  2. I just had this exact thing happen. Did you ever find a solution?
  3. So I am running Windows, that bypasses windows log in to go right to big box. When I boot I am told : "It appears that your Launchbox\Data\Settings .xml file is corrupt; Launchbox can't continue. Please try restoring a backup of the file from the Backups folder inside of your Launchbox folder" Now that I've bypassed the windows shell and bigbox has crashed I cant actually do any debugging steps. Do I have any good options?
  4. So let me start with saying Daphne worked great prior to the most recent update (That I got today) Now it opens, and it appears it displays maybe the batch file that I am using to open it? This only happens in bigbox, launchbox it works seemlessly on. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Just curious what some good games are to play with a 6 button arcade. Modern obviously, as I'm pretty maxed with emulators and the like.
  6. I assume this is covered here... Somewhere? Just no where I could find. I am tossing buttons onto a 4 player arcade. Controller, 6 buttons, and then 2 up top for "coin" and "player" select, When I am importing my mame collection I am given the option to limit games to how many buttons. Should I be limiting that to 6 since thats the whats intended to be used or 8 cause it is technically 8 buttons? Thanks in advance!
  7. This was the answer...
  8. I may be having an ID10T problem here, but I can't get any Mame games to launch from launchbox using RetroArch to save my life. I can get NES no problem. I can open Retro from inside Launchbox and run it from inside there... But when I try to run it from LB nothing happens. At all. Any help would be appreciated! Just before anyone askes... 0.257 and mame current core.
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