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Mark Norville

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  1. Firstly, a very nice theme. It is my favourite due to the size of my monitor being an ultrawide. So this works pretty well for me. I do have a couple of questions though. 1) I love Platform view 3, and sadly disappointed to find that this is not a game view. I have very basic e.g no knowledge of BB and skinning for it, but is there a way that the platform view, could be made into a game view? 2) The skin keeps defaulting to Platform view, when I want it to go to Platform Cats upon loading. I did lock the screen, but every time I load I have to unlock and then change the view. Is there a way of defaulting to Platform cats or anything of my choosing? Thanks for any help given. Ok scrub that, I sorted everything out myself. Thanks to CTC I have managed to do what I want now. I still have a lot to learn on how to use it properly, but as I only wanted a basic skin this is great for my needs. Regards Mark
  2. Hi, Many thanks for your reply, I have rescraped MAME so that it put back the settings to how they were. I did not know any other way of doing it, but -artwork_crop -skip_gameinfo -waitvsync -nofilter -keyboardprovider dinput -rompath %romlocation% Is back in settings. My test rom is 10 Yard Fight and the play back and audio is back to being stuttery so time to remove -waitvsync You deserve a gold star, with the -waitvsync removed the game plays as normal. Regards Mark
  3. Hi, As a new user I done the import full set of roms and allowed LB to do all the settings etc etc for MAME 0.261 A massive mistake on my part, the games would be stuttery as hell both in audio and also game play. I stripped out all of the command line that LB uses and now it works perfectly. Someone needs to look at this and change the import process, my PC is not the best but it is not the worse either i7-3770k 16 gigs of ram, gtx 4070 graphics card. MAME should run out of the box, and not be as flawed as it is during a LB import. Regards Mark
  4. Mark Norville

    Mame xml

    When you import a full rom set, you can use the check boxes so that it does not import those files. So Megaplay would not be included. However, do not use the commands from Launchbox as they are totally rubbish to say the least. The games do not play correctly, they are stuttery and unplayable for the most of them. I just stripped the whole code out and it works fine now. Regards Mark
  5. Have a look at the following thread It has a work around for now Regards Mark
  6. Sadly this is a major issue, I just tried to open LB Sunday 03rd of Dec 2023 and it will not load, reported but sad to see this happen. I done the xml file and works, I will post 808's suggestion here so new people can read Oh and just thinking, does this mean now that you have to change the company name to Broken Software? SOLUTION Can you both try the following: With LaunchBox closed: Navigate to the folder you installed LaunchBox in. Go to the Data folder inside of this folder Open the Settings.xml file Look for "EnableAutomatedImports" tag. (It should be around line 54 - may not be exact depending in your build) If it is Set to "true" change it to false Save and close the file Reopen LaunchBox Object reference not set to an instance of an object. App: LaunchBox Version: 13.8 Theme: Default Type: System.NullReferenceException Site: Void MoveNext() Source: Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Integrations.Xbox.XboxAccountClient.RevertLiteralCustomer(Object reference) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Integrations.Xbox.XboxAccountClient.RefreshTokens() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.Processes.Scanning.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.VerifyDistributedFilter() at System.Threading.Thread.StartHelper.Callback(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() Recent Log: 18:52:53 Exception
  7. I will do this on a separate thread, so it is easier to find. I have solved the above problem. I removed LB from my mechanical hard drive, put onto my SSD and put the MAME roms on the SSD as well, this time it works great no stuttering etc etc. The only thing that I will say is that the graphics are blocky, I use 10-Yard Fight for my test game, So I am going to have to go into MAME settings to get it less blocky, I know that this is a retro game, but I cannot remember the game in the arcades being this blocky, it is worse than Minecraft. E.G new games trying to look retro. I might do this again, but keep my MAME roms on the mechanical and LB on my SSD to see if I get that same stutter and slow down and then I will edit this to reflect on my findings. Regards Mark
  8. Sadly, I think that this is a common problem of LB, I am a new user and installed MAME via import on 13.8 and 0.58 and that is slow as hell. If I load it direct from MAME then it is fine. I deinstalled MAME from my set as I managed to get 60 rom set and still the same problem. I am using a 780 TI graphics card, I think 16 gig memory, but I am loading from a mechanical hard drive. I have not tried anything else as yet, but hang on I just tried loading a RSPC3 game and that is perfect and it is a much harder to run emulator. Maybe a problem with the actual importer settings? Regards Mark
  9. Thanks for any help given, I done a forum search and the only thing that I could find was a Kodi plugin, where I could launch BB from within Kodi. However, that is not what I want to do. I just watched the video about BB shell and replacing WIndows shell, and I want to boot directly into BB, but have the option to load Kodi from within BB itself. I am not sure if this is possible or not, but would be a great feature to have, or with the BB shell, if a menu screen was available that says something like Movies or Games, so if you wanted to watch a movie then it loads Kodi, games BB. Regards Mark
  10. Thankfully everyone is different, and have different views and likes. I used to love the HS look when I first saw it, but what I ended up hating was the ever changing graphics, so I did actually start creating skins or trying to get it to look something different. One HS demo I done, a Space Invaders theme Another demo of something I was working on And just to leave you with one more lol Oh go on, I will throw Attract Mode in as well
  11. So good I downloaded it, and made a comment. Please believe me, that is very high praise. I have tested this on a 4K monitor, but I think that I am running at 2K as I am using a DP cable into a HDMI splitter box, I will try it on my TV at some point, just to see what it looks like, but I was impressed and honestly could not find any faults with it. Well ok, after watching it for the millionth time, in two minutes. I would have to say maybe too many lighting strikes, less is always more, maybe a more dramatic lighting strike at the start and maybe at the end, rather than blue pulses seven times (yes OCD made me count) The main thing that I like about this, is that you have done the big box sort of subtle, it is still there, but not in your face like other creators have done, where it is web address and logo's, that to me is just far too much. I kind of would leave all that stuff out, and have it so all retro gamers can use, regardless of frontend. However, this is a 99% to me, and I do not say that just for the sake of saying it, I say it because I mean it. Regards Mark
  12. Only joking, I might actually be in love, but I will always call it Lunchbox though lol I have tried the software before, but I have to say that I hated it, but seeing a video from ETA Prime today, as it is nearly Christmas and I wanted something for my cinema PC, I thought sod it why not, as it was discounted prices. As an old skool gamer, even though I don't really play games any more, but I still love the experience of if I want to play something, then I can. When I first saw MAME running on a 486 DX PC, or possibly even before that, I was choking back tears seeing these massive arcade cabinets, in a massive PC. I started off my retro journey, basic MAME, then frontends Hyperspin, I loved it when I did not have it, but hated it when I did have it. I then moved onto Coinops, loved that, especially the wall theme, but having new releases every two minutes really annoyed the hell out of me, you spend months getting half done and he changes it again. I then moved onto AttractMode, which I had tried before and hated, but tried it years later and started to love it when I got to learn how to use it properly. However, you need a lot of work with AM to get the best out of it, and I was starting again with it, but I stopped as really this is not a main priority for me, it is just something to do as a hobby, but often feels more like a full time job. The reason why I decided to buy today, was seeing some of the skins on the ETA video, which was what I was looking for really, something for a large screen TV and not much work to do. I just wanted to set it up and play, rather than always doing graphics for every single cabinet and every single game, as it is a never ending job, and even if you started as a baby, you could never complete it in two life times. The fact of no DRM is also very massive, just a shame that some people abuse that, I could have just downloaded a free and full version, but I like to reward hard work and really a job well done. It has a learning curve with it, but enough videos on how to use it. However, to have things automate so you do not have to spend all your time collecting data etc is truly remarkable. So well done Jason and whoever works with you, well done to the skinners who can learn how to make skins, which from when I looked is almost impossible, it is like a programming language, and I am too stupid and old to learn new things. I shall end here, as I do tend to waffle on. Regards Mark
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