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Everything posted by B-B-Lee

  1. Hi, I just bought CTC 3.2.7 from Patreon (I bought the post) but I can not even try it... I fill my Author name, I browse for my LB directory and launch it... it's extremely low as soon as it starts and as I try to load the "_Theme Components" project and select a view to edit, the app stop responding and the only way out is force its termination... is there something I should know? Can be a problem a LB installation with a lot of games, a few platforms, platform categories and subcategories? Thanks
  2. I've used it on 13.18 and it worked with the previous version as well
  3. I don't know if anyone else managed to make this work on their machines, I'm using this with no problem on my Windows 11 machine with the latest LB version; I built this with Visual Studio 2022. Make sure you're not renaming the dll; I had security issues renaming dlls.. Maybe some more experienced plugin dev can point out to some issue I can't think about
  4. Hi, you should see "Create Clear Logo" in the menu even for the games that already have a Clear Logo, with the other plugins, under the builtin LB commands, like in the picture. You have to restart LBB after putting the plugin in the plugin folder. Do you have other plugins and can confirm other 3rd party plugins work correctly?
  5. Version 1.0.0


    What's this? Ever wanted to fill the holes on your 40k games DB for your Commodore 64 platform or create your own nice set of stylish clear logos for your favourite platform? I did, so I created this simple yet useful tool to batch create Clear Logos for each game you can select from your list, starting from a background png image and writing the game name on it, adjusting text appearance and previewing the result. How to install it Just download the zip and extract its content in the LaunchBox plugin folder. How to use it Just select as many games you want to create your clear logo for, right click on them and select "Create Clear Logo" form the context menu. A configuration form will let you choose the background png file to use as the base image of your clear logo (in the downloaded zip file there's an example of a Commodore 64 template clear logo); X and Y position where the name of the game will be rendered on the base image; The max width the name should take before shrinking to fit the logo; The font name to be used to render the game title (all fonts from your machine should be supported); The base size of the font to be used (if the rendered text exceeds the max width, the font size will be automatically decreased); The foreground color of the text (it supports html standard, so textual colors like "white" or Hex rapresentations like "#FFFFFF"); The shadow color of the text (it supports html standard, so textual colors like "white" or Hex rapresentations like "#FFFFFF"); if blank, no shadow will be rendered; A Check to create the Clear Logo even if it already exists; any clear logo is created as a second clear logo (with "<game title>-02.png" name) so it should not overwrite your main clear logo, but by default no Clear Logo is created if a clear logo named "<game title>-01.png" exists, to prevent priority on your main logos and just fill your holes in the collection, but if this option is checked ("Create if already exists") the logo will be created anyway for any game selected. Clicking Refresh button a Preview of the generated logo will be created (or refreshed) in the form, so you can test what the Clear Logo will look like, using the Preview Text you can modify, hopefully checking short and long names to see if the position and size parameters are ok. Once you're OK with the preview you can click "Generate" to start the bulk generation. A progress bar will let you know how long it's going to take, but it's a quite fast process. Disclaimer I created this plugin because I needed something like that and it's my first attempt to a structured plugin, so it could have issues, but I'm quite happy with the results, I hope you can enjoy it too!
  6. Clear Logo Creator View File What's this? Ever wanted to fill the holes on your 40k games DB for your Commodore 64 platform or create your own nice set of stylish clear logos for your favourite platform? I did, so I create this simple yet useful tool to batch create Clear Logos for each game you can select from your list, starting from a background png image and writing the game name on it, adjusting text appearence and previewing the result. How to install it Just download the zip and extract it's content in the LaunchBox plugin folder. How to use it Just select as many games you want to create your clear logo for, right click on them and select "Create Clear Logo" form the context menu. A configuration form will let you choose the background png file to use as the base image of your clear logo (in the downloaded zip file there's an example of a Commodore 64 template clear logo); X and Y position where the name off the game will be rendered on the base image; The max width the name should take before shrinking to fit the logo; The font name to be used to render the game title (all fonts from your machine should be supported); The base size of the font to be used (in the rendered text exceed the max width the font size will be automatically decreased); The foreground color of the text (it supports html standard, so textual colors like "white" or Hex rappresentations like "#FFFFFF"); The shadow color of the text (it supports html standard, so textual colors like "white" or Hex rappresentations like "#FFFFFF"); if blank, no shadow will be rendered; A Check to create the Clear Logo even if it already exists; any clear logo is created as a second clear logo (with "<game title>-02.png" name) so it should not overwrite your main clear logo, but by default no Clear Logo is created if a clear logo named "<game title>-01.png" exists, to prevent priority on your main logos and just fill your holes in the collection, but if this option is checked ("Create if already exists") the logo will be created anyway or any game selected. Clicking the Refresh button a Preview of the genereted logo will be created (or refreshed) in the form, so you can test what the Clear Logo will look like, using the Preview Text you can modify, hopefully checking short and long names to see if the position and size parameters are ok. Once your OK with the preview you can click "Generate" to start the bulk generation. A progress bar will let you know how long it's going to take, but it's a quite fast process. Disclaimer I created this plugin because I needed something like that and it's my first attempt to a structured plugin, so it could have issues, but I'm quite happy with the results, I hope you can enjoy it too! Submitter B-B-Lee Submitted 01/14/2025 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  7. Thanks for the answer! Yeah, I'm going to operate on a selection (it could be a 35000 games selection, so a big one), so my idea was to load it once and then parse it via xpath while going through the selection, thank you for confirming the approach! I'll make it available to everyone if there's someone that can find it useful.
  8. Hi, since I had no answers to my request for a more strict way to update metadata (see https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/86493-update-metadata-messing-things-up-when-a-game-is-not-on-db-can-i-force-a-strict-scrape/ for the request) I thought to dive into plugins development to do my own "strict scraper". While I was experimenting with the available interface I did some nice "DYI" tool to organize and rename my collection C64 games to make my clean up work easier and I'm almost ready to give a try to my scraper and I was wondering: is there an already available interface or helper to navigare or scan the LB DB (XML files under the "metadata" folder) or should I parse the XML files as regular XML all by myself? No problem in doing it by myself, but I'd be happy if someone can point me to some easier way, 'cause the time I can put into that is extremely scarse. Thank you very much for the help!
  9. Hi, I'm having problems with the "update metadata" feature on a very BIG C64 collection. I imported anything from the GameBase archive without downloading anything from LB DB not to mess up with names and versions and I've done A LOT of manual and scripted work to combine regional versions, duplicates, hacked versions and so on... I divided my whole collection into two platforms to keep public domain and unreleased games away from the main platform and I would like to use the "Update Metadata and Media" feature on the main platform to download media. The problem is that LaunchBox try to guess too much.... for example I've a game that is called "anagram", that simply does not exist on LB DB, but when updating metadata (no replacement selected) LB decide that the best match is with a game called "xanagram" and associate and download media from it to "anagram"... this happens for hundreds of games, making the scraping process useless, or even damaging (I can not double check 35000 games)... is there a way to FORCE a more STRICT scraping? I know that C64 is a mess of a platform, but it's my first gaming platform, so I would like to achieve the best results as possible. Thank you very much!
  10. To add some information to this, I should mention that the games I'm combining are not exactly duplicates... just different versions or distribution; it was very easy at the C64 times to change a game title screen, logo, language, etc... and publish it with another absurd name, with almost no copyright law to defend game creators from that. I could go for a pre-filtered set but I'd really love to have everything sorted out and decide to play that bootleg italian version of that particular game I used to play when I was a kid almost 40 years ago
  11. Thanks for the quick response; your answer is usefull but it can be applied only after a full scan to search for games IDs... and unfortunatly this leads to a lot of false ID attribution (C64 naming is a chore and there are a lot of games with the same name that are different) and I don't want different games to be combined just because they have the exact same name or things like that; and after that regional / bootleg versions of the games are not in Launchbox DBs, so no ID is given to them.... it's a terrible manual job to be done...
  12. Hi, is there a way to enter two words in the search bar and search titles that contains at least one of the words (an OR search)? I'm trying to make a super clean and organized Commodore 64 list starting from a GameBase collection (more than 60k games); it happens hundreds of times that I have 2 names of the same game (i.e regional versions) and I've to combine them... and to do that the best I can do is scroll back and forth the whole list.. and with that many games the scroll bar movement is so inaccurate that it takes a lot of time doing this simple task... having an OR search would solve this instantly. Thank you!!!
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