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Everything posted by barefootben

  1. Yes I believe so. Is this something that could be updated? I'm doing research for a large project cataloging video games and I'd love to be able to use Launchbox as a source, but clicking into every game to see the year is not practical. Appreciate the responses and the work you guys do. Thanks!
  2. I'm referring to the year date that shows when clicking into a game. Take the Adventures of Lolo on your screenshot - There's no date on the Gameboy page, but if you click into the game's page, the date is listed as 1996. In the old format this date was listed for each game when you browse via platform, which made using control+F super easy to find the year you want (old screenshot attached via wayback machine)
  3. The inability to quickly search by year has made the database unusable as a database. Games just say 'released' with no date mentioned unless you click into each game individually which is not practical.
  4. Is it possible to add the release date back to the platform specific databases? (https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/platforms/games/111-apple-ii). I use Launchbox for research and cataloging games, but under the new theme I'd have to click into every single game to find games released in 1982 for instance? Thank you, appreciate the work you all do
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