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Everything posted by moocowe

  1. It was the only way I could get the controls to work for every game. Some Epic games were unplayable without using Steam to remap controls. I made a post about how I set it up here:
  2. It's a Xin-Mo board, which I think is set to direct input. I've set up all my Windows games to launch via Steam, so I can use the Steam Overlay for configuring controls.
  3. Looking for some must-play PC games to play with my 9 year old. Nothing overly serious. Preference for casual co-op or simple multiplayer battles. Needs to be mostly playable with 6 buttons + start & select, but I can map 2 extra buttons per player to my hotkeys for seldom used functions if I need to. These are the games we currently have (bold are favourites): 20XX (haven't tried it yet) Astro Duel 2 Battleblock Theater Boomerang Fu Castle Crashers Cat Quest 1,2,3 Crawl Cult of the Lamb Duck Game Expendabros Fight'N Rage Guacamelee 1 & 2 Jitsu Squad Lost Castle (haven't tried it yet) Move or Die Plunder Panic Sonic Mania Spelunky (haven't tried it yet) Streets of Rage 4 TMNT Shredder's Revenge Terror of Hemasaurus Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove Tunche (haven't tried it yet) Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Ultra Street Fighter 4
  4. Designed in CAD to be as small as possible with a subwoofer inside. The original concept was to build a base to sit it on and also use as an upright, but I'm happy just using it as a bartop for now. It used to be powered by 2 Raspberry Pi's (one running RetroPie, and a Zero to display the controller images on the 5" display), but it was a pain to work with, so I swapped them out for an Intel N95 mini PC with LaunchBox.
  5. Couldn't find anything related to this anywhere else in the forums, so posting here in case it helps others. I was having difficulty getting my controllers to work correctly in almost every game opened through the Epic Games Launcher. The following workaround makes them open with Steam instead, using Steam's controller settings. I've only tried it on 9 games, but it's worked perfectly on all of them. Install the Epic game and import into Launchbox if you haven't already done so Open Steam. At the bottom left of the window, click on Add a Game > Add a Non-Steam Game Click Browse, and select the .exe of the game (eg. C:\Program Files\Epic Games\CatQuestII\Cat Quest II.exe) If the Add a Non-Steam Game window isn't showing, use Alt+Tab to bring it back, then click Add Selected Programs (you can add multiple games at the same time) Right-click on the game in the left hand pane of your library tab, and choose Properties, then under Launch Options, type -epicportal (this allows the game to run without opening Epic) Right-click on the game in the left hand pane again, and choose Manage" > Add desktop shortcut (you can delete this after you get the URL) In Windows File Explorer, Right-click on the desktop shortcut, and choose Properties On the Web Document tab, copy the entire URL (it should look something like like steam://rungameid/12345678901234567890) Back in Launchbox, right-click on the imported Epic game, and choose Edit > Edit Metadata/Media Select Launching on the left hand side, and replace the Application Path with the the Steam URL you copied, then click OK In LaunchBox, it will say Install instead of Play, so you have to click it twice. No issues in BigBox as far as I can tell.
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  6. Version 1.0.0


    Some simple replacement icons to make it easier to navigate and remap controls in RetroArch with a 6 button layout. I'm using them with the Ozone theme, but they should work for the XMB theme too due to the folder the icons are stored in. Copy the required images to the following location: ...\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\assets\xmb\monochrome\png\
  7. RetroArch Icons for 6 Button Controls View File Some simple replacement icons to make it easier to navigate and remap controls in RetroArch with a 6 button layout. I'm using them with the Ozone theme, but they should work for the XMB theme too due to the folder the icons are stored in. Copy the required images to the following location: ...\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\assets\xmb\monochrome\png\ Submitter moocowe Submitted 08/03/2024 Category Custom Badges  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Some button maps I created for the platforms I use. (Arcade, Jaguar, PC Engine, PC Engine CD, NES, SNES, GameCube, Master System, Mega Drive, Mega-CD, 32X, Saturn, Dreamcast, Neo Geo, PS1, PS2, Windows) They're all 800x480 Transparent PNGs, I'm using them on a 5" 2nd display. Photoshop PSD template included. The font used is JLS Data Gothic C, which can be downloaded free for personal use on DaFont. I've also uploaded a 596 image FBNeo/MAME set.
  9. 6 Button Control Layouts Marquees/Banners View File Some button maps I created for the platforms I use. (Arcade, Jaguar, PC Engine, PC Engine CD, NES, SNES, GameCube, Master System, Mega Drive, Mega-CD, 32X, Saturn, Dreamcast, Neo Geo, PS1, PS2, Windows) They're all 800x480 Transparent PNGs, I'm using them on a 5" 2nd display. Photoshop PSD template included. The font used is JLS Data Gothic C, which can be downloaded free for personal use on DaFont. I've also uploaded a 596 image FBNeo/MAME set. Submitter moocowe Submitted 08/03/2024 Category Platform Banners  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Some button maps I created for FinalBurn Neo (and possibly MAME?) I've created these based on the "All Killer No Filler" games list I'm using. There are 596 images in total, but I haven't checked them all, they've just been pulled straight out of a controls.xml. They're all 800x480 Transparent PNGs, I'm using them on a 5" 2nd display, with the ThirdScreen Plugin falling back to my platform button map if one doesn't exist for the game. Photoshop PSD template included. The font used is JLS Data Gothic C, which can be downloaded free for personal use on DaFont.
  11. I'm not sure if it's an improvement that would interest anyone, but I've used the video resources to create some new platform images with transparent screens. I've used these in place of the existing platform images and videos, and have standard gameplay videos running behind them. Now there are no issues with colour matching between the video and background. No issues with the transition between platform image and platform video anymore either. Is it permitted to share my modified project files here if anyone would be interested?
  12. Don't suppose anyone has a link for v2.5.5 of the Community Theme Creator? Or even better, the theme files already updated for the latest CTC 3.1.5? Thanks
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