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  1. AstroBob's post in Dolphin Emulator -b disables fullscreen was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    Thanks for the report here, this is actually a known issue in 13.19. If you edit the Dolphin Emulator's setting, where you specify your command line parameters you'll also see an option called Attempt to hide console window on startup/shutdown. There is currently an issue with this setting which we're working on to address, but the result is that Dolphin doesn't launch in fullscreen, even though the command line parameter is correct.

    If you turn that option off, it should launch correctly in fullscreen. 
    Sorry for the confusion caused here, we're working to address this issue and I'll let you know once that has been rolled out.
  2. AstroBob's post in Can't install DOS games with latest version of LaunchBox (13.19) was marked as the answer   
    Hi Folks, 
    Just wanted to let you know, today we released a patch version (13.20)  which contains a fix for this issue. The DOS importer should now be working properly as expected. 
    You can see the full changelog here. 
    Thanks for bearing with us there. 
  3. AstroBob's post in The unexpected error is back again in the moderations was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    Thanks for the report here, there was some maintenance on the database yesterday, which could have contributed to this. Can you confirm If you're continuously seeing these moderation errors today?
  4. AstroBob's post in 13.19 Dolphin doesn't launch fullscreen anymore was marked as the answer   
    Hi Folks,
    Just to let you know this, issue has now been addressed internally and will be available in the next version of LaunchBox (13.20). An early beta is available of this version which contains this fix, which you are welcome to try out below:
    🔗 https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/89482-launchbox-1320-beta-thread/
    Otherwise, you can expect to receive this fix in 13.20.
    Thanks for bearing with us there, and apologies for any issues due to this.
  5. AstroBob's post in Can't add NAS MAME files in Android version 1.16 but every other platform works was marked as the answer   
    Hi @ChunkyLoverMark thanks for the update. There were some issues around this release regarding importing Arcade over NAS, so apologies if that caused any confusion there. 
    As you can see though, right now we don't supported importing Arcade platform games over a network drive, due to some of the dependency files that arcade games can require. It's hard to say right now how long and if we'll find an elegant solution to this, so my suggestion would beto  import those locally for now.
    Apologies for any confusion caused there.
  6. AstroBob's post in LaunchBox 13.19 Update error was marked as the answer   
    @xevious1974 I've split this off to it's own thread to troubleshoot.
    The error you're seeing is because the AddToGamesDb plugin has not been updated for LaunchBox 13.19. This plugin is no longer supported by the developer anyway, so please delete it from your LaunchBox\Plugins directory, and this should fix the error.
  7. AstroBob's post in Widget home screen won't change was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    Thanks for reaching out, we have an FAQ that addresses this specific issue. Please have a look through it here and let me know if you have any further questions.
    The TLDR is that not all themes affect the game discovery center since it's relatively new. If you prefer Big Box to load to another view that does support theming, you can go to `Options > Views > Default Startup View` and select a different section to use
  8. AstroBob's post in BigBox Performance and How to Make it Better was marked as the answer   
    Hi Folks,
    For anyone coming across this thread, we have a newer post with updated information on Big Box performance and troubleshooting steps. Please refer to that thread for the latest guidance on improving and debugging Big Box performance.
  9. AstroBob's post in NAS non WIFI? Wake NAS from Launchbox? was marked as the answer   
    Hi There,
    Yes, this is common behavior for most NAS setups. NAS devices are typically designed to be discoverable via local network protocols (such as SMB or NFS) and do not natively support discovery over the internet unless additional configurations (like port forwarding, VPN, or cloud services) are used. Right now, this is very much up to how the individual NAS is configured, so it should be possible to setup, but we don't have any visibility over that on the LaunchBox side.
    This is again dependent on the supporting Wake-on-LAN (WoL) packet to the NAS when trying to access it. Some third-party file managers support this, which is why they work.
    If your NAS supports Wake-on-LAN, you could try manually waking it up using another app before launching Launchbox. Right now I don't believe we support Wake-on-LAN within the Launchbox app so that it sends a magic packet to wake the NAS when needed. It's something we could look to add in the future though. Hope that helps to clarify. Give me a shout if you have any more questions.
  10. AstroBob's post in where can i download games to launch box was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, discussions related to distributing or linking to copyrighted material, such as ROMs, are strictly prohibited on this forum. The expectation is that any games used with LaunchBox have been acquired through legal means.
    Apologies that we can’t be of more help on this. I’ll be closing this thread for now but leaving it up for future readers.
  11. AstroBob's post in Sorting of platforms was marked as the answer   
    Hi @erling1000 
    Thanks for the great question! You absolutely can do this. When you edit a platform (either right click > edit or by going to Tools > Manage Platforms and double-clicking on one, you’ll see a field called Sort Title.
    Whatever value you enter in that field will determine the sorting order for your platforms. For example, if you want all Nintendo consoles to be ordered chronologically, you can input values like Nintendo Console 1, 2, 3, or Nintendo Handheld 1, 2, 3.
    This Sort Title field also exists for playlists, allowing you to set a custom sort order that isn’t strictly alphabetical.
    Hope that helps! Let us know how you get on.
  12. AstroBob's post in Launchbox won't load was marked as the answer   
    Hi there, thanks for the question:
    The first message is a standard browser warning for less commonly downloaded files. This is normal, and you just to confirm if it asks for any confirmation to proceed.
    The second message happens because .crdownload files are incomplete downloads. This usually means the download was interrupted. Check your browser’s Downloads section to resume or restart the download. Make sure your internet is stable and temporarily disable antivirus if it’s blocking the file. Once complete, the .crdownload file will convert to the correct .exe format, which you can use to install LaunchBox.
    Let us know how you get on.
  13. AstroBob's post in Screen time out option not stopping screen from turning off was marked as the answer   
    Thanks Mark, yes that is our bad. Bit of a miscommunication on our side with the release notes. I'll look to get these release notes updated so thanks for pointing that out. 
    Give me a shout if you have any further questions.
  14. AstroBob's post in Joystick UP/Down/Left/Right functions not working in games was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for the update. If the emulator you’re using is RetroArch, please note that the controls configured there are separate from those set in Big Box, so you’ll need to configure them directly in RetroArch.
    Depending on your controller, RetroArch is generally quite good at recognizing most common controllers right out of the box. However, if it doesn’t, you can manually configure them using the guide below:
    • RetroArch Input and Controls Guide
    RetroArch’s configured controls will typically apply across all the platforms you use with it. However, it also allows you to make per-platform or per-game controller adjustments if needed.
  15. AstroBob's post in YouTube videos not streaming in Android version 1.16 was marked as the answer   
    Hi Mark, 
    Thanks for reporting this. Unfortunately, YouTube recently changed something on their backend which broke the way we stream videos. We're looking into ways we can address this.
    I'll try and update you once we have a better idea of when you can expect this to be fixed. Thanks for bearing with us in the meantime.
  16. AstroBob's post in Reinitialize/Reimport Windows Games was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    Thanks for the great question!
    If you have Enable Automatic Imports on Startup turned on under the Tools > Manage > Storefront section, LaunchBox will automatically import locally installed games when you first start it up. However, if you’ve deleted those games from your library, they won’t be re-imported automatically. LaunchBox keeps track of which games you’ve deleted to prevent re-importing them repeatedly—this is particularly useful for games you intentionally want to exclude.
    That said, the easiest way to bring those games back is to use the Tools > Import > Steam Games option. Here, you’ll be prompted to enter your Steam API key. Once that’s set up, you can select from a list of available games and choose which ones to import.
    I hope this helps clarify things! Let me know if you need further assistance or run into any issues.
  17. AstroBob's post in Platform videos not showing in Android version 1.16 was marked as the answer   
    HI @ChunkyLoverMark,
    Thanks for reporting this! To get platform videos working, follow these steps:
    1. From any platform view, press the three dots in the top-right corner and select View Settings.
    2. Ensure the Background Videos option is turned on.
    The platform video will then play in the background of your view. There are also a few additional options, such as hiding the box image, to make things look cleaner.
    Hope this helps! Let me know how it goes.
  18. AstroBob's post in Game location paths not matching on new PC was marked as the answer   
    Hi @BlindGuyMcSqueezy thanks for bearing with me there. 
    I've run some tests and the best way to do this would be to select all his games for a platform and go to Tools > File Management > Change ROMs folder path for selected games
    This will let you set the new directory which should update the application path for all your games.
    Let me know if that works for you
  19. AstroBob's post in Hide specific games from platforms but keep them within playlists was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Kefka2b, the only way to do this would be to create actual new Platforms for your Light Gun categories, and then change the Game’s metadata to that new platform, but this isn’t a workflow I’d recommend since you’ll lose association with the original platform.
    The best approach seems to be to use your current workflow (where you’ve created a new Category with some playlists for LightGun games). 
    It’s not ideal, but you could create two auto-playlists underneath each platform: one for lightgun games from that platform (e.g., NES) and one for normal NES games. 
    If you can let me know a bit more about your ideal end goal and how you’re looking to set things up I can try and advise further.
  20. AstroBob's post in Steam app ID redirects to steam home page was marked as the answer   
    Hi @MJF, thanks for flagging this. Our best guess about what happened to that game is that there may have been another game under the old Steam ID, and the developer may have deleted it and set it up as a new game.
    Either way, we've updated it, so it should work now. 
    Thanks for letting us know.
  21. AstroBob's post in EmuMovies Discount Code? was marked as the answer   
    Hi Jon,
    Welcome to the LaunchBox family! 🙌 Emumovies is indeed a great addition to a MAME Big Box setup. 
    If you've recently purchased a Windows license, you should have already received a 25% discount code for EmuMovies. Coincidentally, literally, as of yesterday, we have kindly donated some EmuMovies lifetime codes that we've been giving on our streams. I can't confirm how many of those there will be, but if you were ever curious you can catch the schedule here and pop along next time, it could be your lucky day 😊
  22. AstroBob's post in Unable to manage themes in BigBox - (error) was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Peter007, thanks for confirming, that is definitely the culprit then. Because there is no 7z app there, it cannot extract the theme, since that is what we use to unzip the download.
    I have a feeling this may have been a side effect of your original install, being inside another install. It might be better at this stage to run a fresh install of LuanchBox to ensure it has all the relevant dependencies. Then you can copy over your Data folder, along with any media folders (images, music, videos, manuals).
    Alternatively, you can simply grab the 7-Zip folder from a fresh install of LaunchBox, but it's hard to tell what else might be missing from your current install, so it might be worthwhile to start fresh.
    Make sure to take a backup of your build before attempting any of the above, and let me know if you need further guidance. Keep me posted
  23. AstroBob's post in 2 questions about BigBox setup was marked as the answer   
    Hi @djdaveoc22, thanks for the updates there and for elaborating on your use case. Given what you're trying to achieve, I think we can simplify things to give you exactly what you need.
    Assuming this build only needs your 10-ish platforms, organised by star rating, here's what I suggest.
    1. In LaunchBox, change your view (on the left-hand side under the search bar) from Platform Categories to Playlists. From there, using my previous method, create auto-playlists for each of your platforms, and set the playlist to be organised by star rating—no need to bother with adding them to any categories, and under the Parents tab, just leave everything unchecked.
    2. In Big Box, go to Options > Views > Default Startup View and change the option to Playlists
    Assuming you don't have any other playlists already, this means now that when you load Big Box, it will simply show you the playlists you created, and going into those will organise the games by star rating.
    Let me know if this works for you and how you get on.
  24. AstroBob's post in Showing the multiple version badge only if version installed was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Sinan, hope you're well
    The logic for the multiple apps badge to show is as follows:
    The game entry must have AT LEAST 2 additional applications present (that are not documents) Additional apps that are documents (i.e PDFs) will not count or show the badge, and will instead show up under the Additional Documents section Games that only have ONE additional app present will not show the badge Therefore, it depends entirely on what additional apps you have present for those games. If it's showing the badge for most of your games, that sounds like there are 2 or more additional apps present for those games. Depending on how you imported your games and where they came from, there may be some additional apps present there that you don't want.
    Hopefully, that helps clarify, let me know how you get on or if you have any other questions
  25. AstroBob's post in Launchbox for Android and future system requirements was marked as the answer   
    Hi @TommyTomorrow jumping in to see if I can help clarify things here: 
    These are the requirements we recommend for Android devices running LaunchBox (taken from our Android Download page)
    Currently, LaunchBox for Android is recommended for devices running Android 10, which is several versions behind the latest Android updates. While it’s hard to predict future system requirements, a few key points might help your decision:
    1. You’re not forced to update to a newer version of LaunchBox if your device no longer meets future requirements. You can continue using your existing version indefinitely.
    2. The lifetime license ensures long-term flexibility and value. Even if you eventually upgrade to a new Android device, you won’t have to worry about repurchasing the app.
    At the end of the day, it’s entirely personal preference. There’s always the option to upgrade your standard license later at a discounted price, or you can opt for the lifetime license now if you prefer the peace of mind of knowing you’re covered for both your current device and any future upgrades.
    Hope that helps, happy to answer any further questions.
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