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  1. AstroBob's post in Splitting LB instance into smaller ones was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to the club 😉 LaunchBox curation is a game all in itself!

    While a lot of this comes down to personal preference, one thing that might be worth considering is the `hidden` & `broken` checkbox fields. Both of these have view options tied to them in both LaunhBox & Big Box that will let you temporarily hide games marked with these fields.

    On the flip side, there is the option to let LaunchBox actually delete the ROM files from disk when you delete a game in your instance. This can be useful if you want to do your curation in LaunchBox, and then also let it tidy up the ROMs for you.

    Let us know how you get on, or if you need tips on specific curation workflows we'll do our best to advise
  2. AstroBob's post in Can LaunchBox recognise BIOS files that aren't in RetroArch's default system folder was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Isoku, I split your post out here so I can follow up, as I was also curious about this. 
    So, unfortunately, it seems like you cannot have BIOS files organized by subfolders. LaunchBox will expect the BIOS files to be in the `system` location, and if you browse to a BIOS outside of this location using the `browse` option, it will simply copy that BIOS back into the `system` folder. 
    I imagine this is a limitation with RetroArch, where it expects BIOS files to be in this location. I just ran a test whereby if you have your BIOS in subfolders, RetroArch won't find it correctly.
    I can't say if that's the case for ALL BIOS, as each core could be different, but unfortunately that means you're going to have to keep your BIOS in the default `Retroarch > system` folder. I agree, that it's a nice way to organise things at all,  but I do find that the Manage Dependencies option in LaunchBox at least let's me identify which BIOS is related to which system.
    Hope that helps to clarify. Let me know if you have any further questions. 
  3. AstroBob's post in LB won't open after auto Dolphin update was marked as the answer   
    Hey @strigoimare sorry to hear this has been such a pain for you. Let's see if we can try and get this update loop unstuck for you

    While I can't say for certain, based on the behaviour you're seeing, it's possible that when you attempted to re-install LaunchBox, the root folder wasn't selected, which would result in the extra LaunchBox directory Joe mentioned (`E:\Google Drive\Emulation\LaunchBox\LaunchBox\`). The reason I say that is because you mentioned after re-installing LaunchBox it wasn't recognising your license information. Can you double-check if that is the case?

    Regardless, let's get you onto a 13.14 version that isn't auto-updating and we can see how to tackle the rest from there, can you try the following:
    Go into your Updates folder and delete the 13.15 setup file. Run the 13.14 setup file, but make sure the install location path is  E:\Google Drive\Emulation\. Remember that the installer will add LaunchBox\ to your path for you automatically if you uses the "Browse" button to set a path, but if you type the full path out then it won't. Once you're at the end of the setup process LaunchBox will open automatically, you'll then need to go to Tools > Options > General > Updates, and uncheck "Automatically Download Updates In The Background" and "Beta Releases", but leave on the "Check for Updates", which only notifies you of future updates, but doesn't download anything. Finally, close LaunchBox, and check the Updates folder, since LaunchBox may have downloaded the 13.15 installer file in the background again before turning the "Automatically Download Updates In The Background" preference off. If so just delete that again. That should hopefully get you back to a stable 13.14 version. Let us know how you go on and we'll take it from there.
  4. AstroBob's post in Dolphin Launch in Fullscreen? was marked as the answer   
    Glad you both managed to find a solution to this. For anyone else reading and curious, if you're using a recent version of LaunchBox and you've added Dolphin as an emulator, it should already come with a flag applied that will launch games in fullscreen. You can check this by going to  Tools > Manage > Emulators, and seeing what is under the Default Command-Line Parameters for Dolphin. The full flag will be 
    -C Dolphin.Display.Fullscreen=True For anyone using an older version where this flag isn't already applied, you can simply add it to your command line parameters, and that means any game launched through LaunchBox will load in Dolphin via fullscreen.
    While we recommend this approach for ease of use, if you prefer there is an option in Dolphin under Graphics > General > Basic called "Start in Fullscreen". Selecting this will start any game from Dolphin in fullscreen mode and is basically what the flag is controlling when you launch via LaunchBox.

    I hope people find this useful 🙌
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