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Nostalgic Memories - Platform Themes
By KingSlayer420 in Custom Themes
Hello everyone, I spent the last few weeks working on a new style for my platform themes, previously known as Coverbox Fragments, which is based off of Faeran's Coverbox. It's a series of individual platform themes based off of actual console bios/menus. I had first planned to just start where I left off with it and make new fragments for it, that later changed as I felt the need to do more than I did before. I always wanted to make use of all the views, instead of binding myself only to the text view. So, I have a proposition...I want to redo them all in this new style. Knowing that I would have to rebuild the fragments when CTC 3.2 came around was always a thought in the back of my mind. Why wait I say, sounds way more fun to make them all again from scratch with CTC 3.2. Now I can create more views than before, implement the new features of CTC 3.2, and push BigBox to its limit. I decided on a new project name since it isn't focused on one view anymore, i named it Nostalgic Memories because that's what this project reminds me of the entire time I'm making them. I had a lot of fun making this first one, I'm excited to start on another. I plan on making one of these for each platform, I will always use the coverbox fragments style for the text view with all platforms as I did before.
NOTE: CTC 3.2 is still being worked on by y2guru, you may notice a few things that aren't all the way finished because of that. Don't worry, I check Dave's Patreon page everyday for updates, as soon as they come in I'll be sure to update them. Marquee view, and animations on the shutdown view are still being worked on. It will be fixed when CTC is updated, the shutdown screen animations I may have to redo I feel that's a error on my end that I can't figure out.
As usual, it will take me a day or so to get this looking real nice. Once I do it's off to the next platform, be sure to stop by my patreon and vote, its free.
Remastered Coverbox Fragment Text View in all Platform Themes On-The-Fly Region Changing while browsing game list Now totally rebuilt in CTC 3.2! Custom Startup/Shutdown themes for each platform Custom Pause theme for each platform Loaded with more custom metadata options Many new views! Detail on detail on detail. Official UI sounds for the menus COMPLETED PLATFORMS: 2
Sony PlayStation
Sony PlayStation 2
Current Platform: Vote
Progress Updates are posted on Patreon, all posts are public.
Copy all files into Launchbox folder. The "StartupThemes" folder is recommended, but optional. Install if you wish to use the custom startup/shutdown screen.
The "PauseThemes" folder is recommended, but optional. Install if you wish to use the custom pause screen.
The "Plugins" folder is optional, it contains 2 files from CTC that allow you to use the Startup/Shutdown themes in LB.
The "Images" folder contains Developer and Publisher logos and should be installed.
NOTE: Be sure to enable "Remember Separate View Per Platform" in the BigBox settings.
NOTE: These themes are designed to be applied to your game list, creating the feeling of entering the consoles menus to browse your games.
In order to use some features in this theme, you must have correct metadata filled out in Launchbox. Here are some of the fields that I used.
-Region (United States, North America, Europe, United Kingdom, Japan)
-Release Date (used for proper ESRB/PEGI/CERO by years it was used)
-Developer & Publisher Fields should be condensed to 1 company. (games with multiple company's wont display the logo)
-Publisher & Developer images need to be installed for Developer/Publisher logos to display.
more Publisher Logos will be added in the future, I made a post for it HERE
Some of these views are only included in the Patreon Edition version of my themes. Don't worry, I didn't put my best views behind a paywall. The Patreon Edition contains extra views for niche and obscure addons for platforms that most people don't even have in their collection. I will always include my best views for free, the extra views for my supporters are my way of saying thank you to them.
Each theme has a custom credits view that has no use aside from that. I use Vertical Wheel 4 for that always, you can exit by changing to another view.
Ah, Patreon. Where do I start. I know some people don't like that I started one, and put fragments behind a paywall. I am here to make that right so the fragments are now free, hope that ends that. I also know that some of you want to help, but don't have a way to buy me stay up late drinks. I will be clear that I'm not out to become a Patreon hero, so don't expect that of me. I believe that if you put effort towards balancing everything out, everybody can be happy. In that regard, I set it up in a way that I thought would make everyone happy. For people that hate the idea of buying anybody a coffee, I provided you with what I did before with way more content, and new views! For people that like to buy others coffee, I have provided you with a means to do so and a special edition with extra views. Equally, both sides get something special, I believe this is the best way. Now that's all said and done, I changed up the Patreon a bit and plan to do so a bit more. I like to hear from everybody so the poll is now public, comments will be public, etc. I like to know what kind of views you guys want added, help me with assets, anything. I love ANYTHING gaming related, including hearing from others that share that same passion. Don't be shy, stop by and help me make the best themes I can.
KingSlayer420 Patreon
Community Theme Creator 3.2 - By y2guru CoverBox 4.02 - By faeran COLORFUL Hardware Device Images - By viking Blank Box art 1.6.0 - By Pyrometheous Platform Logos Professionally Redrawn - By Dan Patrick LaunchBox Logos - Professionally Remastered & Revised 1.0.0 Photoreal Controller Vectors 2.1b - By Pineapple Graphics Platform Boot Videos Theme 1.0.0 - By ground7 ES Playstation Theme - By lostless Playstation Classic HD theme - By omgmog HD PS1 BIOS Theme - By mrgonaka Retroarch-Playstation-BIOS-theme - By Sir5ur PS2 Soundpack 1.0.0 - By Jodanzuki PS2 5K Wallpaper - By adamlbiscuit SOQUEROEU TV Backgrounds 2.1 (PS2 Background) - By soqueroeu Playstation 2 Box art 3D PAL 3D Case Template - By Pedro Playstation 2 Console Background - By Duimon Jay-Jay's Textures-On OPL Themes Collection - By JayJay PlayStation NOW! Logo - By Saieno PS2 Menu Video - By DonellHD
Dave Paterson - For making CTC, templates, live streams, and fixing problems when they arise, quickly I might add!
Faeran - For helping me when I run into trouble, helping with xaml stuff, CTC templates, and making all the instructional videos
DonellHD - For helping me get a Patreon started and making assets
Jack Parsons
Royal Ape
Durt Dittie
William Campbell
Pademonium Cinematics
Coverbox - Fragments
By KingSlayer420 in Custom Themes
Sorry for the poor quality, i will replace it with a more detailed extended version when I have more time.
I am possibly the biggest Coverbox fanboy in these forums, I've loved it since I was made aware of its existence. It was my go to for over a year of retro gaming. After using it for a while I started to notice areas that could be improved upon, eventually leading to me wanting to do something about it. After getting permission from Faeran I started adding in all the stuff I wished Coverbox had. I found it more flexible to make each platform a individual theme so I could have full control over all the views per platform, music, all the cool things that come with individual theme settings. Basically what we are left with is a super badass version of coverbox that's all "fragmented" into individual themes. Its got all the flashy stuff of a modern theme but still retains that sweet warm glow of Coverbox. I started making a "core" theme that was supposed to be a bridge between these fragments and the main platform theme, called "PlatformBox". It was put on the back burner and I never got back to it, I plan to make that eventually. So for now these will only work if applied in game view mode (the view that lists your games). Meaning, you have to go into that platform to the game list then apply the corresponding theme to see its effect.
WARNING: These themes may not work well on low performance machines! I do not have a low spec pc to test them on. Im working on that in the newer versions so everybody can enjoy it.
Totally remastered Coverbox view More Details View box back when in game details on-the-fly region changes to UI, cases, even the background! many many custom options official UI sounds seamless game details menu (just like CoverBox!) EXTREMELY detailed box art options custom startup & pause themes Platform addon support (satellaview, 64dd, etc) EXTRAS:
Coverbox - Fragments Startup Themes
Coverbox - Fragments Pause Themes
Nintendo (Famicom/Famicom Disk) Super Nintendo (Satellaview/Sufami Turbo) Nintendo 64 (64DD) Nintendo Gamecube (Needs work) Nintendo Wii (eshop) Nintendo WiiU (Incomplete - 70%) Nintendo Switch (Incomplete - 60%) Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy Color Nintendo Gameboy Advance Nintendo DS (GBA Support) Nintendo 3DS Sony Playstation Sony Playstation 2 Sony Playstation 3 Sony PSP Sega Genesis (Mega Drive/Sega CD/Mega CD/32x) Sega Saturn Sega Dreamcast MS-DOS Microsoft XBox Microsoft Xbox 360 Current Platform: Tell me what project you want me to work on next
Become a member of my Patreon, a place where you can help me decide which direction to go with my BigBox themes. Let me know if my ideas are trash, or gold. Guide me in the right direction because lord knows I need it. If you decide to become a member of my super secret club, I will listen to your stories, requests, and criticism. Your voices will be heard, and I will do my best to make the magic happen.
KingSlayer420 Patreon
Community Theme Creator 3.0 - By y2guru CoverBox 4.02 - By faeran GenesisMini - [Theme Workshop] 1.0 - By faeran DOS Matrix - [Theme Workshop] 1.1 - By faeran Sega-CD-Mini theme - By Arcanthur Xbox Sound Pack - By Random420 Default assets - By dragon57 COLORFUL Hardware Device Images - By viking Platform Logos Professionally Redrawn - By Dan Patrick Photoreal Controller Vectors - By Pineapple Graphics Dreamcast Sound Pack 1.1.0 - By RetroNi Nes Classic Navigation Sounds 1.0.0 - By ea4492 Gamecube Soundpack - By gils001 Switch Sound Pack - By Grila PS2 Soundpack 1.0.0 - By Jodanzuki PlayStation 3 Sound Pack 1.0.0 - By RetroNi Xbox 360 Sound Pack 1.0.0 - By RetroNi Nintendo 3DS 1.0.0 - By reon Kyosuke Room Backgrounds - By arsenixc Nintendo Famicom Disk - Pure Real Serie - Cartridge 2.5D By Dedaloso PS2 Background 1.0.0 - By tbm SPECIAL THANKS TO:
Faeran - For making Coverbox, letting me use your assets, helping me when I get stuck, making all the CTC videos, your like a mentor to me.
y2guru - For making Community Theme Creator, none of this would be possible without it! Also thank you for all the instructional videos!
Cnells2000 - For supporting me the entire time, searching the depths of the internet in search of me after I left, talking me into coming back, and just being a all around likeable dude. I owe ya one.
Patreon Supporters - For keeping the coffee comin' and helping me with the themes.
Pademonium Cinematics
If you like this theme, leave a review and tell me about it! It keeps me motivated!
Coverbox Fragments - Pause Themes
By KingSlayer420 in Pause Themes
These startup themes are for use with Coverbox - Fragments BigBox theme. These MUST be installed if you wish to use the custom pause screens I made for the fragments.
Pause themes get installed to = "Launchbox\PauseThemes"
Nintendo Super Nintendo Nintendo 64 Nintendo Gamecube Nintendo Wii Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy Color Nintendo Gameboy Advance Nintendo DS Nintendo 3DS Sony Playstation Sony Playstation 2 Sony Playstation 3 Sony PSP Sega Genesis Sega Saturn Sega Dreamcast MS-DOS Microsoft XBox Microsoft Xbox 360318 downloads
Coverbox - Fragments Startup Themes
By KingSlayer420 in Startup Themes
These startup themes are for use with Coverbox - Fragments BigBox theme. These MUST be installed if you wish to use the custom startup/shutdown screens I made for the fragments.
Startup themes get installed to = "Launchbox\StartupThemes"
Nintendo Super Nintendo Nintendo 64 Nintendo Gamecube Nintendo Wii Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy Color Nintendo Gameboy Advance Nintendo DS Nintendo 3DS Sony Playstation Sony Playstation 2 Sony Playstation 3 Sony PSP Sega Genesis Sega Saturn Sega Dreamcast MS-DOS Microsoft XBox Microsoft Xbox 360456 downloads
Publisher & Developer Logos
By KingSlayer420 in Playlist Clear Logos
This is a collection of publisher/developer logos that I use in my themes. With some help from Faeran, I now have a way to load them from one location instead of including them in every platform theme I make. Most of these were pulled from Faerans Coverbox theme, after adding quite a few more from my personal collection we are left with this. I plan to update this in the future, I post them here in the meantime just in case another theme dev wants to add these into their theme.
If you want to add these to your own theme using CTC, but don't know how, drop these xamls into your themes "User Source" folder. Add a new user source element to a view, and select the proper xaml. They wont show until you build the theme and load up bigbox.
It search's LaunchBox\Images\Publishers for the logo, and displays it. Right now it only works if you have 1 company listed in the metadata.
Developer Logo Custom Folder.XAML Publisher Logo Custom Folder.XAML