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Posts posted by whoozwah

  1. This is why we need OR descriptors for auto playlists. then you could have 3 tags, Non VR, VR optional, VR required. then you could make an auto playlist with the rules "contains, Non VR OR VR optional" and "VR optional OR VR required". But as it stands now, auto playlist functionality is pretty neutered until we get some real query logic.

  2. you could get pretty crazy with subgenres. You'd have to define what the top level genres are, major subgenres, styles of those subgenres etc. So like if you wanted to classify say DoDonPachi it might look like:

    Action-->Shooter-->Shoot 'em up-->Bullet Hell

    I'd imagine the genre tags would have to fly out like collapsible folders for all that to be useful though as for something like Warframe where it clearly fits in multiple different genres (RPG, Third Person Shooter, Hack n' Slash) you'd need to have the ability to define that easily too.


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  3. For something like Outrun, I can't imagine playing the vanilla rom anymore after discovering and properly setting up Cannonball. That is clearly the definitive way to play Outrun for me. Sound fixes, customizable difficulty/traffic, customizable maps, 60fps, true HD widescreen support. It's the only way to go for that game imo.

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  4. I was able to solve my bluetooth latency issue by ensuring that the dongle was plugged into USB 2.0 port and not 3.0. apparently there's something about the 3.0 bus that interferes with the way BT operates.

    Also found that I needed better line of sight between the dongle and the controllers so I connected a usb extension cable to said 2.0 port and routed it to a more centralized location in my game room. I then monitored the latency with DS4windows to ensure that it stopped spiking.


    Some of the latency for me though doesn't feel like controller latency, moreso the way big box loads in images sequentially on particular wheel views.

  5. is the controller a D-input controller? X-input? are you emulating x-input with inputmapper or similar? is steam running in the background? I had similar issues with my DS4 and it turns out steam will grab exclusive control of it before Ds4windows gets a chance to put it in exclusive mode. what then happens is that windows sees the controller as both the d input controller and the x input controller so it gets assigned 2 slots for a single controller and produces double inputs. I had to disable steam at startup to fix it.

  6. On 7/6/2018 at 8:00 PM, Link138 said:

    Thanks for all the help, everyone, but I've run into a new problem.

    I was able to replace the disc images with transparent background versions, however, now the game boxes won't show up.

    Instead, a large version of the disc images is replacing the boxes.

    Any ideas?


    Go into launch box and select Sega Saturn platform and change your image group from disc to box 

  7. 51 minutes ago, damageinc86 said:

    I have been using rocketlauncher' pause menu for years, but I noticed that somewhere during the higher launchbox version numbers it stopped being able to steal focus from launchbox and displays in the background, but you can still hear the select sounds.  So it's basically useless nowadays, but it used to work great.

    that's good to know as I was heavily considering setting up RL to create fade screens with per game control diagrams before the game launches as well as having the walkthroughs/movesets available in the pause menu but if it doesn't work right anymore then I'll hold off until those features are integrated into launchbox.

  8. these batch files you make are very useful. They really help cut down on time spent curating a library. Time that could be much better spent playing the games. I just want you to know that the time you spend doing this is appreciated.

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  9. if you use retroarch then you can enable integer scaling globally and that will usually bring the game out of "full" screen and introduce smaller black bars across the top and bottom but will still technically be running in full screen mode. That sounds like what you're looking to accomplish.

  10. I went through the images for my games and deleted a bunch of stuff. All the non-region-appropriate boxart, all but 1 piece of fanart, all but 1 screenshot, only the biggest and cleanest clear logo. Then I went to tools-->clean up images and it deleted all that stuff from the HDD.

    It was tedious, manual process but I don't think there's a better way in my case as I only really wanted 1 image per category and I wanted to pick it out myself. Having so few images in my media folders vs the massive dump that launchbox scrapes by default makes my image caching take way less time. The caveat here being that my curated collection is around 450 games across all systems so it only took a couple of days to do it. If you've got thousands and thousands of games like a lot of folks on here do, this might be too tall an order.

  11. Does anyone know how to get Clear logos for developers to show up under horizontalwheel3gamesview in the place where the platform clear logo currently resides? (bottom right, above the wheel)

    I have my company logos under Images\Company Logos

    thanks in advance if anyone knows :)

  12. I couldn't get Gunvalkyrie to launch. First it gave an error about missing the dashboard so I found the dashboard that the emu devs said works best and loaded it but it just loads to the save game manager. Never actually launches the game

  13. So just to summarize, when using a non merged mame set you don't need to worry about bios files? clones are separate from parents and include any bios files like the pgm, qsound, neogeo etc within the rom file itself? on PD there is a separate pack that only has the bios files in it so it's no big deal if errors are produced due to them being missing. I wanted to clarify that though.

  14. I just tried it out this morning. Panzer Dragoon Orta launches and runs at mostly 60fps with a few hitches. But from the few minutes of it I played it's definitely playable. This game is one of my emulation white whales. That I got to play it even for a little bit today is exciting as all the cuss words.

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  15. There are a very very low number of xbox exclusives that I really want to play but those games I REALLY want to play. I honestly think the worst thing that could happen to this emulator is that Sega releases excellent PC ports of their xbox exclusives. PDO, JSRF and even Gunvalkyrie are on my list of games I really wanna play again at some point.

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