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Everything posted by nathanddrews

  1. Jason Carr said Most arcade controllers emulate keyboard keys instead of acting as a true controller, so the only way I've figured out how to do it is directly in the config files. That took me forever for my game cabinet, and I'm still tweaking them. As I understand it, by using the Ultimarc UltraStik 360, you connect up to 8 buttons directly to it within the control panel, then it connects directly using USB and is recognized as a standard controller.
  2. Some new updates to the images, hardware, and log.
  3. With great thanks to Jason and his excellent tutorial, I have been able to setup NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, NeoGeo, CPS1, CPS2, and MAME cores using RetroArch, but I'm very confused by the controller setup as I configure each core. Currently I am using Xbox 360 USB controllers, but will eventually be using custom-built arcade sticks and buttons. The automatic setup (User X Bind All) for each controller for every core prompts me to press every single input on the controller even though games like the NES only use the D-pad, Start, Select, B, and A. Every other emulator I've used only prompts for inputs that the console can recognize - in this case, eight inputs. Normally for NES emulation using a 360 controller, I do this: D-pad = D-pad Back = Select Start = Start X = B A = A Any thoughts?
  4. When using LaunchBox, I can easily select the "All" filter under "Platform" to view exactly that, but when in Big Box mode, I can't figure out how to view all games in one giant list. Am I just missing it or is the feature not in Big Box? Bonus points if games that begin with "the" and other articles can also be alphabetized properly. ;-) Here's a photo of my WIP setup. I would love a list like this where the system image (NES) at the top left changes as you go down the list. Is that possible?
  5. Is there an inherent advantage one way or another?
  6. Jason Carr said Sounds awesome, @nathanddrews. I'll look forward to following this. Per the subforum, I do think this is the best place. Maybe I should rename it "Collections and Builds"? That sounds like a good idea! Maybe I'm just missing it, but I don't seem to be able to edit my post? Minimum post threshold not met? EDIT: Nope, I can edit this one.
  7. Is there a better subforum for this other than "Collections"? I plan on putting my collection in here at some point as well, but not until the cab is complete! I'll be uploading images here as I complete different stages: Latest Images: https://imgur.com/a/0Y2lH My video channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/nathanddrews SECTION 1 - My Goal My goal is to build an arcade cabinet that plays relatively few games, but I want those games to run near flawless. The hardest part is removing games that don't belong. You know how sometimes going through Netflix looking for something to watch can be entertainment in itself? Yeah, I want to avoid that. Right now, I have under 200 games on the testbed PC. Just because I can put the game on there is not reason enough to keep it. I primarily want a good mix of classic arcade games, the best fighting games, lots of multiplayer beat 'em ups, side-scrolling platformers, and whatever light gun shooters I can get working well. SECTION 2 - The Cabinet This cabinet will be approximately 48" wide by 30" deep by 48-60" tall. I haven't decided on the final height, but I'm going to start building anyway. 2x4 and 3/4" plywood will rest on 4" casters. The control panel will have room for four with an UltraStick 360 and eight Spectra Eclipse LED buttons per player. https://www.ultimarc.com/ultrastik_info.html http://groovygamegear.com/webstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=408 Section 3 - The Guts Repurposed Dell Dimension desktop Intel Core i3-2120 8GB RAM 256GB SSD GTX 470 Sony Trinitron KV-34XBR800 (210lbs!) DVI 1080p Sony FWD-42PV1 EDTV Plasma 480p RetroArch + LaunchBox Big Box REL Q108 subwoofer Section 4 - Build Log Oct 26, 2015 - Began configuring LaunchBox, Big Box, and RetroArch. Oct 24, 2015 - Pulled an old REL Q108 subwoofer out of the garage. The TV speakers are very good, but the sub gives every punch some much needed oomph. Began attaching plywood exterior. Oct 22, 2015 - Hooked up the computer and controllers. Oct 20, 2015 - Built up the rest of the primary frame and set the TV on top. It rolls very well and is incredibly sturdy. Oct 15, 2015 - Put casters on the support frame. Oct 14, 2015 - Built the bottom support frame. .....tinkering with house renovations..... Feb 7, 2017 - I have been slowly working on the software side of things. However, last night I picked up a free 42" 480p Plasma to replace the 34" XBR CRT. My reason for getting a CRT was for light gun game compatibility, but I did not take into account the internal processing making it impossible to use traditional light guns. Since everyone and his mother is using USB/IR guns now, I figure that's good enough for me, so I'm abandoning the monstrous CRT and using the plasma. Not only is it lighter in weight, but the panel is truly uniform in clarity from edge to edge. Inky blacks like a CRT, great motion, and excellent contrast and color. 240p games scale incredibly well to its native 480p resolution. I freaking love this thing! Feb 15, 2017 - I am testing out a new 6-button controller and everything is working well with RetroArch except for N64 controllers. Those darn C-Buttons... Video review below. iBuffalo 16-button Controller: Sony 480p Plasma: Preview of new screen rotation:
  8. Thanks! It was actually your Retroarch tutorial video that sold me. I will be setting that up on the backend.
  9. Like the title says, I just tried out LB the other day after searching for a lightweight, portable frontend. I have tried many FEs, most have their strengths, but LB/BB seems like a great balance of features, customization, and stability combined with the footprint and portability I want. My compliments to the programmer(s)! My wife and I are building a 4-player arcade cab and BB will power it. I am trying to focus on only putting together the best games from consoles, PC, and arcades alike. I just don't want 6,000 games that I'll never play... In total, I've been able to work my list down to about 150 games. A decent mid-range PC (i3, GTX 470, SSD) will be powering a 34" Sony widescreen CRT that weighs 210lbs by itself. I'll be sure to post my progress here as I go. So far I have the following emulators: Jnes Kega Fusion SNES9X PJ64 1.6 MAME64 1.64 WinKawaks DOSbox Dolphin PCS2X Any words of wisdom for my journey?
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