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Posts posted by WolfRamiO

  1. When you select a game and "loading game" square apear you can still move arround bigbox in the background, this is no sense, you can even load a second, third and so on game or enulator causing a mess between windows focus... Please make bigbox block imput when a game is loading until you exit from emulator or return focus to bigbox or something like that...

  2. @Jason Carr i will try to be the more clear posible... I dont speak english very well.


    When the option "Switch between plataforms/filter" is enabled, attract mode run for like 1 min then try to switch to another plataform/filter but instead that is going to the menu/options and start acting weird as hell.

    I have only one plataform at the moment and "show all games" at de default start view.

    Using the last beta.


    Best regards.

  3. 7 hours ago, snarfo67 said:

    @Jason Carr

    I'd like to toss in a couple (hopefully) small requests: 

    1. In the default theme would it be possible to have a game list view without box art or a screenshot? While I really like the other available themes I'd really like a view with just a list of games (no clear art logos so more of the list is visible), the blurb on the selected game in the lower-right, some metadata I find relevant (developer, release year, # of players, etc.) in the upper-right, and a full-screen background gameplay video. Basically, a full-screen video with just some non-excessively distracting metadata overlayed. There's a near-ideal view in the default theme, but the box and screenshot take up a huge center chunk of the screen which obfuscates the full-screen video.

    2. Related to the above, an option to play the fullscreen video in its native aspect ratio would be great. I'm one of those types who prefers black bars on the sides of the screen over horizontally stretched and distorted images :-)

    If this would be better served as a Bitbucket request or some other method I'd be happy to submit a request wherever you'd prefer. Thanks!

    I also find the default theme horrible (just my peesonal opinion) and custom theme freeze s lot... Check this: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/2379/minimal-official-theme-for-low-resources

  4. On 21/1/2017 at 2:54 PM, WolfRamiO said:

    @Jason Carr OK... i cant stand the poor perfomance of bigbox on my htpc anymore... BUT!!! its only happend in custom themes, i think they use more resources than the default official theme, also i dont really like the default one (its look too messy... just my personal opnion)... i open a ticket here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/2379/minimal-official-theme-for-low-resources i hope this dont mean too much work for you and you can make it real :D


    BTW: when you change themes on bigbox, you still need restart the app to fully apply the theme, i still suggest to put a dialog asking you to "Restart".

    @Jason Carr 

  5. @Jason Carr OK... i cant stand the poor perfomance of bigbox on my htpc anymore... BUT!!! its only happend in custom themes, i think they use more resources than the default official theme, also i dont really like the default one (its look too messy... just my personal opnion)... i open a ticket here: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/2379/minimal-official-theme-for-low-resources i hope this dont mean too much work for you and you can make it real :D


    BTW: when you change themes on bigbox, you still need restart the app to fully apply the theme, i still suggest to put a dialog asking you to "Restart".

  6. @Jason Carr i am aware of that, i will test with other joystick (usb and bluetooth), another arcade controller, or de-activate the bigbox option for use all joystick (cant just un-plug the usb cable of one controller because the joystick board provide 2 controolers in one PCB with 1 USB)  

  7. @Jason Carr i am still having problem with joystick in bigbox!, is a kind of bad programing or something like that... when scroll up or down on the game list with the keyboard, everything work perfect... but when i do the same with the arcade style joysctick, everything work like crap, the list get stuck when scrolling too much and freeze when a video start playing!... i think big box cant handle the instructions of the joystick or something like that :(... i want to give up

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