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Everything posted by TONBOX777

  1. Hello, I'm new about Mame. Now I managed to start building 0.269 romset but I've some questions that I'm still not quite understand and need more explaination. sorry if this have been asked. - MAME ROMs (bios-devices) Where to install them in Retroarch? - What exactly Mame software list roms is? Does it has funtional same as Bios? example : neogeo 3.43GB (pic) - How to make non-merge roms to full non-merge roms (put Bios into the roms) Thank you.
  2. Hello, thank you for your response and sorry for late reply. After try differents video output API, its not solved the problem, but I try Install Nighty build 64bit (I'm using 32bit ver. before because my OS is 32bit) and it now works! Thank you.
  3. Hello, forum. Can Intel HD Graphic 4000 run Flycast Naomi / Atomise wave games? because, when I run this core with Naomi games the screen boot up in black and then retroarch has shutdown in few seconds. Anyone can clarify this? Thank you.
  4. The problem solved by re download the license from attached file of purchased email and then replace that file in LaunchBox again, now I have lastest version now. Btw I'll take note for email you provided if I have any problem in future, Thank you very much.
  5. Hello, I have question about my forever-upgrades license (purchased at July 30, 2016) It seem not legit anymore when I start the program today(I didn't update LanchBox for a longtime, it still v. 5.10) it says : "A new official version of LaunchBox is available, but updates for your LaunchBox have expired. Would you like to renew your license now?" I wonder since I already purchase forever-upgrades license, Do I still need to renew my license? I also tried to email to purchases@launchboxapi.com (purchases@launchboxapi.com) for help but it said "Your message couldn't be delivered. The Domain Name System (DNS) reported that the recipient's domain does not exist" Please help, Thank you.
  6. Hello, Is there the way to manually sort platforms? because Launchbox sort platform by alphablet. If I want to set platform "Windows" stay top of platform list What can I do? Thank you.
  7. Nice theme! Can you provide the background images without the system on top please? Thank you
  8. Just upgraded to forever license about few hours ago :) The reason about changing my license name because I registered by using my real name. but I think it's not convenience to show my real name when I make screen shots / video tutorial to my community. I want to change it to my nickname or something else (like you mention above.) So I can change it, right? Could you tell me how to change it please? thank you.
  9. Hello, I already have 1 year premium licence and I manage to upgrade to a forever license. I want to know, Can I change my licence name to desire name after upgrading? Thank you.
  10. found the solution, just use "-nogui" and no checked all 3 options, works.
  11. Hello, I need help with launching NeoRaine v1.4.3, I also tried "-g -nogui" but it doesn't work. Can anyone provide me the correct command line for launching NeoRaine v1.4.3 please?
  12. Thank you very much.
  13. Thanks for the video, but I need more clarify. According to my question, When I want to update to the latest version, Do I need to download it from the site and do replace files manually? My question is, using the online updater from RetroArch's menu does not work the same way as doing manual replacing filles?
  14. Hello, I have questions about updating RetroArch (Nightly) I'm using the old version of RetroArch (Nightly) about week ago. I wonder if I use online updater from the menu of RetroArch and update everyting from the list(i.e. assets, overlay etc) Does it will update the current version to the same latest one on the official page? or Do I need to update it manually only? Thanks.
  15. scree said Hi TONBOX777 You can try this. Click View and untick the Draw Game Image Borders. Those 3d boxes look great. Oh my bad, its there. Thanks again Scree :D
  16. newyears1978 said You can disable the border in the options. I am not at home right now but I know I disabled it myself last night. Not sure if you can in free version I would have to be home to know for sure :) I'm using premium version but can't find the way to disable them, So I'll wait for your help then, Ty very much :)
  17. Hello, I would like to know how to disable / hide the highlighter and the box art's boarder(red mark area)? because when I'm using none static rectangular Cover / Box art, the Box art's boarder will obviously show up and it make not seamlessly look, Thank you.
  18. scree said Hi TonBox777 I'm not a demul user but maybe you might try -run=cave3rd for the -run= bit of the command line. Successful lauch! Thanks Scree btw Do you know how to reset the configs in Test mode of arcade games?
  19. Sorry, I want to add another question. I also tried to launch Cave's shooting game from Demul but I dont know what's correct command for Cave Cv1000. I tried -run=cave -rom= but it doesn't work, anyone know the correct command for Cave? Thank you.
  20. Hello, Anyone know how to launch Sega Model 3 games by Launchbox? (I'm using Supermodel 0.3a WIP) Thank you. edit : Sorry, found the answer form this topic. https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/emulation/command-line-parameters-arguments (bookmarked now, lol) btw Can Anyone tell me how to reset the setting in test mode of arcadegame? (I messed up with caribrating the gun of Star Wars game and need to reset it to default)
  21. Hello, Can anyone tell me how to set up controller for Sega Naomi gun game type? (i.e. Mazan) I want to know how to set up the mouse for controlling the game, Thank you. https://youtu.be/lUE9b259aWE
  22. Guys, I found another problem about the option of Launchbox in the emulator section (see pic) If this option does not enabled, Atomiswave and Naomi rom mode will not boot (Demul launch but it pop up game list instead.) but if this option was enabled, you will not able to launch Dreamcast's image mode (Demul was launched but does not boot the game). So my solution is making the seperate emulator for each system, one for Atomiswave and Naomi rom mode (with the "use file name only" option enabled) and one for Dreamcast's img mode (with the "use file name only" option disabled) Also the correct, working command line to launch Atomiswave is -run=awave -rom= not this one (below) -run=atomiswave -rom= btw I'm quite intersted to use making .bat method but I still lost and cant make that .bat working. Can somebody show me the example of your script please? (I mean your in use script, real path etc.) thank you.
  23. DOS76 said You have to use a .bat file these are the ones I am using. Set the bat up as the emulator and then add which ever platforms you want I have Naomi Naomi 2 Atomiswave @echo off SET STRING=%1 SET STRING=%STRING:.zip=% SET STRING=%STRING:J:\Emulation\Naomi\ROMs\=% echo %STRING% start demul.exe -run=atomiswave -rom=%STRING% @echo off SET STRING=%1 SET STRING=%STRING:.zip=% SET STRING=%STRING:j:\Emulation\Naomi\ROMs\=% echo %STRING% start demul.exe -run=naomi -rom=%STRING% Thank you, this Method also interesting, guess I want to know this alternative way to launch the game but I'm not good about scripting or coding. Can you give me an example for easier understanding please? Let's say the Naomi rom I want to play is cvsgd.zip. my emulator path is D:\Games\Emulators\NAOMI-DC and my roms path is D:\Games\ROMS\NAOMI-DC How should I written my own script with that info? Thank you.
  24. Zombeaver said Okay, uncheck the "use custom command line parameters" in the game entry itself. You don't need it since you have them set in the emulator entry already. OMG works! Thank you very much , you are my Hero!
  25. Zombeaver said And associated platforms? You have the parameters there? Here, Did I do something wrong?
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