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Posts posted by dukeemu

  1. Hello everyone. Included here is a new language file for Italian speaking. I tested every options and menus, but I think it's impossible to check every dialog, because sometime I don't even know how to get it (this app is incredibly big to test for only one person). But I have to report some problems I've found until now. Where it was possible I changed Italian translation to avoid overlapping, but here below you'll find a more precise description. Before that, 2 problems come first:

    1) The splash page is not translated in the left half. So the title window is translated and the right half (with presentation of Big Box in video) is translated in the upper part.

    2) In the View menu, last 2 voices Image Type and Arrange by have both sub-menus: in Image Type, the sub-menu is untranslated; in Arrange By only first half is translated while the second part (under the separator) is untranslated.

    In this case I don't know: it could be some kind of error from me, but let me know if I'm doing something wrong or I'm missing some files.

    Overlapping: I'll wait for next update with new Italian translation to re-check my corrections to all the phrases with overlap that I found. Only problem that I found impossible to shorten is in Options/General/Side Bar where Show "(&None)" item = Mostra Oggetto "(&Nessuno)" is too long, same for Text: = Testo: (in all 3 Show Item) is readable but causes some problems to the box next to them on the right. I hope there is a solution for this one.

    Sorry for delay but after some very bad weather, I lost Internet connection for 2 days (as usual in this country...) and only tonight I get it back at home.


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  2. 41 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    No problem; thanks @dukeemu! How are things looking? I haven't done much testing yet. I'll get the translation update into a beta later today. :)

    Things are looking good, I was expecting more problems. There are some overlapping and probably I can't test every single line tanslated, but menus are almost perfect and translation seems "appropriate" although "Scrape as" will be a nightmare for me for a very long time... :/ I think I'll be chasing errors and updates everytime I could, but a feedback from users will be a great thing, so I hope in other Italian users! Expecting betas with joy!

  3. Sorry I'm late but I was away on holiday. I'll check new package and I'll look for Italian translation in beta release just to know if everything's alright. If there are errors I can make corrections in the last package without annoying anyone. I hope to find some time tonight to check it out. I was in Sardegna (a true paradise) but I was thinking about Lunchbox always!  B| (Last phrase it's a lie, sorry!)

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  4. Hi Jason, just to have an update: the new package is already donwloadable or I have to wait to update Italian translation to new versions? And then, tell me if you want me to translate release notes when you publish them here or I have to to wait for your request. Just to be sure if I'm ok or too overzealant... Laugh
  5. Jason Carr I'll send you the file in a few days, probably in the weekend. Just to finish the revision and to adjust some errors, in fact... Thank you @CliveBarker & @Supreme: after searching some technical forum and many dictionaries (real and virtual), the only elegant and functional solution will be Attivare (without Disattivare because is implicit): it sounds as the best option for Toggle in translation and meaning. So I hope to see Italian soon in LaunchBox! Smile
  6. Ok, I know that Toggle means Switch and in Italian we use a verb like Cambiare (same as Cambiar in Spanish), but the problem is that almost unapplicable in this context in Italian Language (it sounds awful and doesn't make any sense...). So I was wondering for a more creative solution to translate it, but nothing comes to mind. I'll think about it more... Confused
  7. Just to let you know that Italian translation is finished. Now, I hope in a few days, to revision it and check for errors. Fortunately another italian user has offered me some help, so I think we could do more with 2 heads and 4 eyes than mine alone. Now a question: in the last file I translated (Options.resx), three phrases begin with the verb "to toggle": probably these are 3 checkboxes, but in Italian it doesn't exist a verb like Toggle. So, my question is: toogle is used to indicate what? For example: Toggle Fullscreen means that if I check it, I'll go full screen? Toggle GameDetails means that if I check, Game Details are displayed? Sorry for my apparently stupid question, but I have to find the right verb to use and in Italian there are many options but in this case there seems that only "Attivare" (Activate) or similar verbs are useful. I hope to have explained me well in this case, just to get a very good translation. Thank you! Wink
  8. Perhaps my question is stupid but I have no clue on what I've had to do after Italian translation will be completed: how I have to give it back to Jason? Because, I suppose, that I've to download a new package (last betas are not translated yet) So, I have to give my modified package to Jason and then wait for a new package to download to update new phrases I presume. Or I'm wrong? Work is still going although a little slow because of real life work, but I hope to finish it ASAP. Bye everyone! Kiss
  9. Hello, just to let you know that I'm about 60% of translation, but it's a difficult time for me right now. But I go on everytime I can. Probably it will be a bitch to check the work when done, but I hope to do it ASAP because I think that Launchbox next version is going to be a blast, when I'll find the time to install it :( Thank you @CliveBarker for the tip and it's: Molto facile! Buongiorno principessa! Bambino! (Very easy! Good morning princess! Child! just to be clear to everyone to understand!) :D You'll speak Italian in no time!
  10. Hello everyone. I just encountered a little problem: if I have to translate the command &Search, in Italian the only good word for "Search" is "Ricerca". But I can't change a &Search (menu voice I suppose) in &Ricerca because something could go wrong, so I leave &Search like it is or I can change it? Thanks in advance for the answer because I can probably encounter same problem going forward in translation. These are busy days at work but I'm trying to go on everytime I can, so please be patient with me. Confused
  11. Hello everyone. A message for Jason (I don't know how to tag user names, so have patience with me...): still waiting for the packages for Italian translation you told me about 2 weeks ago. I don't know if I have to do something about it or just wait for you: I hope there are no problems and so I'll wait for your answer when you're ready. Thank you!
  12. Ok Jason, I'll wait for it and give it a look and try. I've already done a similar project for another frontend but it was a simpler project done on Web service for translations named Akuna if I remember well. Nice to be here and congratulations for your work.
  13. Hello everyone, I would like to know if anyone could be interested in Italian translation. I don't want to promise anything, but if is good, I would like to give it a try. Let me know if this work is already taken from someone else or it can be useful for Launchbox. At your service! Smile
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