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  1. Thanks Brad, I know that it was talked about awhile ago, I just wasn't sure if it was still on the radar or not. In any case, keep up the good work!
  2. Just wondering if this was planned or not. I love LaunchBox and I would really enjoy being able to use it with the Steam Link.
  3. I made a batch file that you can place in your startup folder. Upon starting Windows/Logging in it will stop explorer.exe and run BigBox instead. Upon exiting BigBox (if you need to do so) it will start explorer.exe. taskkill /f /im explorer.exe cd C:\<Path to BigBox Directory>\ BigBox.exe start explorer.exe
  4. Interesting. You've obviously had a lot of experiences with the Link and many different configurations. It's a bit mind boggling why some work and others don't, isn't it? When I get home I'll attempt to use Steam Link with VH and my DS4 via Xpadder and see if I have the same audio issues. It seems like the desired functionality is just barely out of reach.
  5. Sorry I wasn't clear in my last post. I know that LB supports controller usage I just meant that I've never tried to use it alongside Steam Link. Something I was wondering about. If the issue is something to do with focus, then shouldn't alt-tabbing out and back in solve that issue by giving it back to BB? Another thing, when I first launch BB from my Steam Link, I am able to control BB, but only for a split second. AHK could probably be used to create a temporary solution though. Something utilizing this. Say "if BigBox is focus, then when dpad down is detected send keyboard down" I might look at tinkering with that idea when I get home, although my experience with AHK is pretty limited. One last thing, @Zombeaver if you're using Xpadder and have your game pad buttons mapped to keyboard controls such as up, down, left, right, etc. Then I don't understand why it wouldn't control BigBox ESPECIALLY when you're using VH. Perhaps there is an issue with controller detection within BigBox when VH is used, or when used with the Steam Link in general.
  6. Interesting. I haven't actually tried using LB with a controller. Have you experimented with Joy2Key or anything similar to get it working?
  7. @Zombeaver, I did some of those things, but not all. Was a bit limited on time so there wasn't a lot of opportunity to mess around, unfortunately. I've never had an issue getting the wired 360 controller to work with VH either, but was never able to get it working without VH. (In BigBox) I did everything you listed except for the disable/enable of the overlay, and I am on the latest Beta. I don't mean the picture of a Steam Controller. What I mean is that when I connect my DS4 to the Steam Link via BT, and then load up VH on my PC, it views the DS4 as a Steam Link controller. It has certain Steam Link attributes as well. For instance, when I use a DS4 via big picture, I can access specific settings like what controller setup I want to launch certain games/programs with. When using a wireless controller, the only issue I have is navigating BigBox, everything else works as desired for me. Edit: The steam link specific configurations that I mentioned I can access via a DS4 are not available with a wired 360 controller.
  8. Zombeaver said @Jason Thank you thank you thank you! I will report back as soon as I get home to test this tonight! I just hope my hunch was correct and that this actually solves the issue... Fingers crossed! So I was hoping that disabling the splash screen would fix the input issue with Steam Link. I woke up earlier than normal this morning, so I thought I would mess around within LaunchBox and how nice of a surprise it was to see a new official release was available, and then a beta! So of course I downloaded both, and was excited to see we could now disable the splash screen! I fired up my Steam Link and connected my wired Xbox 360 controller and.. no luck. It still doesn't work. I use a DS4 with VH and even that (which is for whatever reason recognized as a Steam Controller) isn't able to control BigBox. I've been using a Remote Input app on my phone to 'solve' this issue, but now I'm not really sure where to go from here. I hope you have some more ideas, @Zombeaver.
  9. I knew I was just blind, thanks Jason!
  10. Just wondering where these are? I'm assuming they are integrated somehow because I cannot find them. Either that or I am blind, this is a likely possibility as well. Thanks
  11. Hah. I actually moved all the different ROMs into Capcom/Atari/Namco/etc folders and didn't update the directories in MAME. Thanks for your help!
  12. Hey, not sure what I'm doing wrong here, but I can't seem to get MAME to run correctly inside of LaunchBox. Also, if I try to do it through RocketLauncher, I get a "platform not supported by this OS error message." in LaunchBox. Anyway, here's a link to the vid: https://youtu.be/eSqymlNlk0o
  13. Merry morning after!
  14. I've been messing around with the Beta, so far I'm a fan of the emumovies integration. A couple questions, though: Jason Carr said - New Feature: EmuMovies images, manuals, and video downloads are now integrated into LaunchBox imports and metadata/images/media downloading So say I wanted to update an already added system with snaps from emumovies, or I wanted to scrape new box art/etc. What would be the easiest way to do this? I tried highlighting all the games and doing a mass edit, but that didn't seem like way to go. I ended up just deleting the system and re-adding it to get the movies. Also, if emumovies is prioritized does it delete any existing files we have have downloaded from GameDB/etc when re-importing a system? Jason Carr said - Fixed: Big Box now shows up properly in the task bar And lastly I was just curious what purpose this served? Is this just to confirm that it is running given that you run into issues or does it have something to do with Steam integration? Seems like I may have read that somewhere but I can't really remember. Anyways, keep up the great work! This is by far the best front-end I've ever used; and while I'll admit it isn't the prettiest out there, it is easily the most powerful, intuitive and info rich. Besides, form follows function and all that.
  15. What folder are you placing the video in? I haven't setup any videos myself just yet, but my understanding is that the video file needs to be the same file name of the game you're playing or the same name that is displayed in Launch Box. I'm not at home, but I think there's supposed to be a video directory inside of each platform. You might also try a different format, I know emumovies has some .mp4s, but I would look into that if everything is named appropriately and already in the right spot.
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