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Everything posted by astoufu

  1. Good solution, now i can exit Demul with Escape too. Thanks
  2. Yea, a feature like this would come in hand, or maybe a feature where we can force to look for a specific extension.
  3. Finally i got a solution for my problem with a BAT file. I will leave the solution here, so everyone can use it when it needed. in your temp folder inside 7-zip, create this BAT: @echo off for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /od /a-d /b *.gdi') do set recent=%%x "G:\Emuladores\Demul\Demul.exe" -run=dc -image="%recent%" This will load the latest GDI file created on Demul.
  4. Looking through NullDC log, looks like the emulators try to load the BIN or RAW file instead of the GDI, that's why i am getting the crashes. Unfortunately i can't leave my games uncompressed due to low hard drive space. I am wondering if there is a way to create a Batch file that will search for GDI, but could not think in a command for it.
  5. All the files are in the temp folder. The GDI, BIN and RAW stuff.
  6. Well, i did one more test here, and i think maybe my collection can be the problem or the way they are compressed. I found one game that will launch properly with every emulator i get configured. Now i can't find the reason why other games won't play compressed, i wasn't wanting to extract them due to free space issue on my external hard drive. By the way, the only game that work are zipped, but have just one file compressed that is a CDI Image, so it doesn't look for other files. All my other games have GDI and other track stuff like BIN, RAW files etc. Maybe launchbox isn't sending the "GDI file" trying to load and another thing like the BIN or RAW? Edit: Found another compressed game with a single file (CDI) inside and this one loaded too without issues. Maybe having more than one file compressed is giving me troubles.
  7. Tried it right now, but didn't work. By the way, i did one more test, this time with Reicast on retroarch, and it didn't load the game too. If i run retroarch trying to run the same game uncompressed, it will work fine. I think my issue is due to compressed files.
  8. Sure, i just attached it on this post. If you need more screens, i can attach it.
  9. Yes, Demul will launch to the main screen. Then, when i try to open game nothing happens, it doesn't give a error message,
  10. Thanks man, anyways ill left attached here the configs i am using for both emulators too.
  11. Yes, on both of them i checked the option to extract the ROM. Through log of NullDC, i can even see it trying to load the game, but almost always it gets a RAW or BIN file, instead of the GDI. By the way, on 7Zip's temp folder i can see all the files extracted.
  12. Hello guys, i have most of my dreamcast games in GDI or CDI, but they are compressed in ZIP files and it seems like i cannont get them to work trough launchbox. I am not sure if launchbox is may looking for a Bin, Cue or ISO and doesn't recognize the GDIs or CDIs uncompressed in the temp folder of 7-ZIP. Did anyone have success with compressed Dreamcast games? Note 1: If i go with NullDC, i can load games, but ocasionally NullDC will try to load the Raw or BIN file instead of the GDI or CDI. Note2: With Demul i cannot load any games at all. Weird thing is, if i open it trough LaunchBox, i can't even launch a uncompressed game, but loading Demul out Launchbox, it will make it works.
  13. I am getting this error too. I can login to emumovies, but not through LaunchBox. I use a free account of EmuMovies.
  14. spektor56 said .net 4.5+ doesn't run on windows XP. Remote desktop and steam streaming is always a possibility. I see. Thanks for the answer, i thought i may had a issue with those stuff. I will try to install Windows 7 on it, even knowing that i will loose a bit on performance. Anyways, do you think this computer can run BigBox or will it be way too slow for use?
  15. Hello guys, i was thinking about to use BigBox with one old PC that i have, so i could use it on a television with 240p/480p for old games. Will i be able to run BigBox in one Pentium 4 HT with 3GB RAM and one Radeon 9200 (AGP video card)? I know it is a very old setup, but i was using this computer just for Master System emulation till N64, it was handling well the games i tested with some old emulators and even retroarch. By the way, another noob question. Im currently setting up Launchbox in anoother computer and filling missing boxarts and stuff. Everything that i configurate will display on BigBox automatically? Edit: I forgot to mention that im using Windows XP on this machine, but i think it can handle other 32-bit system till Windows 7.
  16. Merry Christmas, everyone!
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