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  1. Thanks. I'll let you know if it happens. Did you get the data files I sent? Also... if anyone is wondering... it looks like if you turn off the "related games" options for game details that you need to restart to get it to kick in. Not sure if that is intended or not, but that's how you get it working. *edit* It seems like game details does load faster if you turn off the related games, which, for me, is a nice trade off.
  2. Just curious if the games details changes will affect or fix the issue I mentioned in the old beta thread about the game details panel being blank. If not, that's ok... I just thought it might be related because of the timing. Thanks.
  3. As I was saying, it's the default theme, but at least one other person mentioned, above, having this problem. Maybe they can say what theme they are using as well.
  4. Yeah, I'm just noticing it so I don't know when (version-wise) it started but it's already happened again since I posted that.
  5. Not sure if this is a beta only issue, but this is the first time I have seen it. It has actually happened several times recently... Everything in the game details will disappear. It is just a blank panel. Seems to usually happen after LB has been open for a while. Have to restart to get it back to normal. This is with the default theme.
  6. Was there ever a method or option added to allow the user to change the box thumbnail size per platform in LB? I know this has been brought up multiple times over the years, but was it added and how do I get it to work? Thanks for the help.
  7. Ok... this can be disregarded. It appears my emulation drive (LB, roms, etc have their own drive) wasn't recognized temporarily and was getting this error. I've never seen it before and kind of seems totally inappropriate for the circumstances, but it's resolved and not related to LB itself. Sorry for the confusion. This YouTube shows the error I was seeing, although it's resolved and didn't have anything to do with this problem. Anyway... it's fixed.
  8. Windows 11... yes, sorry on the latest version of LB.
  9. For the first time ever, after years of running LB, I'm getting a Windows error message "this app cannot run on your PC" and to contact the developer. This is on the beta.
  10. What is the change with this? Does it include more categories for the metadata?
  11. Will the auto-import ignore importing files that you have previously, manually deleted from the library but files remain in the rom folders? If not, it seems like you would not be able to effectively manually delete from the library.
  12. How does the auto-importer handle if you have roms that aren't following any naming conventions?
  13. These 1G1R sets are pretty nice... I didn't like that some of them prefer an anniversary rom over the original rom, for example, but they do make a nice, clean set.
  14. Sorry if this was already discussed, but is the discovery center BB only, or is there a way to access it in LB?
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