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  1. It's probably unpacking the disc into memory. The emulators that unpack whole discs of info before launching take longer. Sometimes there is an option not to pre-load it, but it is better to let it.
  2. I know a lot of the talk about the freezing is related to the video players, but I wanted to mention that there have also been some reports, including myself (I added it on the "report a bug" page) that it was happening with LB, with no video player and included not closing properly. I'm only mentioning this again in case it was overlooked and is somehow related and would help solve the problem. It seems to have started at about the same time. I understand it may not be related, but I figured I would give it a chance and bring it up again.
  3. Yeah, I've been getting that too, as well as freezing on close with LB.
  4. My comments above weren't related to Big Box... I never use it... so maybe two separate issues?
  5. Yeah, this is real. I reported it back in the 13.19 beta thread.
  6. Looks like there is a problem when LB has been open for a while, elements of the games details panel, like clear logo, media, etc... stop refreshing. The clear logo can get stuck on one game even when selecting other games, and the media stays empty. This is with the default theme. *edit* I also noticed when I close LB at that point it doesn't close and has to be task killed and seems to be using a large amount of memory in task manager.
  7. Thanks for the reply. I just checked it out and it does launch faster and looks to me like flipping through platforms loads everything faster if I'm not mistaken. Thanks to C-Beats as well for sacrificing those fingers for the greater good.
  8. I really love seeing this. I hope you guys can do more of these big fix and performance updates periodically. New features are great, but having this running like a well-oiled machine is what I like. Thanks for this. As for the .xml changeover... are there any specific files we should back up (in case of something unforseen) before getting the update?
  9. Thanks. I did open a troubleshooting thread... but in my past experience this is where questions go to die.
  10. I recently posted about this problem in the most recent LB beta thread and was asked to make a separate troubleshooting thread about this. Here is the text from the original post: "I'm noticing that when I launch a game through LaunchBox, the Windows status bar is partly obscured while this is happening. Not a big deal in itself, but after I close the game and switch to pretty much any other Windows application that has a status bar at the bottom, the status bar is missing. I can fix this by resetting the Explorer process with the task manager (status bars are visible again), but this repeats each time I launch a game with LB. My Windows taskbar is not set to auto-hide if that makes any difference. I'm not sure how recently this started." So, I'm hoping someone will be able to say that they have had a similar experience and, hopefully, come up with some kind of a solution. Thanks for your help.
  11. I'm noticing that when I launch a game through LaunchBox, the Windows status bar is partly obscured while this is happening. Not a big deal in itself, but after I close the game and switch to pretty much any other Windows application that has a status bar at the bottom, the status bar is missing. I can fix this by resetting the Explorer process with the task manager (status bars are visible again), but this repeats each time I launch a game with LB. My Windows taskbar is not set to auto-hide if that makes any difference. I'm not sure how recently this started.
  12. Thanks. I'll let you know if it happens. Did you get the data files I sent? Also... if anyone is wondering... it looks like if you turn off the "related games" options for game details that you need to restart to get it to kick in. Not sure if that is intended or not, but that's how you get it working. *edit* It seems like game details does load faster if you turn off the related games, which, for me, is a nice trade off.
  13. Just curious if the games details changes will affect or fix the issue I mentioned in the old beta thread about the game details panel being blank. If not, that's ok... I just thought it might be related because of the timing. Thanks.
  14. Sure, I sent you a pm.
  15. As I was saying, it's the default theme, but at least one other person mentioned, above, having this problem. Maybe they can say what theme they are using as well.
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