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  1. I'm still having this problem, I'm on 12.11 now. Media Limiter is set to No Limit. Any ideas?
  2. I see it now. Yes, it says no limit. I'm on 12.7
  3. I'm sorry, I'm not seeing a media limiter setting in options or when I download media. Where can I look for it to verify?
  4. When I import a new Steam game, I can download all media except Steam screenshots. Even other media from Steam like Steam poster and Steam banner. The downloader looks like its downloading them, but where it shows the progress bar for them it goes really really fast and then they arent there. Any ideas? Thanks!
  5. That workaround did the trick, thank you
  6. Does anyone know how to force the "multiple versions" badge to show up on a game? I have several games with multiple versions, such as the Zelda HD pack pictured below, but that badge doesnt show up on any of them. I have the additional versions enabled via the "additional apps" tab, is that the wrong way to do it? I do have the badge enabled in the menu, before anyone asks. Thank you for the help!
  7. That seems to have fixed it. Thanks!
  8. Ever since updating to 11.12 I will sometimes notice games' image files (box front, fanart background, etc) get duplicated 2 or even 3 times. As in LB seems to be creating new files which are just named "game-02" etc and are just copies of the existing files. It seems to happen both when I play a game and when I just select it but dont play. It doesnt happen every time though, so its hard to tell what exactly is causing it. Is this a known issue?
  9. Is there a way to keep the music file for a game playing while looking at the fullscreen artwork for the game? Currently, I click on a game and the music file auto-plays. If i click on artowork to see fullscreen art the music stops. Apologies if this has been answered before but I couldnt find it.
  10. I have noticed a bug in the new sorting method for numbers in titles. As an example, if I have two versions of Zelda 3 labeled "Zelda 3a" and "Zelda 3b" under sort title, they will come after "Zelda 4". I understand this was done so that "10" and "11" would come after "4", for example, but maybe it could be changed to not treat letters the same as numbers? Edit: I realize this isn't a bug per se, more of a design oversight that I think might want to be looked at.
  11. Good to hear! You may or may not be interested in the Startup/Shutdown theme I'm using. It goes in the Launchbox/StartupThemes folder. Again, huge credit goes to the original creators of this stuff! I didnt create anything myself (just modified things) Neon Custom Startup.7z
  12. Hope it works for you. I really didn't know what I was doing and I ended up just tinkering with things until it worked for me.
  13. No problem! Neon_Custom.7z
  14. I modified the excellent themes "Neon Deluxe Arcade" by Mr. Retrolust and "Rincewind" by Rincewind to get this. Big kudos to them!
  15. This is fantastic! Is there any way you could add a North American version of the SNES?
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