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In virtute Dei

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In virtute Dei last won the day on July 7 2018

In virtute Dei had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About In virtute Dei

  • Birthday October 10

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32-Bit GPU

32-Bit GPU (5/7)



  1. I think it is on the back burner again while some other important things are worked on. Not entirely sure
  2. They went bankrupt in March and closed 95% of there stores May 31st, so they aren't in business anymore for the most part. And the amount of times I was asked that by customers..lol, Environment was fun, corporate was awful they didn't tell my store we were closing until a week before we actually did, it was not a fun situation.
  3. I cringe every time I see someone try to sell these pre-loaded boxes, when i was working at Radioshack back in the Spring, a customer was telling me all about how he bought a fully loaded "Game System" from ebay for $100 and I was trying to keep my cool with him. Haha.
  4. To play your own .mp3 files in the menus, just go to your launch box folder then go to music then go to a folder called background I believe, and then put your desired music files in that folder and they will play when inside of bigbox. For sounds, I believe that if you name any .mp3 albeit short, a second of two long file, with the appropriate names for them, I don't know the four file names off the top of my head, then you should be able to have your own custom menu sounds. Hope that helped!
  5. Any possibility of doing the Atari 800, GCE Vectrex and the Famicom Disk System?
  6. Is there any chance that you will add more platforms?
  7. Update On Bug: That's what i meant by accepting and rejecting the same information I put forth for moderation.
    Goes perfect with the City Hunter theme, great job @ea4492
  8. Yes! and looking back it seemed so easy to aim but now i struggle haha
  9. @spycat , ya I've been trying to fill in the Emerson Arcadia 2001 and some other ones that have almost no game submissions, so that could potentially be a problem as well
  10. Anyone else excited for the Timesplitters: Rewind project? I have always been a big fan of the original three and i wish that the Property wasn't in developmental hiatus for so long.... Also what was your guys favorite character?
  11. Hey Guys, I noticed that if something is accepted in the database but someone is browsing the moderation stuff it will show up, so my changes were accepted and rejected because they were put into the database and then duplicated and then rejected because the entry that i already made existed... Has anyone else experienced this bug??
  12. @Jason Carr, thank you for updating some of the images! I haven't been able to contribute alot of things to launchbox in a few months (School and Work), but keep up the awesome work!
  13. @refreshTM I've been waiting about 4 months for it, it took me about 20 or so hours to compile all of this info and it hasn't really been touched. So it's a bummer....
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