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Dave B.

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Everything posted by Dave B.

  1. I found B B or LB wasn’t the problem, it’s with MAME. All newer versions stall with the black screen for 35 seconds after I quit a game. Reinstall .233, works fine. Anybody have an idea why? Dave
  2. I found the issue, I reverted the MAME app to .233 . Thanks Joe for your attention!
  3. No Joe that didn't fix it. It also does it in L B . Quits fine when run from the MAME app.
  4. What I mean by a pause, is it goes to a black screen after every quit.
  5. I wanted to get rid of card games and such, so I deleted my platform/arcade and reinstalled it using MAME 0.252. And of course I am now battling setting everything up again. When I run Arcade in Big Box, after I play a MAME game, I press ESC to exit, and I get a 40 second pause before it returns to the game start screen. Anybody know what I'm missing here? Dave
  6. I’ll dig deeper into it tomorrow, I opened plugin.ini and set hiscore to “0”. About MAME.ini, I have some copies named differently of course, but only one MAME.ini. Thanks for your help Jason I’ll keep you posted
  7. I was using .209 but just now installed .220 to see if that fixed it, no luck yet.
  8. The “hi” folder is empty, let me do some more testing with various games and see what I come up with!
  9. Jason, I deleted the previous failed attempts in Robotron debug log, my bad:( , but I got to 91,000 approx. in Galaga and it didn't upload.
  10. Hi Jason, I'm having a what might be a hit and miss issue. The high score would not upload the first couple of times for Robotron, then it suddenly worked. then I tried Galaga, first time it did not work. Please check my debug file and let me know what you think. Thanks, Dave Debug 2020-04-14 05-07-34 PM.log
  11. I use both, with the same results. Running LB anything above version 9.1 will not let most MAME roms run.
  12. Thanks for your input but that didn’t correct the problem.
  13. Yes, un-checking the boxes does not prevent the screens from loading.
  14. If you’re referring to the startup screens, I tried turning them off, same issue. What exactly is in unchecking the startup screens supposed to do? If it’s remove the full screen LOADING or the GAME OVER, that is not the case. Also I am now running the latest MAME update.
  15. Getting no help with this problem, not feeling any love. Anyway for those who are following me and my issue, I noticed right clicking the mouse takes me from the black screen to the “ GAME OVER “ screen. After I go back to LB I see that MAME is running, as I see it’s icon at the bottom of the screen. I can click on it and MAME comes up with the ROM that I picked to play and it’s running fine. Hmm interesting........ Input anyone?
  16. Yes, the sound plays, I also ran Robotron and it ran ok for some strange reason ,but most quit after a few seconds
  17. Mame. Exe v. 0.166
  18. I just verified LB V9.1 works V9.2 doesn’t
  19. No that didn’t correct the problem either.
  20. Preventing the update is a not the issue issue, I just don’t understand why I can’t get 9.2 working correctly! Thanks for your response though.
  21. Update, today I reinstalled LB using version 8.6, everything worked fine until I went to load BigBox. The latest version (9.2) of LB installed automatically and BB launched, back to the same problem. What do you think? Anybody have an idea what my next step should be?
  22. Hey Guy’s, When I recently installed a Windows 7 critical update, LaunchBox quit working correctly. When I run a MAME mod within the LaunchBox app, it begins with NOW LOADING ( I don’t recall ever seeing the large NOW LOADING or GAME OVER before updating), the game begins, but only for a few seconds then goes to a black screen with the mouse arrow. I press the game escape button and get a large GAME OVER then back to LaunchBox. MAME runs fine out of LB but not in conjunction. Any suggestions? Thanks, Dave
  23. Everyone, thanks for your help, I found the problem. The MAME64 I was running was located on a different drive. For some reason LB didn't like it. Once I directed LB to the copy on the same drive as LB, I no longer had a problem. Case closed. Thanks again.
  24. I'm sorry I made an error, it is in zip format.
  25. I can run the rom from inside MAME64. Do you want me to run the audit inside MAME? Also, what is the best way to run MAME when using LB, split or non-merged?
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