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Everything posted by Ripklawe

  1. Sounds good. Ty kindly.
  2. If I have mame0.217 non-merged, those batch files will not work, correct?
  3. Ohhh, ok. I got that switched around. So I must have the merged set then. Gonna go find a non-merged set then. Still, gonna be a lot of games to go through on each playlist to get all the ones from the romset that i need. Thanks all, sorry for my confusion.
  4. Non-merged? Wouldn't it be better to use a merged set so I do not have to hunt down all the files for any given rom?
  5. Thanks for responding DOS, I do not think that you get what I mean and that is not surprising. I did not word it very well. I am familiar with mame sets and the merged and not merged aspects. That is not my issue here. My issue is that I do not want most of the roms in the mame set, just the ones that fill out certain collections like Taito Collection or Data East Collection. or the CP1, CPS2, CPS3 sets. What I was wondering is if there was a way to move the files from those collections via their playlist to a separate folder or will I have to actually go into the mame rom folder and hunt down each roms in each playlist I want individually. My set is not merged so of course I would need the parent roms and the clones so it would just be easier to download a merged set at that point but I do not want to waste the bandwidth if there is a simpler solution.
  6. Hello, I looked at the FAQs and did not see my issue there so I am hoping someone can help me by pointing me in the right direction. Here is my issue: I have a full MAME romset and there is no issue there, it all shows up and the playlists work (really love that feature). However, I really do not need a lot of the bloat that comes with MAME. I would be fine with just the collections I.E. Capcom Classics, Taito Classics, Williams Classics, etc etc but for the life of me, I cannot figure out a way to move the roms from those collections while in Launchbox to a separate folder so I can just get rid of the other bulk stuff I have no use for. Is this even possible or do I have to go through the EXCEPTIONALLY tedious job of looking at each file individually within Launchbox to see it's specific filename and then moving it one by one? Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance!
  7. I am not seeing the issue Deathbringer is talking about, perhaps an image to show us exactly what it is. The only issue I DID notice, and is a moot point since I do not use the view, is that the text for platforms and platform names is cut of. This is for Platform Wheel 3. Below is an example of what I mean.
  8. I, for some reason, was not following this post. Just updated to this new version. Total games count for playlist works as advertised. Thank you kindly for the update. Let us know if you plan any revisions. Always room for improvement but to be fair, it is going to be kinda hard here. It is so good as it is. Thanks again!
  9. I put it in and it all looks good to me. Thank you for your work. Hit me up if you change things and want a guinea pig to try things on.
  10. Hi all, Not sure if this is the correct place for this but I did not see anywhere else so if it isn't, please feel free to delete the post or move it. Anywho, I LOVE the opening videos people make. I do not have the talent to make one myself but had an awesome idea for one. I see a lot of retro type videos on here and had the idea to remake a classic opening into a BigBox opening video. It is the opeing for the ABC Sunday Night movie in the early 80's. I have poted a link to one of the better versions of it I have found. Let me know what you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHDvDXVJ_78
  11. Hi there, Ok, well I went and checked the community star ratings within the game menu and they seem to be there for me but then I found another issue. The scanlines are on the game menu now but they were not before. Right now, it is the only aspect of the theme that has scanlines. I took an image to show you what i mean:
  12. Ok, tried both. Definitely the 1st one. The horizontal alignment for the total games count was good on both by the verticle alignment was off in the 2nd one, being a little uneven with the "Total Games" text. Also, the 2nd one reintroduced the scan lines thing for me but as you stated earlier, there was an easy fix. Thank you kindly for your work ;-)
  13. To be honest, I did not even try the 2nd file as the 1st one seemed to do the trick. I will do that now, just for completions sake.
  14. Well, that seems to have fixed my game count alignment issue Rince, ty much. Quick question, in case you know the answer. Is the game count for playlists not showing up a theme issue or an issue with my list in Launchbox? For example, I have the standard "classics" type of playlists such as "Capcom Classics" or "Williams Classics" and there is no actual game count for them. I am assuming that is a Launchbox issue but figured I would ask. Thanks again for the fixes, appreciate it!
  15. Hiya Rince, Ok, well the platformwheel you put here worked fine, did exactly what I was looking for. Thank you much. However, I downloaded the latest version of the theme from the "Download This File" button at the top of the page and I still have the text alignment issue. Below is a picture.
  16. Hello Rince, Thanks for the reply. Awesome, I will try this fix when I get home and eagerly await the game total fix. Awesome theme, really ties it all together for me. Thanks again!
  17. Hello Rincewind, Awesome theme. However, I have the same issue Deathbringer has with the number of games being unaligned. I am playing on a 4k TV. Other than that, the only glaring issue I would LOVE to find a solution to would be the platform view 2. It has scanlines by default which, I found out after abit of work, is a result of the "Background Fade" setting. The higher the percentage, the more pronounced the scanlines. Well, I wanted to get rid of the scanlines so I set the "Background Fade" to 0%. This, of course, got rid of the scanlines. However, it gave me another side effect. Now, when I select a game, it takes me to the game screen but it is solid black background which can blend in with some logos, as is seen below with the Zelda II logo. My question is: Is there a way to remove the scanlines and keep the background the exact same throughout the theme?
  18. Hey there CDBlue, Your first suggestion did the trick. Thank you kindly. I will work on the meta data issue later, that should be an easy fix. However,I have now noticed anew issue that I cannot seem to fix and I am unsure why. If I use the base theme, WITHOUT the 16x9 fix, it all LOOKS right but I cannot set the video preview for the platforms to "fade". I can switch to it but it does not change it to fade. If I apply the 16x9 fix, the fade DOES work but the alignment of the video is, of course, off. Anyway how to fix it? The fade for the platform video is pretty much a must as it make the whole thing look VERY seamless.
  19. Hi Viking, I hope you are still around and available to give me some help or at least point me in the right direction. Long story slightly shorter, I came across your theme and I find the aesthetic to be AMAZING. It is THE theme I want to be using. However, I cannot, for some reason, get it to look like the images you have on page one. All I have is a white background, some text and the videos (downloaded those of course, no problem). Are there settings I am not using or using improperly? I have been trying to get this to work right for HOURS! I am at my wits end. I will take some pictures real fast to show you what I mean. Thank you for any help in advance!
  20. Hi Massatomic, I tried this even though I was almost 100% certain this would have no effect when taking the power of my rig into consideration. Unfortunately, I was correct. As it stands right now, if I want to use this theme, I cannot have background images at all or it slows down the scroll wheel when i switch between games because the image loading is causing lag for some reason.
  21. Hi Brad, That's the thing though: Is it a bug or is it just by design?
  22. Hello, Sooooo, after tweaking some settings a bit and running different themes in different configurations, I have come to the conclusion that any theme other than "Default Theme" or "Critical Zone Theme" is/was the culprit. For some reason the same settings that run smooth in the default theme are choppy on the RetroFresh theme and other themes as well and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why. I can now scroll smoothly through my games list, even with background images, but only in the "Default Theme" and "Critical Zone Theme". Any other theme causes scroll wheel slowdown when there are background images. Anyone have any thoughts on why that would be? I do not have a very large library, only 831 in total across all platforms.
  23. Hi JayJay, Thanks for offering help but that did not fix the issue either. To be perfectly frank, I am about done with this program. With my system specs, I should not be dealing with this issue and there seems to be no way to fix it. All I see is one of two things: "Here are my system specs and it works fine for me" "Read this post "BigBox Performance and How to Make it Better"
  24. Ok, so, after I finished the last post, I went and changed the following: In the "Options", under "Images, in "Background Priorities", I unchecked all that ewas checked, in this case "Clear Logos" and "Fan Art". This removed the background images from my consoles inside BigBox so THAT's taken care of, thank you. Now just one last issue. Is there a way to make a games list use a single background that it does not have to load up when cycling through games? The loading of background images is what was slowing my scrollwheel down. Scrolls great now. Still find it odd that changing background images per game would slow the scroll wheel down like that.
  25. It seems like I do for some games, not all, but my settings for "Default Background" in Launchbox is set to "Use Launchbox Default Background". Kinda weird that nothing seems to change my consoles or any sub category for that matter, from using backgrounds in BigBox. I feel like there is something I am missing just not sure what.
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