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Everything posted by fruity

  1. This is a fantastic plugin, thanks for making this! I'm trying to get these pixelcade artworks to run on it to no avail (black screen with a small X). AOF3 is my case example (with log) but added another to for you to test. ThirdScreenLog.txt
  2. Here is a quality of life AHK Script I made for MFME. It does two things: 1) Auto-closes the mandatory Layout Notes/pop up's/Nags on launch (will scan every 2 seconds for them whilst MFME is running - this maybe not the most efficient method but it works for me!) 2) Pressing Escape will force close MFME. Just copy and paste the code below into the Running AutoHotKey Script Option under your MFME entry in Emulators: SetTitleMatchMode, 2 WindowClass = TLayoutNotes MFMEWindow = MFME.exe TimerCloseWindow: IfWinExist, ahk_class %windowclass% { WinClose, ahk_class %windowclass% } SetTimer, TimerCloseWindow, -2000 return #IfWinActive Esc:: WinCLose, ahk_exe %MFMEWindow% Return
  3. Sure, happy to post here, if you need sooner, PM me and I'll set up a onedrive share (the basic categories and playlists are more or less complete now) and you can keep up with the WIP (maybe even collab if you like! )
  4. Thanks - this is great work, With it I'm now well on my way with making an up to date MFME LB Build with Manufacturer, tech & other sorted playlists, videos snaps, screenshots and flyers included. I'll also be modding the layouts further, in particular I need to change back the Yellow alpha's - IMO they look out of place (sorry!), If you are downloading the layouts above, on Google Drive, in selecting all the files and downloading them, it is then re-compressed by Google Drive into multiple zip files, and (for me at least) appears when extracted to have truncated the symbols used in the filenames, so in turn will break some of the layouts in mfme that have speech marks e.g. ' " , & to _ instead. You can scan for broken games in MFME game manager, and then open each .gam file and rename/point to the correct file. Also, run a find and replace in the directories for *.bak - you will get back about 6-7GB of space (.bak's are created when you re-save layouts if you are modding them them, so therefore are not needed).
  5. Here's some Fruit Machine Manufacturers logos I use for my LB Build. Manufacturer Logos.zip
  6. Delete all the .fml.bak files to save about 5gb.
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