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Everything posted by StuDentBR
Hey i would like to update my retroarch version, is there a option to update it in the software like in launchbox ? Or do i have to download a new version from the site ? And if yes what should i do to not lose my settings ?
there are separate packs over the internet, but arcade systems are really complicated.
So what are exactly the plataforms under "arcade" systems ? Can MAME run all of these without a problem ? How do i look for the Neo Geo home catridges (roms) ? any specific term i can use in google ?
I am trying to Add the arcade plataform to my collection but i am getting very confusing, about the games, when i get a MAME pack i am getting the Neo Geo, CPS1-2-3, Konami classics, Sega Model, and so on ? All in one ? I am very confused... If yes, is better to add all under arcade plataform and play them only in MAME ? The Neo geo (console) roms are the same that the arcade version ? Are the games the same ?
It was using retroarch by itself, with it's overlays, but if i could manage to fit in at retroarch overlay it will sure fit with rocketlauncher belzels, there is just one issue you will need to personalize the core settings for each resolution you use for example i have found a good settings for 1366x768 monitor, i will try to find good settings for 1080p later. you will have to use custom configs by setting this command line in associated plataforms at launchbox: -L "cores\desmume_libretro.dll" -c "config\desmume_libretro.cfg" here the settings (you will have to change this manually at the file desmume_libretro.dll.cfg because if you try to change it inside retroarch it will not let you make custom adjusts) : these are for 1366x768 displays custom_viewport_width = "365" custom_viewport_height = "685" custom_viewport_x = "0" custom_viewport_y = "0" Aspect Ratio - Config Interger Turned On In Options - Screen Gap 90 for 1080p try those in the core settings file inside DS.zip which are: Core Settings Aspect Ratio - Config Width - 512 Height -768 Interger Turned On In Options - Screen Gap 95 i did not test these 1080p one yet... as i said i will do it later. desmume_libretro.dll.cfg DS.zip
well i have good news after trying without success, i have decided to try one more time with retroarch overlay which is much easier to me, and guess what, i manged to fit it very well.
what do i have to do in the modules notes at rocketlauncher ? StartModule() BezelGUI() FadeInStart() primaryExe := new Emulator(emuPath . "\" . executable) ; instantiate emulator executable object emuPrimaryWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("","DeSmuME")) ; instantiate primary emulator window object emuConsoleWindow := new Window(new WindowTitle("","ConsoleWindowClass")) fullscreen := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) vertical := moduleIni.Read("Settings|" . romName, "Vertical","false",,1) lcdsLayout := moduleIni.Read("Settings|" . romName, "LCDs_Layout",0,,1) lcdsSwap := moduleIni.Read("Settings|" . romName, "LCDs_Swap",0,,1) bezelTopOffset := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Bezel_Top_Offset","8",,1) bezelBottomOffset := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Bezel_Bottom_Offset","8",,1) bezelRightOffset := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Bezel_Right_Offset", "8",,1) bezelLeftOffset := moduleIni.Read("Settings", "Bezel_Left_Offset", "8",,1)
do i have to config desmume to start at full screen ?
where do i find these settings (module notes) ?
ok thank you.
what settings did you use in the view tab at demume ?
It worked thank you, but it did not fit in very well as you can see... now i will try to configure the retroarch to see if i can fix this. Any ideas ?
Just one thing, i already found one bezel for NDS, and put into the folder you told me, do i have to edit the AHK script manually in rocket launcher in order to get the bezels to work ?
i have just tried to donwload the base media pack from launchbox, but the link is broken...
I watched your tutorial it helped me to get started with rocket launcher, i managed to launch the game but the i really do know how to the set the bezels, and i thought it would be easier to try it in retroarch. i actually found a overlay for NDS in retroarch but it does not work very well i could not manage to fit the screen properly in the overlay...i actually would like to try to make it work in RA because seems like you can emulate the pointer for touch with one analog stick, and i do not know if that would work on the standalone.
Thank you i will definatelly check this out later, is there a nds border for retroarch ? I am having a hard time looking for it
Do you know another way to use bezels or borders i do not know what is the right name, besides using rocket launcher ? I would like to see my ds games to look like this (see the image) when i launch them on launchbox.
To me there are a lot of useful functions in rocket launcher like using bezels and this pause menu, but unfortunatelly it does not seen to be very user friendly ...
Well it would be something like that i would like to see in Launchbox/Bigbox, i did not knew that it already existed with rocket launcher maybe we can see this natively in Launchbox someday, for i think i will do some search in how to use rocket launcher in big box, did you already done a video tutorial abou this (how to use rocket launcher with launchbox) @SentaiBrad ? I really like your tutorials they've helped me many times.
Well guys maybe we could share the controller profiles and the .ini for the wii games so we could save some time i will upload some that i have made myself later What do you think about that ?
Well guys maybe we could share the controller profiles and the .ini for the wii games so we could save some time i will upload some that i have made myself later
I have found this which seems to be a pre made config: a customized MAME ctrlr file for use with the X-Arcade, as well as 4 XBOX 360 gamepads (wired or wireless). Here are the details for this configuration.- The X-Arcade controls P1 and P2.- The XBOX 360 pads also control P1-P4. Both analog and digital pads are mapped to control movement, as well as analog triggers for some games.- Specified controls for Neo Geo games, which use the MVS style button layout on the X-Arcade. XBOX360 pads are configured to use the same control layout as the Neo Geo CD gamepads.- Corrected configs for Mortal Kombat 1-4.- Modified Street Fighter 1, CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, and Killer Instinct series controls for the XBOX 360 pads. The configs match the default gamepad layout for Street FIghter IV PC and XBOX 360.- Support for analog devices, such as paddles, dials, flight yokes, steering wheels, and light-guns. These devices are configured for the X-Arcade joysticks, XBOX 360 controller left thumbstick and digital pad, mice/trackballs, and light-guns (when applicable). Enable mouse and light-gun support within mame.ini should these devices be used.- Support for dual joystick games using the XBOX 360 left and right analog sticks for games such as Smash TV, Robotron, etc...- Disabled the X-Arcade shortcuts KEYCODE_2+KEYCODE_4 to exit the game, as well as KEYCODE_1+KEYCODE_3 to bring up Options. I did this to prevent accidental exits, etc... during gameplay.- Player 1 on either X-Arcade or XBOX 360 pad are able to navigate through MAME's ingame menus. To use, download the TXT attachment below and save it in your MAME CTRLR directory as XArcade+XBOX360x4.cfgFinally, edit your mame.ini file, located in the INI folder within your MAME directory, and change the CORE INPUT OPTIONS values to: Code: [Select] # CORE INPUT OPTIONS # ctrlr XArcade+XBOX360x4 mouse 0 joystick 1 lightgun 0 multikeyboard 0 multimouse 0 steadykey 0 offscreen_reload 0 joystick_map auto joystick_deadzone 0.3 joystick_saturation 0.85Thats it! Fire up MAME, and try it out. Enjoy. Source: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=100079.0 i've alread test it, at least for me it works fine. XARCADE_XBox360x4.txt
So i would like to know if someone does know a way to config controller for all (i know there might to be some games which i will have to make custom profiles) games at once in mame, because it is just terrible to configure configure controller for each one game (by pressing TAB, i guess), i also would like to know if i can find custom profiles already made to use with xbox 360 controller in mame.
I really need to use diferent configurations for some games at pcsx2 i am having a really hard time to manage this, I found out at pcsx2 forums this launcher for the emulator: Spectabis : http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-Spectabis-A-better-PCSX2-frontend-launcher it allows you to save specific settings for each games and some interesting features, but when i try to change the .exe file from the pcsx2 to the launcher (spectabis) it does not load the game, it only opens the launcher, maybe i have to add some custom commands at launchbox but i don't know how, can someone help ? P.S I know that there is a launcher Launchboxpcsx2 that @XoRRoX made it works great with launchbox, but for me that already have controller automation it has some unwanted features which i do know how to turn off that are some controller shortcuts. Already tried this one also but did not work also with launchbox (only opens the oter launcher): http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-PCSX2Bonus-A-PCSX2-launcher-frontend