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Everything posted by jayray442

  1. Where do you turn on the option to also delete rom file when you delete a game in LB, can't seem to find it?
  2. I have been tidying up my roms using the combined games and also hide roms. First question is there any way to show only games that have other roms combined with them? Also was wandering if i ever had to re import all my roms will these setting be retained or will have to go back through them all again. Last question when you delete a rom in launchbox , if you try and reinstall it it doesnt import is that becasue it know you already deleted it? Thanks for all the help i love launchbox.
  3. Everything is falling into place and going very well and i love LB, but when i go i select a platform and go into the games menu if that platform has a lot of games then it is very laggy when i scroll through i have a pretty nice computer so shouldn't have anything to do with it, any ideas what i could do to help it. Has anyone else had this same problem. Thanks!
  4. jayray442

    3d Box's

    Is it possible to have 3d box show in one platform, and maybe regular box show in a different platform, cant seem to find a way except keep same default artwork across all platforms.
  5. Any ideas anyone this is driving me crazy.
  6. Having a strange issue my player one ipac joystick is bound to up/down/left/right. I know its correct i test it through all my other emulators and when you bind to that emulator directions input it uses Up/Down/Left/Right. But when binding inputs on retroarch, it shows keypad8/keypad2/keypad4/keypad 6. All other inputs both player one and player two work as they swhould ever the player 2 joystick. So when i play a game everthing controls fine except player one joystick(currently im using the stella core but im guessing it will be the same on all of them)
  7. jayray442


    Worked great thanks. the problem was i was doing import folder and not files.
  8. Thanks lordmonkus thats awesome, and im using an arcade cabinet not gamepads so cant use the first option sentaibrad thanks for the response though.
  9. I'm new to RetroArch but really want to switch to it from many of the other emulators i'm using beause it looks great. I started with Atari 2600, so i installed it all and downloaed the stella core, my problems is setting up the controls when i try to set them through the setup all it wants my to define all kinds of inputs that have nothing to with the Atari so i must be doing something wrong, watch the tutorials but no luck.
  10. jayray442


    I have Daphne working great through RL and in RL(Which was a nightmare) the Roms are pointed atthe frame files to launch the games. Trying to add it to LB problem is since they are not actual roms not sure how it import it because it wont read the frame files. I'm sure that i'm missing something simple sorry.
  11. Fromlostdays, not sure what you mean by bulk edit the roms for RL?
  12. Thank you all so much for the replies, i have a lot of systems all ready setup through RL and this seems like the way to go for sure!
  13. Cool was just wandering if it might cause more crashes. Also i know i can just setup RL as my emulator and go from there but Fromlostdays you say to import the system into LB not RL(Do you mean emulator also or is that all done through RL)
  14. Been using Hyperspin with RocketLauncher in my arcade for quite awile, saw LaunchBox and really like it so i'm switching everything over and want to start from scratch, is it better to use RocketLauncher with LaunchBox or better with out.?
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