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Everything posted by grupoapunte

  1. Thanks for the quick response... I honestly been looking mostly at the post and the controls but haven't seen the video. I have now successfully swapped disks but this continues to happen, the only difference is that it looks better than before. Yes! it looked worst. I have tried other multidisk games according to your spreadsheet but didn't have any issues.
  2. Hey, did anyone tried to play Alice in wonderland? I get asked to insert side B and press spacebar... the other multidisk games did't request anything so far. Anyway I'm probably missing something but when pressing spacebar it goes to the next screen which is black and white with lines and text but nothing readable and nothing happened after several minutes. Thanks.
  3. I make my living as a data scientist, so if you need a hand on the definition of this metrics or anything related to it I'll be happy to contribute.
  4. I Agree about making that something optional, but people interested in using the feature should also participate providing their own stats, otherwise there may not be enough data to make the data significance. I feel the same as you about privacy but if data is collected anonymously there's nothing to worry about.
  5. Excellent! I wasn't aware I could create a ticket, I'll do that, thanks!
  6. Hey Guys! I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but wouldn't it be great to have some crowdsourced fields like: - Number of times a game was played (This way it would be easy to create a ranking internally in bigbox to sort the games) - Average number of start or votes for a game (same as above it could be used as a sorting method) - Number of users that have the game between their favorites (another sorting method) - Most used emulator per game (to help people better setup their games) Of course this should all be aggregated metrics in order to maintain privacy. Thanks, and please let me know if I should post this in another place. By suggestion of @In virtute Dei here's the ticket for this feature: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/2064/add-community-db-fields-like-total-number VOTE FOR IT IF YOU LIKE IT! Thanks.
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