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Vlansix last won the day on December 9 2016

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  1. Thanks for the feedback! Good thing you caught it early :).
  2. Aye. It's an issue caused by a bugfix I applied last night. I'll have it fixed in a few minutes here :). Will advise once it's up.
  3. Ah wow, just got it. Looking into it now.
  4. Hi @fordgt68 That's not good. Can you advise as to which page throws that error for you so I can have a look at it?
  5. Resolved. Game image requests that were caused by new game submissions are internally counted as different changesets, but should not have been counted in the total moderation queue length as they're being shown to users as a single moderation item along with the new game request.
  6. Awesome. The video cleared up everything. I'll transfer all the "Holland" entries to "The Netherlands" and remove the option :P.
  7. Malheureusement, je ne suis pas familier avec Screenscraper. J'vais y donner un coup d'oeil eventuellement et aviser :). Relativement a la disponibilite des infos en francais/etc, j'suis completement d'accord avec le fait que tout traduire serais une tache monstrueuse, mais j'suis certain qu'il y a beaucoup d'usagers qui aimeraient faire partie d'une equipe de traduction, et qui aimerais avoir access a une base de donnee complete de jeux en leur langue native. Mais bon. Une chose a la fois. J'vais verifier screenscraper et j'vous reviens avec plus d'info un peu plus tard! P.s. mes excuses pour les fautes de frappe/grammaire, bein que j'suis canadien francais, je n'ai pas l'opportunite d'ecrire en français tres souvent ;).
  8. @Landcross, The Netherlands is already an available region choice. Being unfamiliar with the cultural intricacies of the region, would you say we need to remove Holland from the list?
  9. Salut Orphen92 & cie, J'ai en tête d'ajouter le support pour plusieurs langues a la base de données. Si c'est quelque chose qui vous tiens a coeur, assurez-vous de voter pour l'incident associé sur le bug tracker pour que j'y porte attention :).
  10. Hi all, Please see the associated issues in the DB issue tracker and vote on them if you want me to look at them :).
  11. Hi @Freestate, I've implemented all the new genres already requested. Polling users for more genres will be done shortly. As I've already got a few things on my plate, I'll get through what's already on the issue tracker before adding more :). Resolution: Added Party, Education, Visual Novel, Beat 'em Up and Board Game genres
  12. No worries. It's seriously been on my mind for a year or so, along with adding archived changes back to user stats. I should probably look at it shortly :).
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