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Everything posted by refreshTM

  1. Greate work Finnaly all my HDI swaps as they should.
  2. Thanx those are 10 times better than the old ones
  3. The versions in gameDB is ugly. @seaview59can you do a version without that ugly shadows behind title? i'v already requested the ugliest of those in DB to be deleted
  4. Need clearlogo for this PS2 title "Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2"
  5. ok, and just a tip request. You should add a search option in your blog, much easier to find logos you have.
  6. I'll take a look into CDTV when Amiga CD32 is done
  7. @seaview59 i have to say, you are doing a fantastic work with those clearlogo requests. delivering top quality images every time. Keep up the good work m8 Just have to mention, i have done about 80 clearlogos my self for various platforms, but i find it hard to do perfect. Now this days i'm working om CD arts and 3D Covers for Amiga Cd32 and NEC PC-FX, as i decided to leave clearlogo creation to people like you @seaview59..
  8. This Commodore Amiga CD32 game need a clearlogo replacement: in gamesDB: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/88057
  9. This Commodore Amiga CD32 game need a clearlogo replacement i gamesDB: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/43507
  10. This Commodore Amiga CD32 game need a clearlogo replacement in gameDB. https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/45654
  11. Need a clearlogo for This Commodore Amiga CD32 game:
  12. Why not upload it to this forum?
  13. @seaview59and this?
  14. @seaview59 can you do something about this?
  15. Incredible work. You are really good at this :)
  16. Thanx for replying. Most of these could be done with better quality and without those frames. @seaview59 can you do better versions?
  17. Clearlogo missing
  18. clearlogo missing
  19. clearlogo missing
  20. clearlogo missing
  21. missing clearlogo
  22. missing clearlogo
  23. Link to your blog?
  24. clearlogo missing
  25. clearlogo missing
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