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  1. faeran's post in Unable to replace images, new database code doesn't recognize it as a change was marked as the answer   
    Thanks guys. We have a fix coming down the pipe shortly.
  2. faeran's post in Android feature requests - Background media sync and Multiple platform importing. was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for the feedback.
    This would be great.
    I could see some people not wanting us to have a persistent background service running (we had some pushback on that in the past), but sounds like a solid option.
    Yeah, we do this in our Windows app, and it's great to know that if we brought something similar into the Android app, you'd be down for it.
  3. faeran's post in Bigbox settings is only showing a black screen was marked as the answer   
    This means you updated to version 13.19 beta 1, which had this known issue here.
    Here's our beta thread for version 13.19 that you can use to keep track of things and participate in the betas:
    Alternatively, you could opt out of betas if you wish not to take part in them.
  4. faeran's post in How can I restart a platform? was marked as the answer   
    You can long press over your SNES platform and choose delete. You'll also be asked if you would like to delete your media, as well as your ROMs. Make sure you say you don't want to delete your ROMs
  5. faeran's post in Default Game Details causing lag in 13.17 was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for the reports. Both of you guys had different pieces of the puzzle that I was able to use to deduce what exactly might be going on here. I've pinpointed a specific control in the Game Details panel which ended up being something you wouldn't think could be causing this. It's those little quick link buttons that open to a game's LBDB, Steam, GOG, Wikipedia, or Video page.
    I removed them from the Featherweight theme and uploaded a new version of it on the forums. If either of you guys can confirm you don't see that freeze using that theme now, this would confirm my findings here.
  6. faeran's post in Retroarch with Mendafen/Beetle PSX HW fails to launch PS1 games was marked as the answer   
    It should be as simple as what you did there. Cores don't really need anything special to function. I mean this one does need a bios file, but sounds like you already have that sorted out if the same game is working in RetroArch that isn't working in LaunchBox.
    A few things you can check. First concentrate on just one game that you've double checked is working in RetroArch, but isn't working in LaunchBox.
    Edit the game, go to the Launching section and make sure the path to the file is the same as where the file actually is. Confirm what kind of game file types you have for this game. Is it bin/cue, chd, something else? If it's bin/cue, is the file path pointing to the cue file? Still under Edit game, go to the Emulation section. Is the emulator chosen the correct RetroArch emulator you are expecting it to launch in? If it's not, choose it. If it is, Edit the emulator and make sure everything in there looks good with its Details and Associated Platforms section Under the Dependency Files section, choose PS1 from the dropdown, is LaunchBox seeing the right dependency files there? Let us know how this goes. If you are still having issues, zip up your entire LaunchBox\Data folder and PM it to me and I can help sort you out.
  7. faeran's post in How to? Delay Exit To Menu was marked as the answer   
    It's in Big Box under Options > General > Require Holding Back to Navigate to System Menu
  8. faeran's post in Launchbox Not Recognizing Retroarch on Android was marked as the answer   
    This would depend on which version of RetroArch you've installed on your device. LaunchBox has support for many different kinds of RetroArch, and it sounds like whatever version you have installed is not the version you are telling LaunchBox to launch into.
    Go into your platform, click on the top-right menu and enter into Emulator Settings. Choose the version of RetroArch you believe you have installed, and click the verify button to make sure it's the correct one. Make sure you have the correct core selected that you've downloaded within RetroArch as well.
    Now try and launch your game and see if it works.
    There are some benefits for using the version of RetroArch that LaunchBox installs, like RetroArch updates and core downloads and such, but follow the steps above and it's easy enough to bypass all of it.
  9. faeran's post in Unified Theme Gameplay Screenshots was marked as the answer   
    In LaunchBox, open up Tools > Options, and find your Screenshot Priorities. Move up the gameplay image types to the top of the list.
  10. faeran's post in Re-install retroarch *again*? was marked as the answer   
    If I had to guess, you probably set up RetroArch a long time ago and your associated platforms section doesn't quite match with our current server defaults, as in it's missing the default Atari 2600 associated platform configuration.
    In your instance, you'd want to simply choose to Manually Configure Emulator and choose your RetroArch emulator. Like you noticed, choosing the Install RetroArch option would install another instance of RetroArch, similar to going into the Manage Emulator window, Adding a new emulator, choosing RetroArch and hitting the download button.
    You could also go into your RetroArch emulator window, add a line for Atari 2600, then run the ROM Import Wizard, and you wouldn't see that page.
    Basically, you are only seeing this due to a mis-match between your old emulator config and the one we use on our server. Luckily we can update the RetroArch integration plugin to make this less confusing for users in the future.
  11. faeran's post in How to make MAME set smaller to fit on a smaller harddrive to use on Big Box was marked as the answer   
    This will only work if you use a Non-merged set.
    But, you could go to your Arcade platform, select all the games, and run the Tools > File Management > Export/Copy ROM files from Selected Games to New Folder...
    It will make a copy of all your imported games into a new folder, which should work out to about 20GB.
    This won't bring over your CHD files, but if you have the CHD Requred playlist you could identify which CHD games you have, and manually move over the ones you have ROMs for.
    This part of the MAME video shows it in action:
    Again, this will only work if you use a non-merged set.
  12. faeran's post in Scanning for new ROMs was marked as the answer   
    With Android, if you added games to a game directory, you would need to run the import game tool again.
    For example, let's say you import 50 master system games into LaunchBox for Android, then you now add 5 extra master system games into the same folder on your Android device. If you run the import tool again, it will tell you that it found the extra 5 games and allow you to bring them in.
    In the future, we may make this more clear in the app and provide some kind of scan tools, which would save a few clicks.
  13. faeran's post in Download email not sending was marked as the answer   
    The answer to this is always send an email to support@unbrokensoftware.com
  14. faeran's post in Problem with Launchbox update with Windows 10 was marked as the answer   
    Sounds like you accidentally cancelled the install while it was messing with app files.
    Go into your LaunchBox\Updates folder and run the 13.17 setup file. When you get to the part where it asks where you want to install it to, choose your current LaunchBox folder. Double check the path before hitting next and make sure it's correct, as the setup likes to add an extra "LaunchBox" folder into it.
    Once you finish the install, LaunchBox will open and you'll see your library.
  15. faeran's post in Weird (possible bug?) Displaying Images in LB 13.16 was marked as the answer   
    What does your 3D Cart Priorities look like under Tools > Options?
  16. faeran's post in Games imported from Epic Games are not showing achievements was marked as the answer   
    I could be forgetting something, but I'm fairly sure LaunchBox doesn't track achievements from the Epic Games Store.
  17. faeran's post in LB 13.16 - An error occurred while trying to import games: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved internally and will be out when beta 2 drops.
    If you would like to help test the beta, here's the link:
  18. faeran's post in Playlist Image was marked as the answer   
    The issue you are having is that you are trying to use the clear logo image type for an image that's not a clear logo, which is why you are seeing it show up in the spot that you are.
    To use your example, this is a clear logo.

    This is a fanart background:

    Here's what those 2 look like in the playlist details:

  19. faeran's post in From game back to Lauchbox was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, things are more isolated on Android. If the Android app has an exit button, that would be the easiest way to get back to LaunchBox. Most emulators have something like this built in, but each app would need to individually support some kind of exit button.
  20. faeran's post in How to show the "PLAY" button in the game details box. was marked as the answer   
    The only reason I've ever seen for the play button to not exist is if the ROM file the game is pointing to is inaccessible. If this is the case though, the button gets replaced with text that should read something like "unavailable".
  21. faeran's post in I can't install/update RetroArch was marked as the answer   
    Go into Tools > Manage > Emulators
    Find your RetroArch emulator and edit it. Click the Update button.
  22. faeran's post in Enable Pause screen from keyboard was marked as the answer   
    After setting the button, restart LaunchBox, and see if that makes it work.
  23. faeran's post in Missing Device Images was marked as the answer   
    Device images have always been something you had to manually add into LaunchBox, so it sounds like sometime in the past you must have gone through that ritual
  24. faeran's post in Editing platform banners was marked as the answer   
    You can switch them, but only one at a time. Holding down on one of the platforms to open its menu and choose Edit Media and replace the Banner Image. Make sure the banner is the same size, I think they are 384x1080 if I remember correctly.
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