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  1. #1 Exit option on Pause menu Solved this one now earlier on someone had suggested removing -keyboardprovider dinput when I was having problems (but that was probably when I had only JOYCODE_2_BUTTON7 in UI_CANCEL when I added in JOYCODE_2_BUTTON7 OR KEYCODE_ESC, I needed to also add back -keyboardprovider dinput to command line arguments. thanks for all the quick and helpful replies on this
  2. #1 Exit option on Pause menu its not a big deal , just trying to track down why. I am expecting when selecting Exit on the Pause menu the game would exit , but am seeing the Pause menu just return to the game (same effect as Resume ). I had , thought maybe I needed the default exit key of ESC mapped to UI_CANCEL as I had a button (cabinet setup) in mame cfg/default.cfg I had <port type="UI_CANCEL"> <newseq type="standard"> JOYCODE_2_BUTTON7 I added ESC but still the Exit on the Pause menu just goes back to the game from the Pause screen (doesn't exit the game) JOYCODE_2_BUTTON7 OR KEYCODE_ESC I checked the mame settings in game with tab menu-> Input (General) and "UI Cancel" has Joy 2 Button 6 or ESC #3 (vector games pause screen not coming up) solved this issue I had in mame.ini video d3d bgfx_screen_chains hlsl filter 1 in the mame ini folder there was a ini file for each vector game with the following. [vector game rom].ini video opengl hlsl_enable 0 I remove this game specific ini file and the pause screen came up. So seems it was opengl or some combo of other mame.ini settings with opengl in the vector game specific ini files preventing the Pause screen from showing with removing those ini files the vector graphic games were very "glowy" i.e. didn't look right. I then changed some settings in those vector game specific ini files and it looked better and the Pause screen comes up [vector game rom].ini video d3d filter 0 hlsl_enable 0
  3. upgraded to MAME .209, I didn't see that make any difference in those effects I saw. - original notes with MAME .181 -- With MAME 0.209 and .209 roms (nothing added to Pause screen tab in MAME emulator, On Pause and On Resume tabs have "; No script is required ...") 1) - Using exit on Pause screen menu (most of the time) brings up a fullscreen palette screen overlayed on game. mame exit buttonwill back out of that. -- still does this with latest MAME if "-keyboardprovider dinput" is in command line parameters. It does not do it if I remove "-keyboardprovider dinput" from commend line parameters. BUT, selecting Exit on the Pause screen menu just returns to game, same effect as selecting Resume. 2) - Within Pause screen menu , hitting the pause screen button while in the Pause screen menu drops back to game but with a 5 second or so looping sound glitch. Doesn't happen all the time, but occasionally -- still saw this happen once bouncing in and out of pause mode on number of games, can't reproduce, probably not an issue, not a weak machine (i7 920, GTX760) 3) - Some games the Pause screen does not come up, the game pauses but the Pause screen does not come up. Seems to happen with vector graphics games (startrek, tempest, battlezone, Black Widow) -- stil seeing same issue in the vector based games, such as those listed. Using pause screen button, the games pauses but pause screen with menu does not show up like all the other mame games. 4) - When assigning the Pause screen button in BigBox, do you have to use the Hold Key combo / Controller Automation. Seems like you can't just assign a key for the Pause screen without controller automation/hold key assigned for it to work. -- I still see this , from this image below, the first config works with button combo (button 10 + 11) for pause screen, but the second config does not work to pause the game with button 11. just referring to BigBox, I understand there is a different key/setting for launchbox
  4. Pause Theme - Default Arcade / MAME .181 LB 9.8 Couple things I have noticed in BigBox- - Using exit on Pause screen menu (most of the time) brings up a fullscreen palette screen overlayed on game. Exit key will back out of that. Something needed to prevent that ? - Within Pause screen menu , hitting the pause screen button while in the Pause screen menu drops back to game but with a 5 second or so looping sound glitch. Doesn't happen all the time, but occasionally - Some games the Pause screen does not come up, the games pauses but the Pause screen does not come up. Seems to happen with vector games (startrek, tempest, battlezone) - When assigning the Pause screen button in BigBox, do you have to use the Hold Key combo / Controller Automation. Seems like you can't just assign a key for the Pause screen without controller automation/hold key assigned for it to work.
  5. For the new Pause screen, default theme that shows the controls information image: assuming the images for MAME are coming from Arcade->Arcade - Controls Information directory. Wanted to use CPWizard to generate a set of control images for my cabinet layout. The images in the Arcade - Controls Information folder don't seemed to be named with the rom name which CPWizard creates. example: I see 1941_ Counter Attack-01.png and not the rom name 1941.png Where is the association of the "1941" rom with the name "1941_ Counter Attack-01" for the controls image set from that the Pause theme seems to be using ? thanks
  6. Been watching this thread and it seemed similar to a request in the poll "LaunchBox Upcoming Features - February/March 2018 Results" this item was 10th on the list. https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-V9D22LCH8/ Control Definitions with Overlays/Icons (Display the Controls for a Game/Platform) Does anyone know what the detail of that proposed feature would be? Would it be something similar to the theme modifcation above ? At a minum, what would be useful is to show the platform controls using the pause button for example. Primarily for people who are not completely familiar with the setup on the arcade cabinet to know how to exit out of the game back to the menus, restart the game, add credits, etc. based on a button layout/image that one could provide by platform. Showing individual game controls would then be an additional really nice to have on top of the platform controls.
  7. Anyone verify if Hydro Thunder works in 2 player mode through nulldc, one player works fine but 2 player on start of race is black screen (some green garbeled bar at bottom). Settings to correct or does not work with 2 player ? thanks for any help,
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