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Ultra God Azgorath

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Everything posted by Ultra God Azgorath

  1. Hey everyone. Recently, I've learned how to do API calls/requests to the RA API server to get a list of all linked hashes for every supported platform and because of that, I'm currently restructuring all the DATs so that it'll be easier for me to add, change and remove linked hashes from the DATs more often and more accurately. As a result, I won't be releasing any updates for the next 1 to 2 months, give or take. Thanks for your patience and support.
  2. I use dolphin dafault settings and the latest version at the time of the conversion. I'll have to see how nkit is used but I can only find 1.4. Do you have a link to nkit2 for me? If so, just dm it to me please.
  3. The LB database probably doesnt have a lot of hacks and homebrew games saved in it so it won't pick them up and the names of some of the games dont match up to what is in the lb database either. I'll need to do quite a lot of changes during the month.
  4. Computer-based platforms like Amstrad CPC, Apple II and NEC PC 8000/8800 are cataloged by neither redump nor no-intro. Different groups catalogue them.
  5. I'll have to check when I get home. It depends on the Launchbox Database entries on those games.
  6. If you tick this option during import then It'll combine all discs of a multi-disk game into 1 entry. If you untick it, each disk will be it's own entry.
  7. I'll try to make a tutorial video and add it to the zip download when I can get some free time from work to do it.
  8. Yeah RA names are cleaner so I might have to look at renaming all the games in these dats.
  9. With the No-intro, fbneo and redump platforms, I copy and paste the entries straight from the official dats to my dats. Amstrad CPC, Apple II, PC 8000/8800 and Elektor are the exceptions due to either not having an official DAT or whatever DATs I could find for them weren't quite as "clean" as the no-intro and redump dats.
  10. Elektor tv games computer has the same problem because there is no official dat for that platform for me to build on so the regions are the roms' extensions (PGM and TVC).
  11. Yes and no. Some are from an "unofficial" apple/cpc DAT but others are named from RA but I couldn't find/figure out which roms have which regions so I had to improvise.
  12. The only difference between apple (also amstrad CPC) DATs and the other platforms DATs is the regions themselves. Apple and CPC don't have normal regions such as USA, EUROPE, JAPAN, etc and because of that, I named their regions after the group they were dumped from (4AM, CLEANCPCDB, TOSEC, GOODSET, etc)
  13. During import, LB will give you an option to tick if you want to combine games with the same or similar name or keep them separate. Yes cmp keeps all files separate if you have normal set mode selected, otherwise if you have 1g1r mode selected, cmp will keep the roms with the regions you selected and prioritized and delete/backup the others.
  14. I'm not sure which region LB plays 1st. I think its alphabetical so E before U but I could be wrong. I've tried ES-DE. Awesome frontend. Very easy and fast but no retroachievement features yet. Once ES-DE gets RA features, I'll be switching over to it. I'm only still using LB because of the RA features. Yes but I don't mind doing it this way. I only want RA-compatible games so I'll download them as they're added.
  15. I have it downloaded and have tried it but cmp fits my needs better. No I delete the unmatched roms so yeah I have to redownload them if and when they're re-added. New games are added daily so I put new games in the DATs every day. Yes, LB combines both regions into 1 game and you right click the game and click "Play Version" and you select the version you want to play. As long as both regions are linked to the same achievement set, they'll both work with achievements. There's a few reasons why games would be removed from RA. There is 1 or more achievements that are broken and need to be repaired by the dev so the dev temporarily removes (demotes) the set to fix it and then promotes it back once he's fixed it. The RA team decided that an achievement set for a game is not worth having on the site for whatever reason. The ra team and/or dev decided to only have 1 region rom linked to a set. So instead of having USA and EUROPE both linked, they decide to keep only EUROPE linked since EUROPE has more languages and USA doesn't have anything that EUROPE doesn't already have. There may be other reasons but these are the most common reasons I've seen.
  16. Yes that's correct. I've removed it from the DAT now, thanks but there's probably a lot more like this in a lot of the other dats as well (I hope not though). cmp shows 1047 for me because I have 1G1R enabled with english regions prioritised. Romvault doesnt have 1G1R mode/feature so it looks for every single game that's in the DAT, in your rom folder. As for the 1789 sets and 1937 roms, I have no idea whats going wrong there because I've checked my DAT and there's 1883 entries (Sets) in the DAT and each set has 1 rom in it so you should be getting 1883 sets and 1883 roms, not 1789 and 1937. Each rom needs to be it's own entry, not grouped with others.
  17. cmp by default moves unmatched roms into a backup folder or you can tell it to delete them permanently instead. When it comes to adding and deleting games from the DATs, I add new games that are added on the RA homepage to the DATs but when they're removed and/or re-added after being removed for maintenance, I dont currently have a way to tell when they're removed and/or re-added from maintenance.
  18. So I have 2 rom folders on my pc. 1 folder, which is my main rom folder, contains cartridge-based platforms with zipped roms that are never unzipped and disc-based platforms with unzipped roms. I use cmp to scan only the cartridge-based platforms with the cartridge-based DATs in this folder. I import all the roms in this folder into LB. The 2nd folder contains disc-based platforms with zipped roms and I use cmp to only scan this folder with the disc-based DATs. CMP doesn't check your collection in real-time, only when you manually scan. If you look at the attached picture, you'll see that the platforms with the red circle are missing some roms while the platforms with green ticks means all roms were scanned and found. By keeping the directories saved and the roms saved in their respective directories, when I manually scan the folders, cmp will tell me if any roms are missing or not.
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