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Everything posted by HellzBellz

  1. Conker's Bad Fur Day Super Smash Bros Gears of War Unreal Tournament Tribes
  2. These are just a few of my favorites, but are almost always on one of my devices within grasp. Skies of Arcardia Evolution Worlds Phantasy Star IV Kings Field: The Ancient City Azure Dreams
  3. I would love to see a re-release of the Phantasy Star series. Whether that be what came out on Sega Genesis or from Gamecube
  4. Found the issue. The servers must of been bogged down at the time of download. It wasn't until I unchecked "Download in Background" when I actually saw the progress bar show. Ran the update today and it was quick as usual.
  5. Sure enough, triggered when I checked the "Update to Beta Releases". Thanks!
  6. Couldn't find a similar post, but isn't LB supposed to auto update from 8.9 to 9.0? I've fired up BigBox and LB. Still not popping up. There a new option to trigger the update?
  7. Didn't see that one. Video was unchecked. Much appreciated!
  8. Using the "Regresh Images" options caused the core LB to populate. Appreciate the response. Now for some reason my video's aren't showing in the details section of LB original or next. Screenshots are showing. If I go into BigBox mode the video's play there. I do have auto-play selected for videos. Is there an option somewhere else I could be missing thats causing it to not show?
  9. I've just recently acquired an SSD and plan on putting the Launchbox utility on it. I'm planning on re-downloading my image art since my current directory is littered with graphics I don't need. With 5000+ games it'd just be easier to let the utility download specifically what I want. That being said, my question is, should I focus on doing the image updating on the current core Launchbox version or can I do it in the Launchbox.next version? I just did the NES section in Next, but noticed the images aren't carrying over to the core Launchbox version. I don't want to do all of this work in Next and then an update kills all the progress. Assuming its still in beta.
  10. Well hot damn. I'll be subbing here shortly. Appreciate all the help.
  11. I've had a premium for 2 years now. Just checked the original email. Don't see a discount code. Maybe that's a newer promotion?
  12. Ah okay. So if I sub at EmuMovies the option will open up similar to game clips?
  13. Just updated to 8.0. Decided I'm going include manuals on my Roms. I'm having a hard time finding where I can download the manuals for all the games I own though. I thought it would be under Tools > Download Metadata & Media, but I don't see the option there either. Please help.
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