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AKNF is really a good shout! For MAME I use the ArcadeItalia site to create a custom version to import into frontends with less features than launchbox (batch scripts that remove items from a set) which is definitely needed on things like a small handhold or on my vpin. With LB specifically, it's not really costing any hard-drive space to have both an AKNF and a full fat list imported and have them both use the same artwork. For me it more comes down to if this is a system I'm going to be setting up for potentially other people to use or not! Agree with the wii - that system really was as mainstream as it gets and as such a lot of titles won't interest the "gamer" crowd vs something like Dreamcast!
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Then my general guide to someone with that preference will be, it's slim compared to regular MAME once you cull the noise. If a snes or genesis full set is not too unwieldly this should be about the same size list, assuming HBMAME is consolidated, and that BIOS chunk deleted.
IMO it's a good set but the "what is worth doing" question is something that's only ever worth asking yourself! 100% personal preference on what kind of launchbox builder you are. Personally I feel no shame in announcing that I'm a data hoarder and like the option of potentially helping someone find something they need 10 years from now! For a lot of people, yes, you will be a hardcore fan of just one franchise (eg. Mortal Kombat games are a good example, I know the "YourMKArcadeSource" cab builder guy on youtube uses HBMAME) and just care about those few titles. Especially for people wanting to try something different. A lot of games are community patches of a sort whilst some are more on the wacky end of things. As for sorting the noise, after import I ordered by Genre and (frontend) deleted the system/devices in a chunk which brings down a consolidated set significantly to 691 titles (and more could be deleted if you felt like spending half an hour sifting through).
Yh sorry for the noise - I'm just super happy it's a feature now. I could have saved myself many hours this last week on a different setup if I had been aware on this so the only minor thing is I wish it was a bit better signposted the difference between the 2 methods. It's so much more of an elegant solution calling MAME directly rather than using lookup files as it should never be wrong... definitely consider this fixed tho and for ppls reading, go the "Arcade Import Wizard" route and make sure you specify "Manually Configure Mame Emulator" if you are doing HBMAME specifically!
OK so this has worked (at least with a split set) good update! I wish this was clearer in the frontend, for example noting that the wizard alternative would actually query the specified EXE rather than the metadata if you drag-and-drop an arcade folder to start with... As a very long term user I have been burned by the wizards / consolidation on import in the past and had gotten used to avoiding them. I'll probably do a similar video soon mentioning this method VS the traditional way, since it's still worth going over the setup of supporting files. Glad to be wrong this time!
OK yh so, unless I did something wrong, it's imported a bunch of nonsense. Here's what I got for Mortal Kombat. Most if not all of these do not launch and are not in line with the true descriptions (our example from earlier "Projectile Insanity" - mk06.zip is not on the list)... - MKLB.png Daddy where's my video game? Here's the split set I imported later showing ALL the version that HBMAME might call (without the ones that won't launch): - MKtrue.png I like to be accurate so I'm going to do one more test with this time choosing custom emulator and importing the split set I made as part of the tutorial video (even though that's not how it's distributed), just to give LB the best possible chance... will keep you posted!
EDIT - restarted LB and it got further for some reason... trying the full set (merged per PD) at first glance on the pre-import there are duplicates with no distinction between version using 19xx as the example. It treats it all as "MAME" during the wizard (unless I missed where the distinction was for HBMAME vs vanilla) so using 0.245 which is the HBMame version (afaik that's also the equivalent MAME set it's based on). We shall see...
Since the Arcade Full Set Wizard isn't my usual method. Testing import of merged set fresh off the pleasuredome... Can't click next... Maybe I need to wait!?
PS please just use the HBMAME.XML file that I created and add these lookups to an HBMAME specific option (I've done the hard work on it now). No credit needed! Users will still need to convert the MERGED set to SPLIT ones as per regular MAME, LB won't show child roms fully unless a split set is imported (and even then based purely on the number of files, a whole bunch is missed)...
I tried the import normally with the first few letters of the alphabet, it recognized maybe 10% of them even after I converted from merged to split set and all regular Mame parents. The point of this is to have all the HBMAME hacked version displayed with the correct name of the mod, discretely! Even with regular Mame a good number of files are missed even if you set the filters all the way off. Pulling one at random, point me to "19xx: The War Against Destiny (951207U, Ex Super Version)" = matching file 19xxs01.zip anywhere in the metadata. How about "Mortal Kombat (Projectile Insanity)" matching file mk06.zip? I could go on forever with these! I'm not sure why you think it's a fixed problem when basically none of them are in the data!! Not only is this going to be useful for the HBMame set but other things like Final Burn Neo as well since these romhacks are greatly under-represented in Launch box.
RpT started following Neo Geo X stick not recognised , Setting up HBMAME with LaunchBox? and Need help with Daphne
Hack around type solution here First transforming a merged set into split, then fudging launchbox's mame.xml file to have the correct data be imported... Enjoy!
UPDATE: Tried the other app mentioned in this thread, for me JoyToKey has been working very well in this setup and would be my recommendation if you are using these sticks (you are going to have trouble in various emulators). If I were starting this build again, I would probably hardware mod at least one of the sticks to use a different controller board (fightstick PCB or cheap controller from amazon, i-pac, whatever), assuming I don't mind changing the original hardware. They are a great feeling fightstick but detection is hit and miss across different emulators / OS / frontends since they were only really ever designed to be used with the Neo Geo X. Doing the hardware mod would allow them to work as a pair on the raspberry Pi I suspect, so in that case it might be the only viable option.
Daphne for some reason throws a video error whenever there's no USB mouse attached to the system. This is a long-standing bug with the emulator. After a lot of trial and fail over this weekend, trying to make it work on a minipc setup with just 2x Neo Geo arcade sticks attached via Joy2key (no mouse or KB), I've finally found a workaround for this (might come in handy for other times where there's no mouse too)! Install the following device driver, it will appear as "wacom mouse". Daphne will be satisfied and not throw the error: https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/downloads/ds004071-wacom-digitizer-driver-for-windows-7-32-bit-64-bit-vista-64-bit-xp-32-bit-64-bit-thinkpad-w700-w700ds-w701-w701ds Enjoy!
Having this issue right now - 2x NEO GEO X Arcade sticks connected. Reads in Windows and in MAME but not LB/BB. Doesn't show in the devices list. Tried restart etc... I'll look into Joy2Key or something as a workaround but would be nice to have these working without needing other applications. I suspect it's to do with it not liking both plugged in at once (might troubleshoot this further, will post back if i find anything of note). Incidentally, On the rapsberry PI it wouldn't work with 2 connected which is why I'm now building my mini NEO-GEO using using a windows mini-pc instead...