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Posts posted by fawkesyeah

  1. I've tried changing the BorderThickness value, and while it does change the thickness of that box's border, it does not reduce it's width. It also causes all neighboring games to scrunch together. See below:

    BorderThickness: 20


    BorderThickness: 15


    BorderThickness: 30


    What I want is BorderThickness 20 but with the red box width itself to just be reduced, so it fits the size of the steam banner image. The height already does fit fine, no matter what I set.


  2. Updated my post above again. Somehow I have a habit of updating it right as you post a reply haha!

    Copy pasting here, with a screenshot:


    Is this right? <Border Height="215" Width="460" BorderThickness="30">

    Using that, the sizing is uniform, but it seems to mess up the zoom/spacing so every image is far apart again. May have to re-tweak the other settings to fit it.



    Edit: Ok I am playing with the other values and it turns out I can fit more columns this way. So the idea being that adding the height/width to the border allows me to increase or reduce the size, so I can fit more or less on screen at a time. Very cool. I'm starting to get the hang of it.

  3. 1 hour ago, C-Beats said:

    In the meantime to get around this you can set the Borders Height to 215 and Width to 460 (Steam banner dimensions) and it will force the items to be that size and stop the weird behavior you're seeing.

    If doing so I would recommend adding a Stretch value of UniformToFill to your FlowImage. I also wanted to make you aware Steam Banners is a permitted value for FlowImage so you can use that instead of Boxes to force that image type if you preferred.

    Ok I've replaced Boxes with Steam Banners, like this? <coverFlow:FlowImage ImageType="Steam Banners" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>

    However I'm not certain how to add the "Borders Height" you mentioned. Is this right? <Border Height="215" Width="460" BorderThickness="30">

    Using that, the sizing is uniform, but it seems to mess up the zoom/spacing so every image is far apart again. May have to re-tweak the other settings to fit it.

    1 hour ago, C-Beats said:

    but having difficulty tracking down the cause.

    Perhaps worth noting, I am seeing the stretching behavior in The POC theme as well. However it tends to correct the image sizes automatically after about one second of being on the screen.

  4. New issue/question, not sure if this is a bug report or just something wrong with my xaml.

    With only the minimal changes noted above, I'm noticing this odd issue. When I start scrolling down the rows, every very bottom row seems to have its images stretched.


    However, as soon as I move in any direction, left/right/up/down, that bottom row within view will correct itself, but then I move down another row, and the row below that will be stretched too, until I move left/right/up/down.. Example below, I moved down one and up one again, the stretching is gone.


    Also note, if I move all the way to the bottom, all rows remain correctly sized, until I hit ESC to exit this screen, then go back in, the stretching happens all over again.

    Attached my xaml file in case it's easier to look at that way.


  5. 17 hours ago, nicolasonline said:

    1. You said you changed the Orthographic camera position from 0,0,5 to -1,0,5. Try to change that back to 0,0,5 as from my experience it can affect the behavior of the grid different the more games are added/removed. the only thing you should be changing to adjust the view spacing for a cleaner one-size fits all should be the Width property within the orthographic camera. Try it that way and see if you can get the same result by keeping 0,0,5.

    Hmm. I tried leaving this at 0,0,5. However the columns are shifted left. The leftmost column is cut off and there is blank space on the right side. This is fixed with using -1,0,5. Not sure if it matters, but I'm running at res 3840 × 2160.


    17 hours ago, nicolasonline said:

    2. To have the initial screen start with rows at the top you need to add a property called NavigationRow or NavigationRows="1" I forgot which one it is I'm not on my PC right now. It should be in the documentation PDF that's included in LaunchBox/Themes/

    Perfect! I used the Find In Files feature of Notepad++ to see how it was done in other themes I have (e.g. The POC) and mimic'd the format. The winning number was NavigationRows="-3", that made the top row always start cleanly at the top!

    17 hours ago, nicolasonline said:

    3. To disable the fading you need to delete the lines that mention the Style Trigger for xxxIsRow="boolean" and opacity="0.2" or something like that as I recall. You can also change the border selector color within that same style trigger noted just above. You can look up "hex color code" online and find the color you want and just plug that in where it says "white" I think is the default.

    I found it now. <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Transparent"/><Setter Property="Opacity" Value="1"/>   the value was 0.2 and I changed it to 1, now all rows are fully opaque! Just what I wanted.

  6. Another question for anyone who may know:  Is it possible to disable the fading of the rows above and below the current one? See screenshots above. I'm looking through the WallGamesView.xaml file but nothing sticks out to me as the control for this.

    And, to have the initial screen start with rows at the top, rather than in the middle of the screen?

  7. Brilliant, thank you. I'm crafty with Notepad++ and was able to find and make the change right away. I reduced the spacing just fine.

    I changed the columns number to reduce from 7 down to 6, however all it does is make a blank space where the 7th column was. It does not resize everything to be bigger. Any ideas?


    Update: I figured it out. I was able to "zoom" the screen using the orthographic camera section below where the spacing is. Changed position from 0,0,5 to -1,0,5 and width from 15 to 12.5. Result below:


  8. I have a question, sorry if this is not the right place to ask:

    Is it possible / how do I reduce the amount of space between items in a wall view?

    For instance, I am using the Default bigbox theme (although same goes for The POC, etc) and I am using this for displaying the Steam Banner of games (I do not use box art for browsing games, I use LB/BB primarily for PC games).

    Wall 1 shows the Steam Banners as expected, however there is a lot of blank spacing between them. Screenshot below, I want the banners touching at all sides, so that more are on the screen at once.


    Wall 2 is a bit different, it appears to be a gameplay screenshot with a logo on top, with less spacing between. I like this spacing. However I want Wall 1 to have this type of minimal spacing.


    An extension of my first question is this: Can I change how many columns there are, to allow each banner to be bigger?

  9. Hey long time no talk @srxz hope you're well. I just found a new URL that something is different about, the plugin crashes when loading it. Let me know if you want me to test anything for you:

    URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1004750/

    • Error: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
    • App:     LaunchBox
    • Version: 9.10
    • Type:    System.FormatException
    • Site:    System.DateTime ParseExact(System.String, System.String, System.IFormatProvider)
    • Source:  mscorlib
  10. Update: I just found where this was already acknowledged yesterday:

    Original post: I just found a regression bug. I was on Launchbox 8.7 prior to upgrading to 9.0b4 just now (not sure which version in between this was introduced).

    When in a "smart playlist" aka a Playlist with Auto-Populate conditions, if you changed an aspect of a game that auto-populates, the playlist itself no longer updates to add or remove the games based on that criteria.

    Example: I have a Playlist with Auto-Populate on "Date Added < 2 days" and "Source = Is Empty" I use this for initial game imports that have not been updated by me manually. I always put the game URL in the Source field, and once I do, Source is no longer empty, the game should be automatically removed from this playlist. In 8.7, as soon as you saved a game with something in Source, it would be removed from the Playlist, but now when you save the game, it does not automatically remove itself.

    I have tried many things, and the only way I have found to remove a game from a playlist is to modify the Auto-Populate settings of the playlist. If I change/add/remove a line, then save the Playlist, it updates the playlist to correctly remove the games that do not match.

    Please let me know if you want me to test anything else for you. I really need this feature back, as I use this Playlist for an Automation script I wrote for updating newly imported games. Thank you.

  11. 17 hours ago, srxz said:

    Added you on Discord, the gathering of the information is complete, got everything I think, later this week I will start the plugin itself, information so far:



    Looking good! It's awesome that you were able to parse the data out.

    Are genres pulling over? I'm not seeing them in your cmd window, unless I'm just missing it.

    I can't tell you how excited I am for this ?

    Ready to beta test anytime, DM me!

  12. Yessir that's exactly it. Launchbox calls that a "Steam Banner" or "Banner", because technically the game also has a "Logo" like this:


    Which you'll find here: https://steamdb.info/app/764790/info/

    Logos could be useful for Big Box mode, and if possible would be nice to have. By the way, I just tested a theory and it worked: If you drop an image into an image category folder, i.e. ..\LaunchBox\Images\Windows\Clear Logo\North America\ and name it GAME-01.jpg or .png, LB will auto-recognize it as that image type. So this may be how to get multiple image types for a single game!

    Side note: The Messenger is a fun little game, played about an hour of it so far, retro feel and good sense of humor

  13. I agree, a bulk feature doesn't seem necessary, at least at first. Maybe later it's feasible to add a bulk feature that limits itself somehow, i.e. only processes 20 per hour (ish). But having a plugin that scrapes games individually I believe would be higher priority.

    When you mentioned Game logo, are you talking about the Steam banner? If not, the banner is certainly important too. Personally I use Banners as the primary view for Windows based games. Grabbing them manually has been a huge hassle (one that I've tried to alleviate with WinAutomation). I'm most excited about the Banner and the Video ?

    Other than the banner, maybe Genre(s)? That all sounds like an excellent foundation for a plugin.

    I understand, life comes first. What's your discord 4 digit tag? I'll add you. Mine is #4024 (same username as I am here)

  14. That's a great idea. You think Steam might block? Is it parsing as if it were a web browser, if so then how could they block you?

    I wonder if you could grab certain details from the Steamdb.info, which does not seem to have Videos and perhaps other details, but as a backup?

    Personally, the most important details to scrape would be the video, photos, short description, possibly genre and date released. However if all details are possible then of course that.

    Update: Just found these two links, I wonder if they would help:




  15. 1 hour ago, srxz said:

    @Kondorito @fawkesyeah could you guys please test it with 8.7 I have uploaded the new version 

     I couldn't test with the videos, i guess my license expired and video doesn't show anymore??!!? But I verified that the video throwing error got downloaded.

    Also thank you @fawkesyeah for the idea to put Vive games to Launchbox, I have hundreds of them out of steam and sometimes it's just a nightmare to know what to play.

    That fixed it! At least for this specific youtube video which was not working before, is working with this update. I'll have faith for now it'll keep working, I appreciate you taking the time! ?

    Also yes using Launchbox for VR/Vive/Occulus games is pretty slick. I love having the YT videos for any/all my games for getting inspired to play.

    Lastly, question for you @srxz. How easy or challenging do you think it would be to make a plugin similar (or modify this one?), but for scraping Steam videos instead? Sometimes I am on a Steam game page, and grabbing the trailer from there directly is more convenient. Curious your thoughts?

    • Like 1
  16. 3 minutes ago, Kondorito said:

    What is the URL you are pasting in the box that triggers the above error? It should not have any extra specifications (i.e. when you play a youtube video from a specific time, it adds an &timer or something similar).



    This is exactly the URL as I am pasting it in, then it errors as above: (note, the syntax of the URL is exactly the same as other, working URLs)

  17. This plugin seems to be broken for certain Youtube video links.

    For instance, this video will download fine (along with many others):

    ..But then this video will throw an Error and will not download:


    Could not find the entry function for signature deciphering.
    App:     LaunchBox
    Version: 8.7
    Type:    YoutubeExplode.Exceptions.ParseException
    Site:    Void MoveNext()
    Source:  YoutubeExplode
       at YoutubeExplode.YoutubeClient.<GetVideoPlayerSourceAsync>d__37.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
       at YoutubeExplode.YoutubeClient.<GetVideoMediaStreamInfosAsync>d__40.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
       at YoutubeScraper.Youtube.<youtubeAsync>d__4.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
       at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
    Recent Log:
       10:32:50 AM Music.Prepare Start
       10:32:50 AM Music.Kill Start
       10:32:50 AM Music.Kill Finished
       10:32:50 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       10:32:50 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       10:32:55 AM Music.Prepare Start
       10:32:55 AM Music.Kill Start
       10:32:55 AM Music.Kill Finished
       10:32:55 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       10:32:55 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       10:32:56 AM Music.Pause Start
       10:33:01 AM Music.Prepare Start
       10:33:01 AM Music.Kill Start
       10:33:01 AM Music.Kill Finished
       10:33:01 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start
       10:33:01 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke WPF
       10:33:01 AM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove
       10:33:01 AM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach
       10:33:01 AM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free
       10:33:01 AM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction
       10:33:13 AM Exception

    Can you please help me determine what is going on and/or how to resolve this? I am using Launchbox 8.7.

  18. Is there already a feature like this, or should I submit a feature request?

    Can each Platform/Category have its own spacing? For computer games, I use wide steam banners, but for console games, I use tall box art. Having uniform spacing causes one or the other to look bad. If they can be separately spaced, that would be fantastic.

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